Why Are Kul Tirans So Tall?

Kul Tirans are 8 feet tall. Why?


This has always bothered me. They are humans, right? But somehow taller than worgen and almost the same height as female tauren?! I hate it.

It’s that hearty sea air that you don’t get anywhere else in Azeroth.

Also steroids.


They’re just built different.


Most likely they have more Vrykul blood in them. Its the same as the Alterac clan they were the less mutated versions. There is also a high chance they interbred with the Drust/thronespeakers. Add in 2700 years of select breeding its like how we have lots of different variety of humans on Earth due to locations.


Humans, just like IRL, have a lot of variation in their heights. They aren’t related to the Drust, that was debunked awhile back when Blizz said the theory wasn’t true.

It’s likely just how their model happened to turn out, going for the plus sized look. Not sure how lore accurate it is. They’re normal humans though and for RP you can say your height is whatever you want.

Lore wise Worgen are 8 feet tall but Blizzard has us stuck at 6 feet 10 inches in game. Gosh darn it Blizzard at least give us the Lore correct size. Its your own damn lore after all.


They eat a lot of seafood

Island gigantism.


The functioning theory is it’s related to the Drust with the Thornspeakers settling with the humans.

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oh! cause some of the original kul’tirans inter-bred with the native drust, and since the drust are vrykul, ‘n’ the original kul’tirans were gilnean-humans, the current kul’tirans are bigger and taller!

well… most of them are. some are scrawny stickmen and ‘normal’ sized humans… but we don’t get to play as them.


I wouldn’t mind an in-game model of the skinny hunched over humans in Kul’Tiras.

well, since female forsaken already have that skeleton, i don’t think it’s likely. i mean… i want’em too, just… y’know, unlikely.

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The original concept was the fat humans and skinny humans being a variation of humans (art team was comparing to zandalar having variations of trolls) before the community argued they were a different race.

just look at African people compared to Asian, both human in every way one is clearly taller and bigger than the other. (on average)

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do you have the citation for this

There was an interview awhile back where they said the diversity was just to add flavor to the place, not for a greater reason like a biological difference.


Chaud: Are Thin Humans going to be an Allied race, are they NPCs, what’s the weird, thin Human model?

Travis: So, Thin Man and Fat Man are what we call them internally. And no, they’re not intended to be a different race, [they’re] just variants on Kul Tirans. So, generally, when we’re spawning up Kul Tiras on the design side, we looked at using them as kind of our… maybe it’s a little bit like, ‘The big guy’s the bouncer!’ Or, ‘The big guy’s the ruffian who’s got a little guy up by the neck! And then the little guy’s more the scoundrel and they’re always holding daggers or leanin’ up against something,’ and, I don’t know, it just gives us a little more flavor and texture to the world.


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i dont see anything debunking the drust connection and the larger kul tiran variant. just a confirmation that they arent intended to be a different race(WELL DUH)

Makes no sense… especially after they made it clear they are merely human and no Drust inheritance.

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The meaning’s still clear I think though. Blizz didn’t intend them to be anything other than humans with natural variation. And nothing in game suggests they actually are descended from Drust. So it’s no reason to make that link. If it was a real plot point it’d have been brought up somewhere.