Why Are Kul Tirans So Tall?

Because they should have been vrykul.


Lots of vitamin sea.

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Ever seen the giant Galapagos tortoises?
They too lived on an island.

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Clearly someone at Blizzard enjoys biology.



I have a feeling that their links to the Vrykul are more recent then regular work-a-day humans that got brought south when their babies got small.

Kul’Tiras is reasonably close to the Broken isles where there’s Stormheim, but its the only island cluster (including Northrend) in that part of the world where there isn’t someplace with a heavy Vrykul influenced area.

I think its because they just kind of sailed, farmed and netflixed together into the awesome haymakers we know and love today ^.^

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a splinter group of drust(vrykul) called the thornspeakers left and joined kul tiran humans. this is where the speculation of why there is a large kul tiran human variant originated from. breakcog and evani touched on it earlier which you ignored. all blizzard said was that they are still considered human

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They ate their broccoli.

I still say they are part Drust, even if that hasn’t been confirmed. The lore runestones around Drustvar imply it pretty heavily.