Why are in-game shop items looked down upon?

They aren’t looked down on at all. They are highly desired, that is what mostly fuels that negative behavior because some people are jealous and poor and can’t get them.

I agree with most things should be earned in-game and Blizzard puts a very small amount in the in-game shop. Compared to other games like FFXIV, the WoW shop is the least offensive, imo. Interesting how you noted western audience as well. I’d like to ask those on the opposite side of the world how they react to micro-transaction, seems a lot of gamers accept them more freely on that side of the world.

The shop is optional and it does nothing to get you ahead so I could care less if people use it. One could argue tokens give you a supposed advantage but I do not see it.

I think I know the answers, but I like to hear what others have to say as well. It’s in no way to create drama, a discussion is all I’m asking.

Another :poop:post made by the :poop:poster

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So there was not enough answers on your last post


At this point you just trolling

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Maybe someday GD will learn about this one

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Pets and mounts are cool…period

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He mentioned Western audience because pay to win and or pay to progress started in eastern regions. This wasnt the case in the Western regions where we had the idea that If we already pay for the copy of a game, pay the subscriptions, we have access to everything that comes with it.

It didnt help that they started only making prettier mounts and mogs and best pets only available to purchase and making mounts in game without purchase look less pretty.

Point is, when you spend $75 usd on a game and already try and find time to play micro transactions are not needed. Most think why all these micro transactions are placed is to feed into Activision’s CEO’s allowance which is like 31 million a year?


I rarely use this word, but in this case it applies…elitism.
Im better than you because I WORKED for my mount while you just used $25 real money to buy yours.

but…wait…you worked for that $25 so…

Agreed, I think without the shop we wouldn’t have the piggy mount or any chinese themed ones ever year. They also go on sale fairly which I take advantage of most often. I also love the billy/goat pet and I got that when it was part of the charity bundle.

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personally, I play this game a lot. Im for anything short of breaking the law that keeps those servers up and running. Even if it means buying a mount or a pet here and there.

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I guess I just find it weird how people think that way when its completely optional. I don’t get on my store-mount piggy because I think it looks elite or prestige, i use it because I like the way it looks. I have mounts that I got through rare drops and achievement related mounts as well. I’ve never once got on a mount just to impress someone lol.

$25 is also a drop in the bucket, basically think of it as the price of a large pizza and drink lol. On sale they’re $12. I really don’t mind supporting the game and I think I get my moneys worth. I think of it this way, a single-player game lasts for 20-80 hours around there. WoW has lasted me like 20x that amount so far. WoW is much cheaper than buying a new $60 game every month (even with store-bought items).


yeah. If I like something, Im buying it. I have the cash and if I want it, its mine. I couldnt care less if someone else has a problem with it.
There have been posts in here about people literally being kicked from group content over game store purchases. VERY childish if you ask me.

I like that Quilen mount. when they had the half price sale the wife and I both bought it. We both love anything Mists related or looking.
I really dont care what someone thinks when Im using it lol.

First world problems, ya know…

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Back in the day…each racial mount you purchased was for that character only, we didn’t have the benefit of present day account shared mounts. As I said in an earlier post, my first Belf got her hawkstrider. Riding that dam bird for hours with its choppy gate gave me horribly headaches. A friend told me about the Celestial steed in shop. I bought it and was shocked that mount was sent via mail to ALL my toons. I felt I won the lottery! Besides that, riding that wonderful pony was such a relief, no headaches! Yes, friends of mine called me “rich” “spoiled” etc. I did care. I am an adult, work hard in rl, bought me a tool that made my game play more pleasurable. Isn’t that what really matters?! Having fun? :grin: :horse_racing:

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I have also read several places that the Eastern gaming world is much more accepting of paying for power models. I don’t know first hand though.

I’m curious to know why that is if it’s true. I think more games are free to play on the eastern market so more are willing to pay for the conveniences. Also I’ve heard the mobile market is much more popular there than in the west.

It’s just the poors who are jealous cause they can’t afford the shop items.

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because it’s a subscription-based game.

every time they add something to the store that’s something that could have been in game.

So what? Most games have an in game shop. Wow barely has anything and it’s all cosmetics. I want them to add more quality stuff so I can help support the game.