I’ve noticed that whenever there’s suggestions to add in-game shop items that have no affect outside of cosmetics, the community gets into a heated argument or they get made at the players who buy into the shop and blame them for the way the game is. I for one hope they keep adding into the in-game shop because without it, we wouldn’t have the 6 month sub promotions, less in-game mounts,toys,pets and transmogs and I’m happy to support this game in any way I can. Blizzard also puts a portion towards charities and in-game events such as tournaments and other activities.
Without the in-game shop, there would be less content overall in the game and there would be less going to charities and other in-game events. As long as the shop is cosmetics only, I hope there are more interesting transmogs and mounts (also love the transmorpher beacon toy). It’s always included in my 6 month sub, I save money and get a free in-game item. I say that’s a win-win. For those complaining about the in-game shop, why? Does it really affect you in any way?
I think you know the answer to all of these questions and made this thread to create drama.
How many of these similar types of thread’s you going to post about the in game shop…
GO home you drunk
The mentality in the western MMORPG gaming world is that items should be earned and not purchased to be of value. Pay-to-win stigma is often associated with any in-game shop regardless of whether the items have any real impact.
Some players believe it is supporting an obvious cash grab to have an in-game shop for a game that already requires players to buy the expansions and pay a sub fee. They do not want to support that model.
Additionally, many players believe that buying mounts/appearances from the shop encourages the developers to put more items locked into purchase only status, rather than allowing players to earn them in game.
Now, the real question why am I not able to order food off the in game shop…
I would order a good BLT with not so crispy bacon… romaine lettuce, a nice not to ripe tomato… And a nice chipotle ranch Mayo
They aren’t looked down on at all. They are highly desired, that is what mostly fuels that negative behavior because some people are jealous and poor and can’t get them.
I agree with most things should be earned in-game and Blizzard puts a very small amount in the in-game shop. Compared to other games like FFXIV, the WoW shop is the least offensive, imo. Interesting how you noted western audience as well. I’d like to ask those on the opposite side of the world how they react to micro-transaction, seems a lot of gamers accept them more freely on that side of the world.
The shop is optional and it does nothing to get you ahead so I could care less if people use it. One could argue tokens give you a supposed advantage but I do not see it.
I think I know the answers, but I like to hear what others have to say as well. It’s in no way to create drama, a discussion is all I’m asking.
post made by the
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So there was not enough answers on your last post
At this point you just trolling
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Maybe someday GD will learn about this one
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Pets and mounts are cool…period
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He mentioned Western audience because pay to win and or pay to progress started in eastern regions. This wasnt the case in the Western regions where we had the idea that If we already pay for the copy of a game, pay the subscriptions, we have access to everything that comes with it.
It didnt help that they started only making prettier mounts and mogs and best pets only available to purchase and making mounts in game without purchase look less pretty.
Point is, when you spend $75 usd on a game and already try and find time to play micro transactions are not needed. Most think why all these micro transactions are placed is to feed into Activision’s CEO’s allowance which is like 31 million a year?
I rarely use this word, but in this case it applies…elitism.
Im better than you because I WORKED for my mount while you just used $25 real money to buy yours.
but…wait…you worked for that $25 so…
Agreed, I think without the shop we wouldn’t have the piggy mount or any chinese themed ones ever year. They also go on sale fairly which I take advantage of most often. I also love the billy/goat pet and I got that when it was part of the charity bundle.
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personally, I play this game a lot. Im for anything short of breaking the law that keeps those servers up and running. Even if it means buying a mount or a pet here and there.
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