Why are Horde more successful than Alliance at raiding and PVP?

Yes it is more interesting to be a part of the horde. The alliance never has internal conflict which is boring. The day that an alliance noble hero flips off Anduin and fights to gain the throne I will play alliance. Until then its too boring and unrealistic of a story. Varian Wrynn was a strong and noble leader, Anduin is a weak one that Blizzard should dethrone, even if temporarily. His multiple blunders in BFA is more than enough to warrant him stepping down. Its about time the Alliance received the horde treatment.

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huh? For a while the strength of humans made ali pretty popular for competitive pvpers.

If Alliancesppent less time crying about how Horde are better and spent that time grinding and learning mechanics and how to maximize their classes potential they’d be able to shorten the gap.

Crying isn’t very productive.


I remember the horde crying about PvP in WoD all day instead of shorting the gap. Why can’t we do it too?


You can. Remember what happened in wod when Horde cried about the op emfh racial? 95% of all teams for all brackets were dominated by Alliance.

So cry all you want, it won’t get you anywhere.


Yeah and then Legion came in and they nerfed a racial which according to the horde racials don’t matter.

But wierd huh, horde can cry about them but no the alliance?

Maybe if the alliance cries as much as the horde back in WoD, something is change for the next expansion. I mean the tears worked for the horde.


See what you’re doing right now is crying Horde bias. I know it’s almost unconscious for you, but you got to stop that.


Our players are better at WoW

Alliance players are better at pokemon.


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If Alliance players think there’s a disparity, then they should absolutely bring it up.

The problem for the Alliance is that they ONLY blame racials for everything. This flies in the face of the facts, though. Horde was punching above its weight even when its racials were terrible. Remember when Berserking’s haste buff was dependent on how close to death you were? Or when Alliance players kept laughing about how Beast Slaying was the worst racial in the game? Or when Arcane Torrent required 3 Mana Taps before it could be used? Horde did very well even when their racials stank.

That’s the problem. The Alliance echo chamber keeps beating the drum of RACIALS RACIALS it’s all about RACIALS and ignores the real-world elements that have always made Horde more successful than its population or gameplay would justify. Now that Horde is (for the first time ever) the most populous faction, and the racials are balanced (check the math if you want to confirm that), the advantages of the Horde playerbase are really coming to the fore.

The eternally diminishing playerbase doesn’t help, either. I doubt WoW even has enough people anymore to maintain 2 factions in competitive PvE.


Im crying horde bias? where?

Im just saying that the horde tears worked. Why can we do it too? By no means im saying is bias, im just saying that if it worked once it can work again.

Because again, i don’t remember the horde closing the gap in WoD PvP AT ALL. Horde just cried and got help by Blizzard next expansion.

No bias at all again, but it can happend again and alliance get that help with no need to close the gap at all like horde did.

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10 characters


Because EMFH not only allowed you to totally replace a trinket slot that every other race pretty much had to take, but it allowed them to use that slot for an on-use trinket that made their burst damage in a meta where burst was everything even better.

There wasn’t outplay potential, it was just better in every possible way.

What’s the problem with Horde now, in comparison? A zandi ran from you and healed? Boo hoo.


I can agree with you upon that, the thing is that racial were a reason why a lot of high end guilds switched back in Cata and that just trickled down to today.

Agree completely, racials are pretty balanced right now. The problem is how long it took.

For me the advantage the trickle down it happend during years on the high PvE community.

I agree with this too.

But for me the problem Mr. Cow is that some people talk about “closing the gap” like that rogue. Again, where was the horde closing the gap in WoD PvP? Because i didn’t see it in game, i saw it in the forums with tons of threads.

Let’s pretend Horde racials weren’t giving an edge back in Cata and MoP, you know the 2 expansions were a lot of alliance high end PvE guilds and players started switching to horde for it.

I believe racials are pretty balance right now, but they weren’t in the pass. As you said EMFH in PvP gave alliance an advantage in PvP in WoD, but we can’t say the same about horde racials PvE wise in Cata or MoP?

Because that just sounds like hypocrisy to me.

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They gave you an advantage, the entire meta was not defined by them.

Go and look at the ladders from back then, count the humans. MoP and Cata were not that insane.


So if the ladder was fill with humans because it was the meta, right?

But if the PvE ladder was fill with horde guilds there is not a meta?

So the alliance dominating PvP for 1 expansion was “wrong” or “bad” for the game. But the horde dominating PvE for a long time is not?

Again it sounds like complete hypocrisy to me.

The nature of PVP made it a much larger issue than in PVE, especially with the lack of any downsides whatsoever.

There’s no racial in the game that will make your guild kill mythic Grong if you are too inept to kill mythic Grong. Enough excuses.


Again, i said and i will repeat. Racials are balanced right now.

They werent in the pass, is that hard to get? Because if you tell me that’s not true then i say bring back WoD EMFH because racials don’t make a difference.

Why are we talking, then?

No, but it’s irrelevant. If they’re balanced now, no amount of tears is going to change that. So it being unbalanced in the past is pointless to bring up.

It did for the horde for PvP. You can’t denie it no matter how much you try.