Why are Horde more successful than Alliance at raiding and PVP?

Alliance players hate PvPing. After EMFH got nerfed, there was no reason to be forced to play alliance anymore and everyone went horde.

Now you have Blizzard having to give alliance free heroic raiding gear and 50% honor buffs 24/7 just to get them to PvP at all. :roll_eyes:


What was that years ago about no one playing Horde and they desperately needed Blood Elves to bring people over? :thinking:

Come on buddy, let’s not do this.

Alliance tears have outnumbered Horde tears over racials for longer than one expansion. They’ve been nerfed to the ground repeatedly. WoD numbers don’t lie though. But here we are, 2 expansions later, still discussing EMfH.

Maybe this is the real reason Alliance is losing players. I’d rather play my faction, than be obsessed with what the other faction has/is doing.


For all i know we can agree to never talk it again, never touch the faction imbalance and just let alliance die.

I actually used this service sale to transfer some toons to the horde. Why wouldnt i? Every time this topic is brought up you just gonna have horde players saying there is none.

Maybe because we had only had 1 expansion? Hell to this day i don’t get it why it was nerfed, why we couldnt leave horde as the PvE faction and alliance as the PvP faction.

But that ain’t good for the horde players, so as i said just let the alliance die.

“Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.”
-Dark Helmet


And as I said, even back then Horde was punching above its weight, which was the entire point of my post.


“Punching above its weight” is something you keep saying, but you have yet to even explain what you mean. Are you talking raiding? PvP? Population? And are you just comparing it to Alliance back then? If so… And Horde were outnumbered in all activities… How is that “punching above its weight” exactly?

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People have already said it, but I’ll say it again and maybe try and explain it a bit. The Horde is more successful because the Horde is more successful. It’s a self-sustaining system.

The nature of the end-game is cooperative. If you are a player, looking to play the high-end of any end game activity in WoW, you are probably willing to do a faction change. People that aren’t willing to do a faction change, are probably not as good. They, most likely, have some reason that isn’t tied purely to reaching the top of the leaderboards tying them to the faction. That’s always going to hold them back.

Anyone saying it has anthing to do with aesthetics should be ignored, because they’re dumb. High-end players do not care about aesthetics, they care about being the best. They will do whatever it takes to get there.

Anyone whining that Blizzard hasn’t fixed it yet should be ignored, because they’re dumb. It’s almost the nature of the game for this sort of thing to happen. I believe it’s tied to the fundamental design of needing other players to do content. Not to say that requiring community is a bad thing, just stating that it does have this affect (effect?).

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I don’t think that’s accurate at all. Plenty of Alliance like to PvP, they just do it for fun more than than for competing and treat it as a smaller part of a larger game. Horde PvPers on the other hand tend to be more blinders-style “PvP or death” sorts who avoid the rest of the game as much as possible.

Alliance overall has more “all-rounders” that play the game as a whole while Horde has more specialists.

Can’t argue with this, I love Pokémon :purple_heart:

Ah, the all not too rare 1 IQ post.

Not all Alliance players hate PvPing. I’m literally proof of it, I have warmode on all the time and camp people and I have 3 characters with Horde Slayer.

This is funny because the only reason why people play Horde is ultimately because of how good racials were. This is why top guilds prefer the Horde, and they’ve even admitted so.


Only 2-3 race options on alliance are humans.

Stop spreading fake news.

ilvl 385 is heroic raiding gear? Besides that only happens when the warmode bonus is >= 20% for that faction.

Also the honor buffs for regular BG’s is to try and get more people to do instanced pvp. Horde can get the honor buffs as well by going merc mode and doing bg’s as alliance.

So what are you complaining about really?

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I remember this, at the end of WoD, running around doing my AH thing and it being a total ghost town. Whereas, the day before, the server had been absolutely bonkers packed, because a streamer had been doing some world pvp thing. (Yes, this was a pvp server back then, and yes the streamers name began with an S, supposedly).

According to trade chat, most of the high end pvp’ers had faction changed to horde, due to racials. Tons of people followed them.

I didn’t much care, since it helped remove a lot of the lag fest sessions that would happen when scores of people would descend for world pvp. I just wanted to make my gold, running back and forth between the bank and the ah.

I do remember how much of a night and day difference it was, though.

It’s hard to keep up in PvP when you’re this overweight.

Except that Horde was doing very well at raiding even when Horde racials were bad, such as Burning Crusade.

So no, that’s not the case.


When you log in with a Horde toon you get the following buff in real life: “You feel 50% more confident, and your hunger for glory is increased by 300%, because you are in the Horde now.”

Self fulfilling prophesy.

People want to be the best raiders, or PVPers, so they faction change to Horde. They then are the best, because they really want to be (not just because they changed to Horde.)

Everyone says stuff like, “Yeah, but the BEST raiding groups are Horde!”

Yes, but are YOU in the best raiding guild/group because YOU changed to Horde?

Are you in a higher ranked raiding guild/group as Horde, than the highest ranked/whatever Alliance raiding group/guild? I bet you are not, so how is Horde making you bettter?

I wonder if Kul’Tiran will change some of this, in PVP, punching people around (haymaker?) I’m not sure of how that stuff works.

It’s good to be evil.

The Alliance was doing very well during Classic. Then a suddenly when the Horde were given Blood Elves the amount of people going towards the Horde increased significantly as well.

Your counterexample literally doesn’t mean much when top guilds have conceded that their faction choice is dependent on which is optimal.

Try again fam.