Probably beating a dead horse here, but yeah these should come back… Many of us spent a long long time farming the gold and upgrading those over the years. and now they’re basically useless. The set bonuses are a joke. I get they wanted to help new players in but screwing over the core fanbase is not the way to do it.
They put a panda incharge of Heirloom development.
Here you go:
I just leveled a character from 1 to unlock the human heritage armor (took about 2 days of casual play), and I used heirlooms upgraded to 3/5. With how fast leveling goes now and the gear thrown at you via quests, I think it was a waste of gold to upgrade them as far as I did.
Those prices are clearly meant to get alt lovers to buy a WoW token to sell.
They’re not that expensive. They’re just not* intended for new players.
*added the missing word
Question, as I have used heirlooms to level, but never upgraded them. So, do they maintain their upgrade when assigned to a new player alternate or do you have to re-upgrade them again for every alternate you make?
… What? How are Heirlooms intended for new players? It costs like almost 200k to max out a set + weapons to just 60.
Heirlooms are meant for Alt lovers. New players aren’t the ones having a maxed character, to afford this, and making a bunch of alts.
They maintain their level regardless of which character you make it for.
Though I’m unsure if you need to destroy it then re-use it in your collections tab to get it up to the current max level you unlocked for it if you already had one made before buying the upgrade.
Leveling TOO fast is actually a determent as you get stuck with horrible gear in non-heirloom slots.
Woops, I left a word out of my post! I meant to say they’re just not* intended for new players.
Make sense.
Speaking of that… Why is Working Better as a Team still required to get the Heirloom pants? It makes no sense.
It’s not even account wide so if you get it on Horde you still need to get it on the Alliance.
Pretty much in regards to the removal of the exp bonus is that they baked alot of the exp bonus and gains into the level rework. As such where it is extremely fast to go from 1 to 60 (speed runners are hitting 3 hours and most people I know usually takes them 6 to 10 hours as long as they arent sidetracked with leveling professions).
Where they removed the exp component they wanted the heirlooms to still feel special so gave them a set bonus. They are still very useful because you are leveling so fast you dont need to worry about those armor slots to upgrade.
On another note, the Heirloom Maps (now Scouting Maps) no longer just unlock a few flight points but every flight point on the continent it is for AND reveals the entire map in that area! (RIP guild chat with spam when you use the Eastern Kingdoms/Kalimdor maps of getting every explore X zone achievement for them).
At this point BoA upgrades should be automatic and free.
Indeed. It’s crazy how expensive they are in a day and age when leveling is super fast. The 70 heirloom upgrade doesn’t really offer anything big either - not even an ilevel that matches World Quest drops. Heck, you can buy crafted gear off the auction house for way cheaper between 60-70.
The only ones I can see worth it is maybe that self-heal neckace heirloom (but, leveling is easy so not needed) and weapons if you want to level through Legion.
Are heirlooms that worth it now without the exp bonus? Leveling is pretty easy stuff.
In my somewhat limited experience with the ‘new’ version of them: No, they are not “worth it”.
Only the weapons (If you’re leveling in Legion) and maybe that Haste Trinket and the Necklace as it has a big heal on it On Use.
The Scout Maps are way more useful.
I haven’t heard of those. What do the maps do, give all FPs?
They unlock Explorer cheevos, give all FPs, and fill out the Map for you.
You need to have gotten the cheevo already on one character to purchase them but they act as Toys that you can use on any character after you get them. They’re 10k each.
Great for annoying places like Shadowlands or BFA.