Ok, i did see them in the TW vendor. Good to know, thanks.
You don’t need to destroy them to re use in collection
You can get them at the Heirloom person as well.
I would suggest there as Gold is way easier to get than TW badges.
I gave up on heirlooms no experience and I don’t see why I just can’t buy one thing to upgrade to max imagine just making it over annoying having to buy multiple. I did do a couple upgrades this week cause tw badges are just sitting there collecting with nothing else to spend them on cause they never add something new and it’s quite easy to get what they got to offer.
10.1 sounds about right, they usually wait until the .1 patch to implement the next upgrades.
I don’t know why they cut off at 9 rather than 10 on the end of their level cycle, but the reason they took the xp bonus out of them is because they made leveling crazy fast to begin with, so there’s not real need for it to have an XP boost.
Yeah, those go toward mounts, lol. I really wish those were account bound.
The rested exp thing seems like a waste to me. If I’m actively leveling, i have no rested. Maybe for characters that get parked a week at a time, and played for a few days, but if i set out to level something, i just do it.
I agree, but it can be a nice little boost at the beginning if you create a batch of characters, log into them and get to an inn or city, and park all of them until you’re ready to play them. Or if you were playing and then maintenance happened. only gets a small portion of a level’s worth, but it is better than nothing.
This is actually a solid point, but it shouldn’t be up to blizz to make that decision. Can just buy some blue gear off the AH at 70
And Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor because of how massive they are
They work THROUGH the -9 level; once you cap out that bracket they stop.
When the bracket was current, capping out eliminated the further need for the boost.
That horse’s surviving family also died and were promptly beaten a year ago
They need a revamp.
I’d make them so levels don’t control how far they scale, but how much bonus XP they give and tie level unlocks to how many toons you have at max level.
That way the more alts you’ve maxed the quicker it gets to level, which I think is the main issue with alts, just the same grind again.
They did that before chromie time start I have no idea why ,if they left it alone it would’ve been better than the darn scaling.
Should let folks upgrade them if they want to at the beginning of every expansion imo. Tbh the weapons, and trinks are about the only looms worth upgrading since they removed xp, and nerfed stats. The set bonus gimmick isn’t really worth it, unless you plan on parking alts randomly to let rested xp build up. Edit. Seems folks forget that you can use time warp badges to upgrade them also, if you don’t want to throw a bunch of gold at them. Might have to wait until a time walk vendor is up though, unless they changed it.
kinda afraid what the TW badge price will be looking at the gold price increase.
If you’re not speed leveling, the heirlooms are still useful so that you’re not constantly replacing gear as you level. I found that the gear is usually better than the stuff you get via questing.
My friend and I leveled some lower level characters and as we can only play about 1.5-2 hours any given night the rested bonus was a bit of a help.
It depends on play style but there is still a use, for that style of play.