Why are groups even allowed in delves?

I disagree. There are people, a lot of people who like to play solo but have others around, do events with others around but not necessarily group with them.

Usually the most common reason for this is dramatics.
When you get a group of people together, there are always going to be dramatics and blame throwing, etc… and it can get stupid fast.

After a lifetime of having to handle the complaints of the public at large, I can tell you that dramatics are extremely exhausting and can turn the most social personality into a hermit.

So stop with the “no solo play” and “I should be rewarded for having friends” nonsense.
That doesn’t make you special nor more important than anyone else.

Right, but guess what? Social dynamics are also part of the risks vs rewards equation of an MMORPG. Putting a bunch of people together can fail due to various reasons, so that ought to be worth the reward at the end for those willing to put out the effort. It’s that simple.

Nobody ever said “no solo.”

I said “nothing should be solo-only” which is what this thread wants Delves to be, and it’s pretty ridiculous. Delves are perfect for couples for example, since they get to play together without having pugs, and the content has enough teeth to be interesting.

Also my guild is completely dead since late SL, so don’t go out accusing me of being self-important. I’ve been aboard the full solo train for 3 or 4 years now.

As long as delves are reasonably soloable at the end of the season, I am completely fine with them, including group players having an advantage. (As long as it’s reasonable obviously.) If you’re truly a solo player, why do you even care that groups are more efficient in delves anyway? Just play your way and you’ll get your clear eventually.