Why are groups even allowed in delves?

They weren’t talking about how things were prior to the Hotfix.

And even in the first 2 days it’s a reach to call the scaling an exploit.

sure say anything to cover yourself

Cover what genius?

If Blizz considered it an exploit they would have rolled players back or banned them like they did to a number of WF Raiders doing the Renown exploit.

I don’t understand this sudden war against delve groups. They can be done solo, so why do you care if people have the option to do them in a group?

Because it is remarkably easy in a group with a tank. Enough so that doing it solo is doing it wrong.

I do not have an issue with people wanting to do groups, it is their money and there is nothing to stop you from doing it. However, if getting rid of groups helps them balance solo, then I am good with that. Them trying to balance it for groups seems to be making solo harder for most classes. Do they really need web bolt to be shot off every couple seconds in solo? They could have at least let it alternate between the solo player and Brann, that way Brann’s heals can keep up and I do not have to give up DPS to get out of LoS. In a group I am sure it does not single out just a single player and the group has a lot more interrupts.

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Because it’s an online game and many of us have friends we’d like to play with :stuck_out_tongue:
I swear sometimes WoW community likes to turn this game more into a job trying to min/max everything but blizzard doesn’t help with the constant rebalancing

Ok, so you’re like THE grouper huh. You sign in and immediately you’re grouped? Group your professions and quests? If you see a chest in the world, do you open it, or hesitate and group before you do it? Reputations, world quests, ect, ect.

The part you conveniently missed was me saying I think grouping is fine in Delves, but solo should be the priority.

It was always advertised as one to five player content.

No, they said group or solo.

It’s really not much of a balancing concern because delves are tuned so gently as opposed to mythic raids and push keys which are a lot more strict.

nah i did it in a group to do content with my friends. shocking i know.

Groups smaller than 5 should not need to subject themselves to filling out their group with randos to “feel seen” by the game.

Delves are awesome so long as everyone knows their limit and plays within it. Yes, the goalposts are in flux, but it literally hasn’t even been a week yet that we’ve been able to go above tier 3. Anyone sniffing 8-11 is clearly ahead of the intended pace, and not everyone will get a fair shake of it yet. It’s week 1.

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40 man doesn’t exist anymore outside Epic BG, which is irrelevant to this. If you are a LFR hero that’s you fault you deal with leech.

“Doing it wrong” implies they can’t be done solo, which is certifiably false

Because they are built that way.

“These are a variety of bite-sized experiences for one to five players, that will offer endgame rewards.”

  • Verbatim re: delves from Holly Longdale from the Blizzcon announcement of TWW.

They certainly can be done solo. It requires the recommended gear level or enough skill to compensate if below that. And to not be in a healer spec. But it’s certainly possible to solo them. Doing solo is just pointless when it could be done far more easily.

Completely winging it from the looks of things.

I get that feeling too sometimes. I don’t get the point of it. How does this affect anyone other than the people doing the Delves?

No it was not solo-only…

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Nothing in an MMORPG should be solo-only, and yes you should be advantaged for having friends and interacting with other people. Go play Diablo IV if you want an experience designed for solo players.