Why are cross realms enabled for battlegrounds and not for dungeons?

Since cross realm pvp for battlegrounds will now be a thing, which wasn’t in the original version of the game, mah communities, why not cross realm looking for group for dungeons.
Since Blizzard is going against what the original version really was, and the shark has now been jumped, there is no reason not to.


Cross realm BGs were in vanilla closer towards the end of it but it was there. Cross realm dungeons came with wrath or later.


See: https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Patch_1.12.0

Cross-Realm Battlegrounds

For the first time in the history of World of Warcraft, you will be able to face off against players from other realms in the Battlegrounds. PvP Battlegrounds link Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, and Arathi Basin so that players from several realms will be combined into one huge matchmaking pool. Replenish your mana, sharpen your blades, and get ready for some brand-new challengers!

Given the number of realms per region being so small in Classic vs. Vanilla, and that Classic WoW is focused on Patch 1.12, this is on-par and therefore entirely classic.



We’ve known this for a while.


because half wits couldn’t remember that Xrealm bgs where only ever part of vanilla in order to beta test the tech in anticipation of tbc systems where they’d actually be necessary.

and because blizzard was too lazy to even attempt to nudge people into balancing out the factions on each individual realm.


Because there is no dungeon finder to allow you to queue up with cross realm players.

BGs use a queue system. Dungeons don’t.

Good idea, we shouldnt have cross realm anthing in Classic.


This is fun. So the goal post is no longer “it wasn’t classic”, but moved down the field to “the intent behind the change was for non-classic future reasons, therefore it’s not classic”.

Some of the mental gymnastic folks do must be tiring.


Cross realm BGs were in vanilla towards the end of the xpac, it is a vanilla thing, its not going the spirit of vanilla.

Cross realm dungeon wont work without the dungeon finder, so wait until we hit WotLK, we will have LFD at the start pserver style, or it will come at the end of the xpac, but dont worry, we will get there in short order.

No mental gymnastics required, just common sense…

Vanilla had a closed realm system that worked fine, so long as the population wasn’t involved in more than the 3 primary bgs.

TBC was already being planned and designed as soon as they discovered vanilla was a success, they where adding a 4th battle ground, and 3 arena brackets… This would be more divisions of the player base than a single server could support, and thus necessitated xrealm tech be added.

Such tech was a major architectural change to their server model, and as such needed to be thoroughly tested in an environment where it could still be “turned back off” with no ill effects. It absolutely had to be working flawlessly by TBC release, and the only way to ensure there was sufficient testing and sufficient population load before TBC launch was via pushing it to vanilla realms.

Maybe you don’t remember those days well, but xrealm bgs where frequently toggled on and off back then, after they where “released”. There was simply no other time/place to test the functionality, and yet people trying to shill for it like it was some core feature of vanilla as it was designed.

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If it was in 1.12, it was in vanilla, even if you would rather it not be in the game for years, they will do what they think they need to do to keep metrics up.

PVP doesnt really matter when it comes to groups, where as dungeons, you have to build a reputation for yourself, if you are a ninja, then they have to build in a system to combat ninjas, becoming a compounding problem. Without cross realm dungeons, you have to continue to deal with the same people over and over. So if you ruin your reputation, you will have problems down the road.
If you build a good reputation, you will get groups more frequently and are trusted more.
In cross realm, more systems have to be put in place to replace players that leave, loot systems to combat ninjas, a system to ensure you have the correct balance of tank, healer, DPS.

Ninjaing is grossly over-exaggerated, in my 15 years of wow have seen less than 5 ACTUAL ninjas


Cross realm dungeons were not a thing for vanilla and will never be a part of classic. They weren’t even a part of BC.

Cross realm BGs were a thing in vanilla and will be a part of classic.

Do you guys even think or know what you’re talking about?

Even a little bit?


You’re very polite, I would have just called them stupid because they refuse to understand.

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Actually it works exactly the same, PvP also has a reputation association.

Failing to see this means you didn’t PvP much in any sort of meaningful or organized way. Unlikely you participated much at all before 1.12 enough to know better.

The amount of ninjaing that took place in Wrath when they implemented dungeon finder cross server, was absurd. IDK what you are talking about, people literally took loot to vendor. You can even find posts from back in 2011 about ninjas taking stuff with a simple google search. It would be even worse in classic since it is much more difficult to get gear.

Just imagine savage gladiator chain drops and some random roles on it, to vendor, or a HOJ and you have no recourse to black list them because they are on a different server and no one cares.

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I’m getting really tired of people being so uninformed, and / or claiming they played in vanilla while simultaneously not knowing what the H existed or was part of the game.

It’s getting damned old. It’s crossing a lot of topics and it’s very tiresome.


Never really had an issue, maybe their battle groups were just worse /shrug.

The amount of ninjaing is TINY in comparison to normal every day runs.

And if they didn’t have CR/Battle Groups, one faction for most servers will have obnoxiously long queues.