Why are casuals paying for the 1% forced ‘Raid or die’ in shadowlands?

These arguments for rigid covenants are weird

“Why are you trying to confine us with choices?”

My biggest issue is the lack of parity between M+ now and Raiding, as well as Blizzard’s massive overestimation of how many people can hit 2400 arena rating or whatever it is thats equivalent to Raiding.

Raiding is way easier than Arena. I have seen literal keyboard turners in mythic raid groups, frequently, that do in fact clear content.

Raiding has received a huge ilvl handicap forever. It wasnt a problem when we had real PVP vendors and PVP stats, but now it is a problem.

But locked covenants and conduits are a great thing, not my fault they are hurting the one good thing they are doing by pushing for raid or die

But he wants it! Life is so unfair when you have to put in effort for reward!

Don’t worry: there will be more forum threads created as OP thinks he’s going to convince Blizzard to give us another terrible participation trophy expansion like BfA.

Even a dog will stop chewing a bone when it’s down to the marrow but not OP: he just keeps going and going and going …

More proof Shadowlands is going to be raid or die:


Sounds like you should be advocating for changes to the PvP gearing system instead of complaining about how the game is “raid or die” lmao

I like turtles.

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That’s sorta funny you’d link that video… because he makes the case that M+ is still going to be a significant way to gear right in that video.

Guess it wasn’t so “raid or die” …

If you want PvP gearing fixed… it’s very… very simple. Put a PvP stat back in. Boom. PvP gear is better than PvE gear in PvP situations. Which is exactly how it should be.

So long as gear is this transferable, whichever content is the fastest to gear in will be the “required” content.

This means in shadowlands (as it was in BfA and Legion), M+ will be the de facto gearing method at the start of the gearing process, and raiding will take over at the end of the gearing process. And PvPers are getting screwed over again because reasons…


No it’s much easier to blame mythic raiders instead of identify an incredibly easy fix.

Bloody 1% !

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If anyone is interested.

This will show you the populations of MMO games. At the top, we have WoW retail at number 1 and WoW classic at number 4. If you scroll down, you will find SWTOR at rank 16. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say WoW has a superior game and the majority of that is the endgame content. It is successful. Why on earth should Blizzard change something that is working and ranks them as number 1, to something that is done by a rank 16 game. The majority of the people like endgame content. If you don’t want to do the content then this game isn’t for you. It’s not a tryhard, it’s called playing the game.

They could change it so that pvp gives a lot of versatility and either remove or lower the timegate with the covenants. But… we know that’s not gonna happen.

If all gear is the same, then the players will choose the better and fastest way to obtain it. I’m baffled Blizzard devs hasn’t realised this already.

Someone could also argue that this is not The Sims and we already have a garrison we can sit alone in and admire the view. Want player housing? Get up out of your chair and look around, unless you are playing this at Best Buy then you already have player housing.

Regarding Solo vs multiplayer- Why don’t we have the option of doing raids/dungeons with BOTS? Just make them realistic. Every so often a BOT might go AFK and not tell anyone, call everyone a noob and leave the party, or cast an AOE that pulls every add within 3 miles. Then we can all play solo.

I have 20g and a cookie that says within 30 minutes of it going live there would be a thread complaining the bots ninja’d the loot and kicked them from the party.

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Smells like ralph in here.

It’s a strange coincidence that “ralphing” is a term my friends and I used growing up meaning “to vomit.”

Pretty much what these threads make me feel like doing …

I just went to the restroom and took a Ralph.

Solo content: definitely valid in today’s MMO. I think anyone will do the group stuff once in a while but if you get tired of that and want to just chill out with solo stuff: WoW’s solo stuff has been quite baaaaaad.

We’ll see how far Torghast can carry us in SL I guess! TORGHAST, HO!

Renown gear being nerfed in Slands now. Game is officially full raid or die.