Why are boosts/carries/powerlevelers allowed, exactly?

The only people that like it are the same because without the illusion of an accomplishment they’d have nothing to sell.

LOL people flagged my original reply to you.

You understand we are calling getting carried an “illusion of an accomplishment” and that the only people that see it as an accomplishment…are the ones being carried?

You are calling being carried as “winning”.

Most others are like “no, its not. its an illusion”

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People who are so bad at the game that they have to get other people to play it for them are not “winning” anything.

People who make these kinds of threads need to wake up to that.

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You cant get as mad at Blizzard if you look at things rationally.

Dont get me wrong, they do plenty of things that justify being mad. But the key to really being anti-Blizzard is twisting everything into bad. While still playing the game.

Always has been.

Still is.

Wasn’t one of the main blizz developers selling boosts?

Again, Blizzard has celebrated people getting carried by other players. It’s not something Blizzard has ever frowned on.

First, citation needed. Second, how does that disprove carries have been a thing in the past and/or is frowned upon by the playerbase?

I already posted this link just a little bit above, but here it is again for people who don’t read threads before posting in them.

This is a celebration of people getting carried en masse to rewards they would not be able to do without peoplel carrying them.

Celebrated by Blizzard.

An Ahead of the Curve mount is not “celebrating people getting carried”. Go back into my kitchen drawer where you belong, pizza-cutter. Cheers, doomer.

Uh… yeah it is.

If you won’t read the thread, at least read the article.

Since I went to the trouble of posting it for you.


Since you requested it.

And then REFUSED to even read it.


i’m already carrying pugs in low keys, may as well get gold for it

Don’t run low keys. Problem solved.

The longest standing one in the game is that they’ve left the leveling part of the game to rot. The most we’ve gotten is a new level 1-10 zone but you’ve still got stuff like the story cohesion is a mess, scaling is broken and makes you feel weaker as you level up, etc.

Even with the way a lot of the higher end content in the game is designed, there can be quite a few hurdles put in front of a player who wants to get into it and Blizzard has no real incentive to try to make a better system because a lot of people will buy gold to bypass those hurdles.

If we really want to nitpick semantics then the win condition of any raid/dungeon is to simply beat the last boss, which they’re buying their way into.

but then arguing over the semantics of what’s “being won” is pointless anyway. It’s pretty clear we all have our own definition of what “pay to win” means and couldn’t give a toss what anybody else’s definition is.

People just shouldn’t be able to buy character power in this game. Not in any official capacity anyway, and the rules about it should actually be enforced.

That’s silly, the reason Blizzard’s staff don’t fix character leveling is because Blizzard has constant turnover and can’t even produce new expansions that actually work. The D-Team Blizzard has left to it, working on WoW, just aren’t very good at their jobs.

my alts need crests so that’s not solving anything.

There is no sense of achievement in buying a carry. It’s usually just bad players wanting an achieve to look better than they are. There’s no way someone is proud of a carry. lol

You can get the same crests from a 5 as you can a 2. I thought the challenge was the attraction here. Stop targeting dungeons that don’t actually need to be carried and then flexing that you carried them I guess?

And that is the entire issue.

We have to warp what “winning” is.

“Winning” is bragging to people about your ilvl when you cant perform

“Winning” is linking an achievement to people that dont have it. Not actually performing.