Why are BM Hunters so strong in raids?

I didn’t I am pointing out it is a flawed question given that it isn’t top performer nor did I say it should be and that ranged specs doing better in mythic raid are doing considerably better in mythic dungeons. This is why reading is fundamental. You have a conclusion already and you don’t want a real answer even though your conclusion is drawn from thin air.

My statement was as follows: Hunters are doing middle of the pack in raids – verifiably true. Hunters are doing awful in mythic plus, also verifiably true. Rogues are doing overall better in raids but also doing considerably better than hunters in mythic plus. So if you are looking for a class that “pumps” you would better currently leveling your rogue than your hunter.

If you are only concerned with doing amazing DPS on fights in which hunters do amazing DPS then play the hunter but it is pretty much a one trick pony.