Why are BM hunters so OP in raid when it comes to single target?
I’m thinking about rolling one. Are they also as strong outside of raid?
Why are BM hunters so OP in raid when it comes to single target?
I’m thinking about rolling one. Are they also as strong outside of raid?
Because they got a massive buff and even after the PvP nerfs they’re still dominating.
Because mechanics don’t affect bm hunters they have maximum uptime and blizzard in their infinite “wisdom” buffed them.
Why are rogues so strong in M+
Sorry, should I post on rogue forums?
I find it awkward that theory crafters list BM Hunters fairly low but they do pump in the current raid.
It’s less of BM over-performing and more of a lot of other class under.
A lot of sim dps is from doing a perfect rotation with 50 statement apl logic that isn’t going to be the same as what even most of the good players are pressing.
Are they though? In the 99th Percentile of parses BM is 12th. That doesn’t scream overpowered. Seems pretty midling to me. They drop to 14th in the 75th percentile. So they seem consistent, of course in Mythic Dungeons they drop to dead last in the 75th and next to last in the 99th Percentile. There are only 3 fights where they are top 3 and 1 fight where they are number 1 in the mythic raid. All 3 rogue specs place higher in the 99th percentile and the 75th percentile in mythic raid. And all 3 rogue are also top half in Mythic Dungeons in the 75th and the 99th percentile. So I would suggest sticking with you Rogue and leveling it up.
I mean… yea ?
Look at the sims : there the diff between PL BM and outlaw 280k dps on pure st :
Yet if we look at the actual candle diagram for nexus princess :
We have BM doing more dmg in median parses and only slightly less in upper %s / parses.
Lol… There is a specific reason you picked that fight, right? Come on now son, you don’t have to make stuff up and cherry pick data. It also why I specifically said 75th and 99th % since that helps to eliminate bad players of both specs.
Because the sims are for ST scenario ?
Like you do understand that part, ye ?
BM hunters are able to perform ± 100% of their ST sim performance on ST fights.
Most other classes are lagging drastically behind their sims in real world situations, that was the only argument.
That is a terrible argument and doesn’t reflect the real world scenario at all. Sims are terrible because of that. Nor is a BM doing 100% more on a single target fight.
www warcraftlogs com/zone/rankings/38#boss=2920 The best hunters are doing 1775k on the fight. So 19% not 100%. Your Sim shows Shaman doing 1591 and the best is 1903 and 17% increase. So again, my argument is that overall in Mythic raid BM hunter is a middling spec and useless in Mythic Dungeons. Your argument is that on specific fights they are better than other classes in Mythic Dungeons which I had already pointed out. So, I ask, what was your point?
But, you need exclude bad players from the equation: which is why you don’t go median, you use 75th percentile and higher. Using the chart Outlaw Rogues max dps in the 99th % is on average 1720 DPS which according to your chart is in fact not lagging behind their ST sim numbers but 100k more, BM Hunters are averaging 1660 in the 99th % which is 200k more but again. These are the very top players, using your own median numbers BM hunters are doing 1386 which is a 60k deficit from the Sim. Please learn to read numbers.
Can you read ?
“Hunters can match their sims and execute at approximately 100% sims effectiveness”
“nO HuNtErS aRe NoT doInG 100% mOrE dAmAgE tHaN sImS”
You do understand that sims aren’t showing your best damage ? They’re showing your avg damage, right ? Like do have basic understanding of sims and why comparing “best” parse isn’t a good idea ?
Best shaman sim is @ 1911 and best player is 1903
Best hunter sim is @ 1639 and best player is 1775
Yea, i’m sure that 75% of the people killing middle of the tier mythic bosses are bad players.
Again, there was no statement made that sims accurately and perfectly reflect real life.
There was a statement made that BM simply can do damage matching their sim numbers very closely, while almost all the other classes are drastically behind their potential sim dps, which is why on ST fights (which is what the sims are usually optimized for) BM is easily top5 spec, while on sims it’s the 2nd lowest one only eating aff.
Why, so i can run +3 dawnbreaker and kill 4 lfr bosses to pass you ?
I suggest you focus on finishing up your delve journey
So you literally addressed none of my points, just went on attacking? Well done sir! Again, you are misreading the data the median BM is doing less damage not more. The upper level BMs are doing more. Sims don’t matter in the long run so why bother bringing them up?
You can do a full rotation while moving, there is no downtime.
Gee i don’t know why anyone would bring up sims.
And yet – your statement isn’t correct. You keep insisting on making statements that don’t mean anything and then saying they do. They aren’t over-performing as the median average on even your ST fight is 60k below the simmed numbers. Again, hunters overall are a middling class in raids and awful in mythic dungeons. They do well on specific fights but then not so great on other ones in the raid thus they sit around 12th in Mythic Raiding. Rogues place higher on nearly all metrics in raiding and much higher in mythic dungeons
BM is 20/26 (F Tier) in 12+ keys and higher for Week 11 according to mythicstats.
They are when compared to ± every other class as a % of their sim dps.
If we look at :
SV - avg 1433 sim - 1536 (93%)
Outlaw - avg 1358 sim - 1623 ( 83%)
BM - avg 1386 sim - 1416 ( 98%)
Sin - avg 1390 sim - 1467 ( 95%)
ret - avg 1346 sim - 1493 ( 90%)
enh - avg 1331 sim - 1591 ( 84%)
Like you do see how our % is noticeably ahead of other “high” simmin specs
On a single fight. Again, that doesn’t have anything to do with this conversation. You are getting super tunnel visioned on this one single target fight. Go ahead and make a BM hunter. But this again disregards the fact that they are middling even if they are doing better relative to sims. Which has more to do with the style of the fight as in they can be at range and move while fighting than anything else. So I am again, not sure what you are talking about relative to the entire raid itself. Ansurek is considered a ST with priority adds. How are BM hunters doing on that fight compared to their sim numbers?
I am addressing the OP’s question, you are focusing on “why do they sim low but do good” and that reason is simply fight mechanics dictate a lot of what players can and can’t do and because hunters are a mobile range class that and attack and move they tend to have an advantage but they aren’t putting out the best numbers in game and since fights are relative to other classes overall they run near the middle of the pack in raid and dead last in mythic dungeons.
I did, I’m enjoying BM on mythic Queen and would rather play BM than the other classes you’ve listed.