That is great but didn’t address my question nor do I believe you since you are one of those people hiding on a level 70 alt. But even if you did, BM on queen is objectively terrible for DPS. And even if you would rather play BM doesn’t change any of the facts that I stated.
There was 0 questions in that post.
BM is objectively good at bursting down shields and being able to do priority damage. You just don’t get to pad on spiders. All while having an objectively easy time of handling majority of mechanics.
And still amongst the worst specs for the fight. So, I guess congrats on that.
This asks the question that if other classes were able to perform while avoiding, and being able to continuously attack. How far would BM be behind all other specs?
If BM’s freedom of movement is giving it an advantage over other specs cause they are forced to stop for mechanics. Then BM might have very low damage potentially.
It is a good hypothetical but I prefer to judge the game based on current results. While it is possible that hunters would be much lower (probably close to mythic dungeon level) it is hard to say. Maybe then they would be fixed? Who knows for sure. BM Hunter is fun, but it is a middle of the road spec in current content regardless of how they sim.
you were arguing against current results because it doesn’t suit your narrative though
what exactly are you asking for here
Except I am not? Reading is fundamental. BM is a middling spec overall in mythic raids and terrible in mythic dungeons. Based on actual numbers. So what result am I arguing against?
im asking you, what are your expectations? should it be a great spec in every fight type ever in raids as well as mythic+? should a fully ranged spec with 0 downtime problems realistically be a top performer in every fight?
if so, why play other rangeds that have to sometimes interrupt their gameplay to move
This has already been explained… the specs that are better than Hunters in Mythic Raids are also doing a ton better in Mythic+. Elemental Shaman, Frost and Fire Mage, Destruction and Demonology Warlock are all higher overall in Mythic Raid and each of those specs is in the top half of Mythic+ except Demonology. So what is your argument?
you completely ignored my point, I feel like this discussion isn’t going anywhere lol
I didn’t I am pointing out it is a flawed question given that it isn’t top performer nor did I say it should be and that ranged specs doing better in mythic raid are doing considerably better in mythic dungeons. This is why reading is fundamental. You have a conclusion already and you don’t want a real answer even though your conclusion is drawn from thin air.
My statement was as follows: Hunters are doing middle of the pack in raids – verifiably true. Hunters are doing awful in mythic plus, also verifiably true. Rogues are doing overall better in raids but also doing considerably better than hunters in mythic plus. So if you are looking for a class that “pumps” you would better currently leveling your rogue than your hunter.
If you are only concerned with doing amazing DPS on fights in which hunters do amazing DPS then play the hunter but it is pretty much a one trick pony.
I literally asked what are your expectations and do you feel an incredibly safe spec with none of the downsides of being a ranged DPS should be a top performer.
take your own advice then bud lol you seem to have a conclusion already to be super pissed
I asked do you personally feel a ranged spec with no ranged downsides should be a top performer. you haven’t answered it twice now.
Again – you are asking a question that no one ever implied needed to be answered. I don’t have an expectations for the class nor did I say I do. I never said Blizzard needs to change it, never said it needs to be the top performer in each fight. I am not answering your question because it simply doesn’t make sense in the context of this conversation. It is simply a loaded question trying to arrive at some sort of gottcha moment. No one is pissed. I have simply stated what the current facts of the spec are. I listed several ranged classes that have a downside, apparently, that are doing better than hunters in these fights and in mythic+ and I answered the OPs question on should they roll a hunter if they want to “pump.” Again, reading is fundamental to having a conversation, trying to bait some sort of answer isn’t.
I think you need to take a step away from the computer, someone asking you a genuine question about your thoughts in the middle of an open discussion is just that, a discussion. nobody is trying to “bait” an answer and if that’s how you view a conversation on a public forum I think you need some self reflection
bm’s design impacting it’s balance doesn’t make sense in a conversation regarding bm’s balance?
You didn’t ask about design balance, you asked what my expectations are for a no downside ranged class. Those are not the same thing. I get you are really bad at trolling, and you should try to be better, but the only person that needs to step away is you. As stated I don’t have expectations for anything nor did I imply I did. I was answering the OPs question.
Thanks for sharing your views on the matter.
I concur that sim DPS and actual DPS are totally different. You can’t base DPS numbers on sim because of mechanics. Hunters do a lot of damage because they can DPS on the move without any penalty. They’re fairly OP with the right player and can totally pump.
Some examples to consider…
Mechanics to move away from boss….
Mechanics to dodge ground fire……
Mechanics to move away from other players….
BM Hunters be like, hold my beer, I can do 100% of my DPS rotation while doing all of those.