Why are BG’s phase 3?

My main is level 46 (no alts) and I’ve been playing since release. So I’m not all about the zoom zoom style of gameplay.

However I think they should be in Phase 2 when HK gets released.



An even better idea would be to just release phase 3 when they get rid of layering and cut phase 2 completely out. All phase 2 will do is make the high level zones on PvP servers unplayable. Also MC and Ony are way too easy to be the last raid tier.


They really screwed over pvpers in classic, the fact we’re on patch 1.12 “Drums of War” which was a pvp patch, it’s pretty damn stupid we don’t have at least wsg.

Yea the HWL/GM weapons are on par with BWL weapons, they could of easily limited the rank you get to rank 6 or 7 till BWL came out so there’s no excuse on why we don’t have at least 1 BG.


We demand bwl and wsg now!!! It’s time.

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Look at this 1%er wanting to rush everyone else.

Look at this retail player trolling the forums.


I’m sorry, is this better? Of course if you are judging people based on what character they are posting on… well at least your parents will think you are normal.

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Artificial time gating, enjoy blizzard arbitrarily deciding when you get something.

If having to wait sucks maybe it makes you feel better that there are people whining because blizzard released a little content too soon for their sensibilities.

Not really, the pvp system was out before BGs in Vanilla too - thats why SS VS TM was a thing.


No thanks. I want some real world PvP for awhile before the little gameshow BGs show up permanently.


You would have two great alternatives to trolling the forums with phase 3. The first is BwL and the second is BGs.

That happened because TM/SS were major quest hubs, not because of the magic of wpvp. I guess we’ll see much TM/SS pvp actually happens now…

I think it was more because the Horde and Alliance graveyards were the closest to each other as the reason TM/SS were popular for PvP.

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Because when the game first came out, there was no PvP ranking system. Then it was added. For a time, people ranked with open world PvP, until battlegrounds were added.

The phases, for the most part, reflect the general release timeline of content in vanilla.

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I haven’t even run MC yet, and everyone else im playing with are not 60 yet, most not even above 50 even. There is still plenty of stuff i have to do also (farm mats for lionheart helm, farm for epic mount, get devilsaur set yadayada) I dont need BWL or BGs right now.

I’m sorry for those that really rushed and feel like they “completed” everything - but that’s their problem. And at this point you seem to be calling me a troll for no reason /shrug, enjoy your life, smell the roses sometime.

Because world pvp is most fun thing about classic.

Well, go do that instead of trolling the forums.

Which mattered because people were in that zone questing.

So then it shouldn’t matter what content is or is not out. If wpvp is so fun people will surely choose it over BG’s.

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people are cowards and will try to avoid fights in wpvp. It’s hunting ground, not fair duel