Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

so you’ve never completed naxx, and now instead of admitting it you just threw up some dumb diversion

Is that like bribing your GM with arcane crystals because you want him to give you a Rejuv Gem?

i have factual data to support my claim, you have hearsay


Wow the end of that video was, eurgh. ‘‘That donation(…) wasn’t a donation I’m not a %^$#ing idiot’’

The entire thread is also a series of the OP trying to convince everyone that what happened in the video didn’t actually happen. That video is on his own YouTube channel, by the way. Like I’d remove that if I were him–it’s just embarrassing. But he continually insists that fire is cold. :man_shrugging:

ill remove it for 3 arcanite bars

Oh, you do whatever you want with it, bud. I don’t really care either way. Enough folks have seen it as is and know exactly what you did regardless.

lol still havent completed naxx yet im guessing?

I answered this already, 20 posts ago.

ok buddy. whatever you say