Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

This is ALL about our “feelings” and our opinions. You said it yourself, NOBODY really knows. So, we’re all just spewing out our own opinions. I’m not “wrong” in stating that I feel that it’s rushed. Nor, are you “right” because you feel that it isn’t. Period.

That’s fine. You should probably ignore me forever because I’m going to remind you that EVERYTHING said by EVERYBODY is of their own opinion, and it’s not fact.

I don’t disagree with people feeling (keyword) that it’s not rushed because of their own thought process. I say “good for you, guys”! I shouldn’t be hounded on because I feel differently and explain my thought process on how I reached the conclusion.

EVERYBODY is speaking their own OPINIONS. NONE of what we say is FACTUAL.

Them “thinking” about it doesn’t mean, anything. I can say “I’ve been thinking about cleaning the house”. Doesn’t mean I’ve actually spent the time cleaning the house.

I’m sure those who wanted BC and ONLY care for BC are grateful for whatever decision. I wanted Copies and/or Clones for BOTH versions, but we’re not getting that. THEREFORE, I CONCLUDE that it was RUSHED to appease the BC fans (and, I’m not wrong about that) rather than appeasing ALL fans. VERY simple to understand. If you don’t, then I can’t help you.

It’s EVERYONE. EVERYTHING people spew on here is their feelings and opinions.

I UNDERSTAND this. HOWEVER, that should’ve been an issue to deal with LATER. I didn’t want to decide to have a PROGRESSED character in either or. I wanted both. I’m not crazy nor wrong for wanting that. We all have our different wants and desires here.

So, Blizz decided to rush out BC to appease BC fans (which is not really wrong.
I’m happy that Blizz is considerate of that fanbase) and screw over Classic by eliminating ANY Progress made just because I wanted to take a 60 into BC. I cannot have that 60 in BOTH versions.

IK this. Which is EXACTLY why I feel like this whole thing was rushed, and in order to appease (not really) those of us that want PROGRESSED characters in Classic has to decide to either keep the PROGRESSED characters in Classic or take them over into BC, thus that PROGRESS is no longer tied in with Classic. You can NEVER play that PROGRESSED character in Classic, ever again.

So, I do agree, that this was their “best” “compromise” because they wanted to rush BC out to appease BC fans. Period.

EXACTLY! I wish some (not all) would understand this, but they don’t.

I’m not really worried about “empty” servers, right now. With this decision, I’m forced to decide to have a PROGRESSED character in Classic or BC. And basically starting over from scratch in either Classic or BC, depending on which one I choose to keep the PROGRESS in.

Done with you.

Good bye.

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Not an argument, sorry.

Bye! :wave:

You see they are doing paid copies? Gotta be happy about that, right?

yes, and i am perfectly ok with how this all turned out to end up working. one can hope that blizzard saw the comments made in this thread and took them into account when releasing the feature, because the leak had a very different tone to it than what we are getting.

This thread aged poorly.

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Did everyone tune out when the developers were talking about the current plans for the game ? If you didn’t listen they said they would let you pay money to copy your character to a classic forever server.


My brain must have stopped taking information after I heard progression servers because I was pissed. But I’m glad I’ll get to copy still even though I’m going to pay for it which I don’t like at all.

have you yet?

A few times, yes. Didn’t need to bribe my GM for anything either.

thats weird i cant find it on warcraft logs. did your guild down kt but not log it?

Probably because you’re putting the wrong name in the logs.

What exactly are you even trying to get at with this anyway?

My guild just finally got through Sapph and got KT to 3% on our final attempt last week. So while we do plan to finally finish Naxx this coming week, we won’t have finished the place until this week, as an extremely working-adult-dad guild.

So guilds do exist that haven’t finished yet.

Oh he does this to everyone he disagrees with. Like, if he can’t win an argument, he will stoop to, “My healing parses are bigger than yours!” and “I’ve killed KT with my bare hands all by myself!”

He’s really upset because he posted a video where he bribed his GM for a Rejuv Gem and thought people would be on his side and when that backfired he started bickering over the literal meaning of the word “bribe.”

only one name comes up in warcraft logs when i search “mobikon” and he is on ateish, an alliance pve server lmao.

[quote=“Zipzo-fairbanks, post:477, topic:874615”]

just wondering if he had completing naxx or not

this is all he ever talks about

But how is his completion of Naxx relevant to the point you tried to make by asking that question?

Wouldn’t him not completing Naxx yet support his statement that people are still trying to complete it?

So, I was correct. You’re putting the wrong name in the logs.

Put the name of my main character in the logs.

It’s a personal attack on me. Or rather on “Mobikon.” He’s assuming I post on my main.

youre being too general. be more specific.

of course

you ask me to search for your main then dont provide me with the name of your main?

I never asked you to search for anything. You search for whatever you want. Good luck finding out who my main is too. :+1: