Why Are Bags of Pet Supplies So Terrible?

Hey, guys.

New player here. My buddy says you guys are really helpful when it comes to pet stuff.

I’m just starting out with the pet battle stuff. I like it better than Pokemon.

But I’ve been pet battling the NPCs, and I just finished two world quests with six pet battles each.

But the rewards are terrible! I just opened a Pack of Pet Supplies and I got a tattered collar and two bandages. And that’s one of the better ones, thanks to the bandages. I opened one and I got a collar and a bucket of stuff that’s supposed to make my pet shiny.

There’s like no stones to make my pets rare quality, no pet charms, nothing. It’s basically just junk. They may as well not give anything at all. They should make these rewards better or just remove them. Because going all over the place to fight these battles, then get a pet collar and an old cage feels like an insult.

ETA: I just now fought Trixie when she challenged me after I won my last pet quest. She gave me two magical pet treats and a rusty cage. Then she challenged me again. And this time I got four pet bandages, the collar and a new pet!

A new pet is a cool reward, but I had to do 14 challenges to get it, I think. But most of the rewards for these dailies are still crap.


New player? Welcome to Azeroth!

Bags of Pet Supplies, yeah, are pretty terrible. Not worth much. No argument there. They are the lowest-level pet reward in the game.

It’s not so much about understanding why they are worth so little; more about understanding where you are in the overall progression of pet battling.

[Spoiler: you have barely started :stuck_out_tongue: There’s a lot ahead of you :smiley: Think in terms of years - it’s a BIG game.]

What are the main rewards of pet battling?

  1. More pets. You capture them in wild battles, ofc. A few can drop from some Bags you get from a win. Some are rewards from completing achievements.
  2. Safari Hat. The Safari hat gives +10% extra pet XP when levelling pets. You get it when you have completed all the Taming achievements up to and including Pandaria, plus one.
  3. Pet XP. Your pets get experience from battling. Some Tamers (Squirt, Legion Family Tamers and a couple of others) give MASSIVE XP compared to wild battling.
  4. Currency. Many World Quests in BfA, Shadowlands, Dragonflight reward Polished Pet Charms. With Polished Pet Charms you can buy (Yellow, Green, and Purple) Battle Stones that can level up your pets, and (Blue) Battle Stones that can make pets of lesser quality Blue=Rare quality.

It’s a long road to get through the opening steps to collect a strong roster of Blue Level 25 pets to get to the good rewards.

If you want a high level view of “You Are Here” on a map, look at your current achievement progress in your armoury

and see how many you have completed, and how many you still have open.

Right now, your real reward for going through the lower-level Tamers is to get closer to the Safari Hat, and to get some experience. But ofc, you’re not seeing that yet because you aren’t aware of how the longer-term reward structure works. Those Bags are pretty much just symbolic of having passed a small milestone.

There is a HUGE amount of material available online about the battle pet minigame. Most of it isn’t relevant to you yet. The endgame starts when you have raised a dozen or so good pets to be Blue level 25, and can start making your way through it. There are shortcuts, but those are not so easy to access for characters below level 70, so you are developing both your character and your roster at the same time.

Which is a FUN thing :+1: It’s the way the design was originally intended to work, and while it can be frustrating sometimes, I wish I could go through it again, so I envy you. :smiley:

So enjoy it while you got it! Before you know it, you too will be complaining about balance, and not having enough new content. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please do ask any questions you may have. This is the friendliest and most helpful forum in the game. :smiley:


This is so true. You are only able to go through the initial experience once, then you will be battling with an army of level 25 pets for years to come. Enjoy the current experience!

Pets just seem to pop-up when I don’t expect them. Two of the elite mobs I killed in Legion gave me a pet. I got a pygmy owl and an Ashmaw cub.

I did some really terrible quest from the Gnome Lady in Dalaran, and it gave me a purple Murloc-looking thing. I remember I had to be a turtle for part of the quest, but that really sucked because the turtle was level 1. If the pirates even touched me, I died. I only had like 21 health. I also remember a hawk named Stringfellowe. I remember the name because Stringfellow Hawke was Jan-Michael Vincent’s character on Airwolf.

The quest gave me a bonus pet. As soon as I got the Murloc, I got another pet. But the pet is named Stinker and it’s a skunk. I guess it’s the Devs’ way of telling me that I really stunk on that quest.

I hope that Murloc pet’s a good one for all the trouble I went through to get it. But my buddy says that I won’t even use 90% of the pets I collect. I guess most of them are just junk.

There are lots of pets that come from quests and drops. When you get to a higher level, you should check out the Raiding WIth Leashes achievements, where bosses in lower level raids that you can solo drop pets

As to the goodness and badness of pets, there is no doubt that some pets are better than others, and you will use them more in battles. Still, the list of “Best Pets” is heavily influenced by the pets most people have, and I’d be half-tempted to set up a series of strats featuring pets that aren’t used at all in any of the Xu-Fu strats, just to make the point that what a lot of people think of as balance is more about fashion.

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Stinker is actually a reward pet for this achievement https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/achievement=1250/shop-smart-shop-pet-smart


To summarize the situation: there is nothing in World of Warcraft that isn’t a grind, and pet battles is no exception.

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Oh, is that why? I thought it was the Devs’ way of telling me, “You stink at this quest!”

So, my Murloc pet was number 50. As I recall it said something about “unique pets.” What does that mean? I can’t be the only person in the game who has these pets? Seems like everyone’s got them.

Funny story, though. My buddy had me kill a bunch of flightless birds in Legion, and now I have a bird pet that keeps giving me quests. Snow Hatchling, it’s called.

I didn’t know our pets could give me quests.

Unique means you can only have ONE of that pet.


You can have up to 3 of most pets. People do keep duplicates of some pets, for various reasons

  1. You might want to use 2 or 3 in a team (e.g. Nexus Whelpling)
  2. Species can have multiple Breeds with different stats that affect their battling
  3. Some species come in different colours or slightly different models

When counting someone’s pet collection, “Unique” pets means the number of different species they have, not counting any duplicates of the same species.

Anything can give you a quest. Today, a rock gave me a quest! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, that’s for the Falcosaur chain, which rewards pets and mounts


You all are so wholesome I love it. Thank you all for being this way <3

I’ve been looking at YouTube videos and lists to find what the best pets are. So, I’ve been running all over the world to find them.

Most recently, I got an Ikky bird. That’s kind of a nuisance, going to Draenor and making a garrison. Seems like a waste of time since it’s an outdated expansion. And it seems I have to do this again with another character if I want another Ikky bird. It’s a quest that I can only do once. I tried to get an Anubisath Idol, but it didn’t drop for me.

I’m just wondering what other guides you might have to tell what other pets I need. The videos I’ve been looking at seem okay, but they also seem kind of old. Is there something current?

Here’s one of the videos I looked at, for an example. I have most of the pets on this list, but not Anubisath Idol, and I guess I have to be an engineer and make the mechanical dragon pet, but I’ve already started. And I guess I have to wait to try again for the Idol pet. The Top 15 Must Have World of Warcraft Battle Pets (youtube.com)

ETA. I don’t know why level doesn’t show. My character icon on this board says I’m 36th level. I’m 60th now. Makes it easier to get stuff.

THis is your definitive list, at least for now:

With the top 30-50 pets as Blue 25s, you can beat every battle in the game - except, ofc, for the Family achievements.

Also remember, you can buy pets at the Auction House. About half of pets are tradeable. Just make sure, if you are buying, that you are paying for the breed you want.

The prices will likely seem very high to you today, but Level 70s will be pulling in thousands of gold a week, so you have to see them in that context.

I read something about breeds. I guess that has to do with the fact that I caught three of the Emerald Dragons in Northrend, but none of them have the same stats.

How do you check for breed?

The addon Battle Pet Breed ID from Cursegorge will show the breed of a pet in your collection, or when in a battle.


It is one of the Three Essential Addons for Pets, the other two being

Pet Tracker

This thread is a survey of what breeds to get:

In the game engine, breeds are expressed strictly in the ratios of the different attributes (health/attack power/speed). Most pet-related addons will translate the known attributes numbers at a specific pet level into a breed designation, either a letter pair or an icon (or both).

My two cents here, I would recommend setting up and getting used to the letters H,H; P,S; P,P etc as most of your strategies and guides use this and will save on translation time.

I tend to agree, for communcations. The icons are nice for personal “at-a-glance” use, but discussion and documentation will use “S/S” for a max-speed breed, for instance.

So much to do.

I took two of my flightless bird pet on their quests.

I went to Pandaria and finally found the Zandalari Kneebiter and Anklerenders in the breeds that I want. I got one P/P and one S/S, and one in-between for each. So that’s done.

I also was building my farm while I was in Pandaria, so I can grow the material for my Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling. I know people say to buy it, but I’m a new player. I can’t afford those ridiculous auction house prices. I can’t even afford to fly fast now.

I levelled some pets in the jungle on Draenor. I don’t have enough stones to level my pets and I don’t have enough charms to buy them. I made up my mind that I’m not going to capture every pet; just the ones I need. I don’t have the time or resources to catch everything, make it rare and level it up. But if I happen to see a blue pet when I’m out leveling, I always try to catch it.

I also did some quests in Legion which gave pet charms and leveling stones.

Seems like pet collecting is lot of work. I barely have time to play my character. I leveled to sixty just by doing pet battles.

You started - what? - a month ago>? :smiley:

WoW is a BIG game. Most of us have been here many years, and built up our collections over that time. There’s no rush. You have plenty of time ahead of you.

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