Why Are Bags of Pet Supplies So Terrible?

It is a lot of work, and I’m in awe of the collection you’ve built in just a month or so. But some of us find it a whole lot more satisfying, and fun, than spending our days killing or dying all the time.

It gets better as you level up too. Well except maybe for a few really annoying grinds.

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Well, thank you. I’m trying.

I’m going to be temporarily homebound for a while, so my buddy suggested this. He sent me a lot of links to read, so I checked it out and decided this would be a good way to pass the time.

After reading the links, and asking a few questions about the game, I thought, “Okay. I know what I’m doing. I can do this.”

Then I found out I really don’t know what I’m doing. So my buddy recommended this forum.

I have to say, doing all this and having to look up all this stuff is a big help. I really don’t like the meds they gave me, so this helps keep me distracted so I don’t need as much.

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