Why are azralon /ragnaros/quelthas players below average?

There’s a reason the noob blocker addon existed in the first place. Players from those servers tend to just be bad. Not to say there aren’t good players, but most are just…bad

I had bad times with tanks from Azralon.
But the rest are actually pretty standard, ragnaros ppl actually play good

That is the standard pug pull, you have 1 thing to priority kick/cc and one thing to remove an enrage if the tank needs it. It would be a good idea to put compleation in the title if you did not do that already for anything over a 10.

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I wasn’t really asking about how to do the pull - I already have my 10 NW and am aware of how it is done. The point was that the tank made a pull that he couldn’t or wouldn’t control and then left.

It’s not easy to outthreat a prot war after he finishes his pulling. The only issue is when he is pulling, don’t do anything. Prot war use clap to keep AoE threat, and clap has 3-6s cd, even so a thunder clap does very low dmg until he pop thunder blast. I suppose your party saw him charging then " oh ho, tank pulls, let’s go yolo". If so then I could understand why he bailed your key.

Pennsylvania player here.

OP, you don’t even have the courage to post on your main. If you don’t have the personal standards to show us what sort of score you’ve gotten in the past, your post belongs straight in the dumpster.

I’m 3k experience in M+. The highest keys I timed from that season happened to be from random Azralon pugs.

Focus on being less bad. Stop worrying about other realms, because I can absolutely guarantee that there are tens of thousands of better players than you from those regions.


Cool, I loved my time in Pennsylvania!

I’d play the rest of the keys in this game with LA players and not worry one bit.

It helps that I speak Spanish (helps that I am from southern Arizona). I’ve played with players from Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia etc.

I love em.

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