But why is it itemized this way? It’s like an AI made it, it makes no sense. Literally no-one that uses an axe wants spirit on it.
Or level 60, given Thunderfury is a sword!
It isn’t just the Human Racials. I’ve pointed out before, the Gnome engi racial is one of, if not THE best PvP racial in every phase till we hit 60, just for the bomb stuns alone. Then they also get the mind control helmet that no one else can get till phase 3, a +7 dam scope, and rocket boots. Horde can pick flowers a bit early but everyone has same access to potions.
Then there’s the NE stealth racial, making them the best PvP rogues and druids…while the human perception racial actually negates Horde rogue and druid stealth ability. Like at every level except “well you can level in the barrens longer” is Alliance favored.
Yeah gnomes get a huge advantage early on, and then they’re still great for pvp at 60 with escape artist.
I looked at the article in relation to that tweet. I thought it was saying that was the population %.
That’s the differential between both factions. So Crusader Strike only has a .15% difference with Horde having the .15% greater aspect. So it’d be 50.15% Horde vs 49.85% Alliance.
There’s virtually no disparity.
Those numbers are just total accounts though, not the participation of BFD or Ashenvale/PvP at 25. They wont give out those numbers because the Horde pop drops every day.
Only thing I want to ensure is that we know it’s not a balance issue. As far as Horde pop dropping every day, maybe it’s more of a ‘we’re not steamrolling Alliance like normal so I’ll just camp Ratchet’ instead.
I went to Ratchet right before Ashenvale battle and there’s tons of Horde just sitting there killing any Ally who showed up on the flight path or boat.
It’s simple, Horde are ugly races with ugly towns. Alliance has better-looking races and you get to be a knight with castles versus a barbarian with a mud hut.
Horde tends to attract the min max crowd that prefers having advantages over others with racials for the only content that it matters in, PvP. I do love me my Horde tho, going to start playing some Horde characters soon but having fun with my Pally atm.
They actually made admissions that it was a balance issue in those tweets without realizing it if you understand how people talk around issues or have studied some rhetoric. We know that before SOD launched people were worried they’d need to farm BFD for gear to be useful in Ashenvale, and we were assured that bodies were more important than gear because they didn’t want players to feel like they had to participate in raiding to do the PvP. So that negates it being a skill issue, because again bodies are most important. Then they further made the admission “horde are catching up on most realms”, acknowledging that there are in fact less horde bodies participating.
Then we also know layering is playing a big factor as well. Seeing how consistently Alliance has been able to maintain 3-4 full raid groups per layer across all servers, while Horde struggles to get even 2, with layering coming into play, also negates the idea that it’s an issue of organization.
So how they’re wording things shows they know it’s an issue, they just have no desire to address it because they are Alliance players by their own admissions. The imbalance favors them, by design.
Can you link or copy/paste those admissions? Not trying to say ‘nuh uh’, but right now everyone is an arm-chair developer and I’d rather see it from the source than be told ‘believe me bro’.
I think this is fair to say mostly because people flood Alliance side and had to lock it. But with the stats they released, it’s still a miniscule difference.
.15% to 3% is not ‘imbalanced’. %70 to %30 A to H is imbalanced.
Here is where they stress that participation is more important in Ashenvale than anything else where they also highlight the buff reward that CAN be used in the Raid. They also talk about the issue of balance where they say “we’ll try, but it wont be perfect”.
It appears the balance they are referring to is class balance rather than faction. Unless I am misreading what both of those topics are relating to.
Yes, all the bots are rolling horde now since they can’t roll alliance. Also, the less active players who didn’t make characters the first day rolled horde. The only disparity that matters is “active players” who would want to organize. And they all went to alliance due to Blizzard’s design decision to get rid of the only reason a sweat would want to roll horde – they gave alliance windfury. So here we are.
They need to fix factions on layers and have a drop down where you can choose your layer.
If they could do this that’d be great. There’s… (Here we go) an option on FFXIV where they have instances at the beginning of an expac/major patch where it limits it to 200 people per zone to help with the server load. You can choose which zone to go to and it tells you how many people are in it.
If they could do something like that, I think it’d be fair.
Vanilla is the only time in history of classic game were alliance was slightly more popular and it wasn’t even close to as bad as what it was in other expansion in favor of horde. At the end of classic pop was barely in favor of alliance something like 53-47 the worst case. The main reasons were blessing of slave and other pally buffs + human sword weapon skills.
I think many of the horde classic guilds decided to go alliance for a change of pace. With alliance getting windfury, it made that decision easier. Horde still probably will have the best parses because of racials, but paladins are kind of insane in both pve and pvp.
I think the chances are pretty good that the devs will endeavour to balance the factions in terms of power
Doesn’t matter; too little to late. People already rolled their factions based on the extreme alliance favoritism. SoD is already an irretrievable failure sadly that is now going to play itself out as a rapidly dying game. Literally nothing short of them removing WF from alliance or giving Horde Paladins WITHIN A WEEK FROM TODAY could save it and I know that isn’t happening. So SoD has no real hope.
People need to be fired for this and examples made. There was extremely unprofessional bias at play here that caused a completely botched Launch and version of WoW. I really have nothing left good to say about it at all. Runes just served to make the lead devs chosen class more OP and favor his faction more. That is about it.
quoted for truth
I don’t know the answer to your question for certain. But, I kind of prefer not following the FOTM crowd. Although, I’ve only ever played horde, and feel pretty loyal to being on that side. Even before WoW came out, I started with the original Orcs and Humans game - Horde was always cooler. Although I liked Anduin Lothar (the real one).
That being said, I’m pretty sure everyone just goes where they think will have the advantage or being more overpowered. I’m sure that’s the answer
Literally. For every single second the Alliance is locked, every single alliance toon on that realm was hitting 25. Meanwhile the Horde is playing catch up by filling up the ‘faction balance’ with new people just starting or bots. And the Alliance is still locked after all this time.
So who’s stronger, a faction of people with arguably the best class/spoonfed SoD experience who’ve had nothing to do except hit 25 (if they werent already) and go get gear and rep for 13 days, or is it the faction of people who are either just starting SoD and bots (since they can’t be made on Alliance side because ta-da it’s STILL locked AKA we’re not even caught up still)