Why are Alliance the preferred faction?

They provided data on actual server population. If theres a 3% difference in size yet pvp is dominated by one side it could be dozens of issues why.

Since the pvp changes to the bosses, horde has been winning a lot on living flame.

You’re missing the point. Not everyone who watches the streamers play on the streamer server but can still be influenced by them.

Horde zones and cities have a negative emotional aura


I havent seen that on my realm.

Horde have the better racials for pve apart from dwarf priests having fear ward.

Salv is the main reason, as threat is a thing. Otherwise horde would have dominated with windfury.

Have you bothered to ask? I assure you that streamers hold a lot of sway in our community and even the devs, and that’s not just conjecture on my part.

Because the prevailing (and wrong) believe that Alliance is for PVE and Horde is for PVP.

Lol im a sweaty min maxer. There are no prominent streamers on lava lash that ive seen.

This has to be a joke lol, human sword and mace skill? The only good PvE racial horde has is troll berzerking

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lol, the low IQ takes here crack me up

If I wanted to play an evil character I’d go play Overlord.

People play where their streamers play. In Classic 2019 everyone played horde because its BiS, then they swapped to Allies in SoD because its easier to play allies in PVE when progressing when players don’t know how to manage aggro / threat in Raid and your only option are players who think PVE should be like retail and cant help but to zug harder.

Hence Allies became the go-to for PVE even though you can actually parse better on horde because of Warchief’s blessing, orc racial and WF totem for maximum zug.

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RIP shaman windfury. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they add a bloodlust rune at lvl 60 but then give it to paladins.

Reject SoD. Reject new blizz devs. Reject the PvE gear treadmill and time-wasting grinds. Come to WotLK Grobbulus and live out your warcraft dreams of organic player interactions. BE the content instead of consuming whatever sludge leaks out of new blizz devs’ pustules.

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Thats probably only because orc pet damage racial + overtuned pets. Nothing else

My UD mage and drood are =)

Right behind you (outrageous French accent)

Also have this guy (60 alliance) and a pala and drood. Speaking of drood, had a feral cat get me today right off the MV FP today on the way to BWL, he got me fair and square, GG big bovine buddy.

The factions are dead even on every server, I’m confused?

Orc has axe skill, troll has attack speed, bow skill, orc has ap, tauren has 10% hp, will of the forsaken is like a personal fear ward. Also Windfury


Perception, sword/mace skill, gun skill, escape artist, stoneform, shadowmeld. Also Salv

Horde has the ability to do more dps, but threat is a bigger issue for them.

Because ret paladin was broken with their SoD runes, and druids have windfury.

Literally the defining difference between the two factions is no longer applicable and people just play FotM ret paladin, and can’ t lose in pvp because aggrend won’t nerf them

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Horde in classic, Ally in SoD. Sounds like you roll whatever you think the OP faction will be.

The “meta” that says Horde racials are the only difference hasn’t kicked in yet.

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