Why are Alliance Stormrage Players so much better than others?

Is this in a battleground you beating 2 arena players duelist title correct?

If you did then they are from American airlines

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In Legion. This was when there was templates which was a much better way of doing things. This PVE to get gear rubbish is spoiling PVP.


I have tested this with a friend who plays a WW as well but only sits around 420ish ilvl. We dueled and hit rsks with no procs up, his would be doing about 28k on his log, but it would only register as 25k on mine.
I would hit mine and it would register 33k but show as 31k on his.
My health level is 350k his is in the neighborhood of 270k.
That’s 7% he did to me and that’s 11% I did to him.

In short scaling isn’t all that helpful.


Interesting theory. Im going to start paying attention in BG’s
What Metarune said would make sense though.

^ quoted for truth

I have 2 Druids.

One is my “long time”, properly-geared Druid. It’s sitting pretty at just under 360k health unbuffed. And of course it also has all the other “goodies” that come from having good gear… such as strong azerite traits, multiple absorb shields, good trinkets, etc.

The other Druid I leveled up last month using Korrak’s Revenge, decked out in welfare gear and with only green essences. It sits at 221k health unbuffed.

Guess which one lasts longer in bgs or under pressure?? :rofl: :rofl:

The throwaway, Korrak’s Revenge leveled Druid just flops over under any sort of pressure… but my geared Druid can take a surprising amount of punishment just due to the bigger healthpool (allowing me to put out more damage in the process). It is absolutely noticeable. There’s just no way I would be able to hold my own against a 3-man melee deathball (for example) on the under-geared/throwaway Druid.

Anyone who says “gear doesn’t matter” is just lying, period.


that is a huge disparity in ilvl. scaling is massive. in pve the damage difference would be quite large.

You know this season only around 5 percent of the player base is 1800?

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