Why are Alliance Stormrage Players so much better than others?

Been a pretty long trend where you see most top players from the alliance are from Stormrage

these guys are so good in 2’s they dominate that bracket

in random BG’s they destroy the competition … why are they so good?

Realms like Stormrage and Tichondrius are where the core rank one/streamer/tourney player PvP community congregates. This creates a magnet effect that pulls in very high caliber players all around who want to be around the best. Gladiator is top 0.5% while rank one is 0.1%, so statistically they should be extremely hard to find. However, in Tich or Stormrage every one and their brother is a multiglad. It really is just a matter of the PvP community gravitating towards a focal point. In a realm like Uldum I can walk around and beat 99% of people in PvP, but in Tichondrius I am constantly getting destroyed by players who live and breathe PvP. Playing on servers like that can be humbling or frustrating depending on your personality and luck. If you are super competitive and like to show off, a realm like Sarg or Tich will put you in your place real quick.


Aren’t Illidan and Mal’Ganis pvp communities as well?

They have strong PvP populations too, but don’t quite have the “tryhard elitist” label that Tichondrius and Sargeras do.

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Was Sargeras always pve or pvp? I don’t keep up with all of these realm identities.

Sargeras was a PvP server but was known for being one of the best servers for raiding guilds with many competitive mythic raiding guilds active despite being a PvP realm. That’s probably what you’re thinking of.


Isn’t it an alliance realm?

Yup. There is pretty much no representation for Horde in the mythic raiding scene in Sargeras, and top rated Horde PvPers don’t usually stick on a server where Alliance outnumbers them so significantly. When Horde is dominant like in BFA, a Tichondrius is the best PvP server. When Alliance is dominant like in WoD, Sargeras becomes the best PvP server.


They don’t seem strong atm . Stormrage has had a longer history of allaince dominance no?

Maybe in arena but the ones in bgs are okay to bad.

It’s not a maybe

I thought no one took 2’s seriously? They were for alt cap only.
Does 2’s give mount/title these days? That’s pretty cool if so.

Maybe, maybe not

The ones losing says that

Same for 3’s you know the 440 plus ILevel players stuck lower 1800 claiming they don’t take it serious yet try hard in randoms

I used to play alliance on thrall server I’m hot shi

they do give mount/title/elite set up to 2100 now. No gladiator rewards though, understandably

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How come this turned into Sargeras when the OP said Stormrage?

Still see stormrage on top the other servers riding on Stormrage coattails

Because PVE dominates PVP. To dominate in PVP(randoms) get the best PVE gear you can get. It’s great isn’t it?

How do you explain 440 ILevel players getting smoked by 420 then?