Why are Alliance Stormrage Players so much better than others?

I don’t see this happen, unless the 420 has help from their teammates/buddies. 1v1 the 440 iLvL player will usually just last longer than the 420 player (just from the higher healthpool alone).

I mean the tich players I come across I stomp into the dirt.

You recall 90% of the ladder was alliance in WoD and everyone just faction transferred. Most of the ladder was still tich with a smattering of sarg and darkspear

Correct you don’t

Well if you asked a random Tich or Sargeras PvPer they would probably claim to be able to stomp you into the dirt. Talk is cheap. Not saying you’re, wrong. But it is what it is.

What’s the best pvp server for Alliance? My server died long ago (for ally anyways) and i’m interested in transferring, just don’t know where to go…

Currently stormrage , it’s not even debatable… also strong pve guilds and Strong economy

stormrage is a high pop PVP server predom alliance
tichondrius same but predom horde

these are not the only server like this

Surprised to see Stormrage mentioned. Most of the good alliance I face in random BGs are from Proudmoore, Sargeras or Frostmourne. When I see Stormrage above someone’s head it looks like it says “free kill” to me. But that’s randoms.
Most of my Alliance characters are on Stormrage btw. I know for a fact there are some excellent players. I also know there are some guilds who have a scheduled guild LFR run on thier calendar.


Worldofwargraphs shows the amount of players 1800+ on all realms. Here’s a few examples:
Stormrage 418
Sargeras 490
Frostmourne 464
Tichondrius 1341

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1800 rating really doesn’t have a strong correlation to being a good player. Even the duelists I’ve fought in BFA have seemed like pretty average players, IMO.

As a general pattern (always exceptions to the rule), I really don’t start noticing a difference until the player is gladiator or above.

Just talking random BG / world pvp encounters here.

Any pattern related to servers would have more to do with those servers running more preforms than other servers than the individual players themselves (IMO, not like I have hard data to back that up).

solo or grouped? because I am not talking about these solo lords … they mean nothing since this is pvp as group

I’m sorry, are you actually impressed that a preform group can smash PUGs?

Newsflash: Having an arena title doesn’t mean you are going to be dominating a random BG.

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they have higher health, but it’s not much thanks to the scaling. my big abilities take off about the same percentage of health on a 445 player as a 410 player. it’s the fresh 120’s that die in a couple hits. for instance my 30k(410 ilvl) starsurges take about 13% from a 440 player even though that is not actually 13% of their hp.

stormrage is the highest and sargeras is the 3rd most populated servers on the planet. more players = more people ranked.

tichondrius have the most skilled players by far. they are the 7th most populated. clearly a pvp minded server as it’s horde dominated unlike sarg and storm which are both alliance dominated.

Primary stats are normalized in instance PvP which means health pools are actually irrelevant. Damage is scaled up or down to an extent depending on primary stats

Secondaries and essences are the only differences between a 400ilvl vs a 445 which does give a big advantage to the more geared player but does not automatically equate to a win.

I’ve watched streams of 2.4k+ rated plays beat 430+ players on freshly boosted characters in arena

Gear still matters a lot, for some classes more than others. Normalised health pools and damage is misleading. There are streams of multi R1 players getting to 2300 with 400ilvl. That is because they are just really really good playing meta comps with other top players. If you do arenas at any level of rating, it very clear that a team full of players with 350k+ hp have a massive advantage over those with 280k hp. Heck, even in skirmishes. The gear difference is extremely noticeable.


Who are you quoting?


Solo or grouped?

Is it considered a group if I kill them two at a time?

Arena players are typically good players but the title itself really doesn’t mean much when they are outside of that enclosed sandbox. Of course many of them excel regardless of what the enviroment is. However, many of them do not as well.

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Movie of a five-man preform from Tichondrius being led by a multi-season multi-class rank one player not dominating a WSG.