Why are alliance still allowed to make a full premade in AV?

So, you think it is wise to post that Discord link? For every horde you drive in to try to disrupt or spy, I bet you’ll drive in 10 alliance who would like to play some winning AV!

Also, to provide some perspective to the situation. During prime time this evening, there were about 7 games going and at any given time 1 or 2 of those had alliance premades in them. So at the absolute worst, horde were winning 5 out of 7 games. I would also not be surprised if horde queue times went down a little bit if more alliance are playing due to the possibility of having some success.


When did horde swap from scorched earth back to base race?


They haven’t. And even in base race horde did fine.


OP actually lost AV as horde.

BLizzard, i expect a full report on how you will ensure this doesn’t happen again!!


they are in a discord called “av premades +pugs”.

I checked it out tonight - hundreds of the scum waiting or playing and cheating to win in a near constant stream. This is why you keep seeing premades, its because thats what theyre doing as long as blizzard lets them get away with it.


The best part is they have no way to stop it anymore with so few alliance, one can only hope this continues over into B.C.


Pre-mades should of never been broken up anyway.

I hope you lose every game you play after your 40 minute que time.


Friendly reminder to the Horde players sharing discord and trying to join it to listen in on our games.

  1. It doesn’t work, you still lose because you’ve been steamrolling so long you’ve forgotten how to play AV vs a coordinated Alliance effort.
  2. It’s against ToS to communicate cross faction so…BYEEE!!!

From the looks of it, you seem to be the only one butt hurt over this. GG

Translation. You’re no longer getting 5500 honor and screwing alliance. So your utility and pleasure has been affected. Funny, I’m sure you didn’t mention anything about that imbalance, did you? so called ‘woke’.


I play both Horde and Alliance, primarily Horde and while I personally dont like losing after an hour long que or so, the Horde had this coming. With a 99% winrate and a heavily biased map combined with largely unbalanced racials, this is pretty much the only way Alliance can win. The horde only need one strategy to win, that is to zerg SHGY, thats it. Alliance need many strategies to win, all of which are a huge risk and if at least 90% of them don’t agree to a strategy, it quickly falls apart.

Not to mention we’ve beaten the premades still, one within 30 minutes.


av premades were lit. horde always lost in 7 minutes. drek or kek


Sounds like you want to make using Discord against ToS, having Alliance using Discord against ToS, being in a situation where Alliance wins AVs (horror of horrors) against ToS, etc.

At the end of the day, the “inferior” faction adapted to win in the BG that gives every advantage to the opposing side. You have the same options as we do, I suggest you take them.


It isn’t really a premade, just a way to communicate and be organized. They can’t control who gets in, who queues, the team composition, if they have epic mount or not, if they have consumes, AV trinket etc.

If they all queue at the same time and have more than 20 people doing it there is a high chance that they will get in the same game. Then they can do organized pushes. That’s all.

I played a lot of premades in AB and WSG and we had full compositions, consumables, min gear requirements, mandatory epic mount, battle standards, etc. That AV group isnt a “full premade” at all… You can do they dame thing but your queues will be longer xD.


I am not a ranker. I am a Naxx raider. I haven’t queued AVs in more than 6 months. But now that premades are back on the menu, I queue again. For no reason other than to own you, to ruin your 1 hour queue and take away your free win you got so used to.

I’ll see you in AV where I’ll camp you in my Naxx gear, and I’ll use my hermes addon to personally thank you all for the treatment we got in phase 2 and in AV for the last year.

Get camped.


That’s alliance scum to you!

You may want to check out this video:


Horde are only complaining about this because we’re too lazy to get our own discord and queue system going, but imagine if we could. I mean, is there really a single person here who wouldn’t get excited about the prospect of two premade AV teams?

I’ll admit with the faction population differences it certainly would be harder to do on the Horde side, but imagine if both teams had 40 people each in a discord and it was an actual battle between organized teams utilizing strategy and coordinated tactics.

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this is the entire focus of alterac valley from my experience as well. basically, the alliance have an above layer of organization behind the scenes going on, its the result of favorable premade conditions. and from what i hear, tbc will end up the same way. horde will get seal of blood. alliance will get favorable premade battleground conditions. it all evens itself out in the end, most of the time.

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Wrong. We tried to do the same thing you did but were unable to because of how long the queue is. We can’t “fish” for a new game like you can. So even if we queue on a countdown, we can’t get people in together.


That is definitely a fair point, I have no retort.

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