Why are all these MM hunters crying about losing their pets?

This, and the fact they might have tried to remove pets without giving the hunter things to replace said pet for soloing/world content might be why they got backlash whenever they tried to remove pets, and some are seeing the same mess now.


Proceeding with planned 11.1 changes and keeping the traditional pet able to be summoned (whether we can hide the eagle animations or not) doesn’t need to come with a damage penalty for having the regular pet out I dont think. For MM if the above was true, the regular pet still only offers very small amounts of damage, and that can be the reward for taking time and effort micromanaging its health and re-summoning it when it despawns from running off to Narnia, resurrecting it ect.

The Devs may have came up with the Eagle because they see that management of the regular pet is a pain point, so reward, not punish, those that use it, but still have the utility in its better new version placed on the hunter and not requiring the traditional pet nearby and out of CC to function.

the people crave a personal tank to make world content easier for them mostly


LOL they hold aggro just fine between misdirect and growl what are you even talking about?


Not having a damage penalty will make pet use mandatory for maximising DPS which is the entire thing they are trying to avoid.

MM pets are valuable and I dont want to lose them but not having them for DPS in dungeons/raids is fine.


The traditional pet, while not being needed for most utility would be its own penalty. Taking the brainpower, GCDs, and time to heal it, ressummoning it when it despawns, tracking where it is, telling it what to do, resurrecting it when it dies often is a dps penalty. But having one is a reasonable preference someone could have.

The way this plays out in balance discussions is that if using the pet is a 0.5% DPS increase over not using the pet, using the pet is now REQUIRED.

So you slap a minor debuff on the pet to keep it below petless in terms of damage output, and everyone is happy. Pet people overwhelmingly don’t care about a few % DPS. Competitive people overwhelmingly don’t want a pet in group content.

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If damage is actually equal or exceptionally close for pet Vs no pet, I would not opt to use a pet when I get all the utility regardless.

This is why a 5% debuff.

I just did a check on the target dummy and my pet does 1.5% of my DPS so itd be a 3.5% DPS loss which at 1.5m DPS is ~50k DPS penalty which isnt going to matter outside of dungeons or raids.


True, true.


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Why would MM players want a pet in the first place? There’s literally nothing in the MM toolkit that interacts with your pet in any meaningful way and it rarely holds aggro over you anyway in solo content for tanking.

Pets are a hassle for MM and should go away, as planned for 11.1.


To do content outside M+ or raids


That’s what needs fixing. Make pets more meaningful to the pet class, not removing them altogether.


exactly give MM some pet talents. what if MM had something like aimed shot increased your pets attack speed stacking up to 3 times? and what if instead of arcane shot you had kill command?

Pets hold aggro fine. Never once had an issue in all the delves that I did (solo and duo) and that includes bosses. Spinny mushroom boss? I could stand on the rock and my pet would keep that thing and the spores away from me just fine.

Seriously. Swapped a couple of talents so that the pet wouldn’t die and made some macros so it only attacks what I am attacking and it’s the most natural thing in the world, especially with Brann healing.

Never had a pet pull anything this expansion, even out in the world. It essentially teleports to the hunter now whenever you jump off a ledge or something. How could BM and survival hunters even remotely function if pets were so terrible?


They’re more meaningful for the SPEC that focuses on them.

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exactly, I already knew what he meant; I wanted him to say it because it is DEFINITELY against blizz’s ToS.

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this isn’t about competitive gaming, TBH; it’s about the lore and fantasy of the class and the entire profile of the MM class, and that MM want the option to be able to play a class that is primarily ranged DPS in the most effective mode based on their surroundings with. a. pet. or without as the situation requires.


They should be more meaningful to Marksmanship, too. That’s what the pet class is about: pets.


How bad are you MM hunters where your pet is useful? One aimed shot and it never holds hate again.