Why are all these MM hunters crying about losing their pets?

Pets are a core part of the hunter class identity and have been for 20 years. People have been collecting these pets for up to 20 years which makes pets a significant part of your character that you’ve grown attached to. Taking away 20 years of player agency because the top 1% prefers using a 5% damage buff talent is one of the most tone deaf changes I’ve ever seen.

Beyond player attachment you have the issue of utility. Whether you like it or not, the majority of players do not participate in M+ or raiding. For casual players who only do content such as world quests, delves, transmog/mount/pet collection, having a pet as a MM hunter provides a ton of utility.


Stop making baseless accusations. I, and others, have already indicated we will give detailed feedback and have postulated reasons beyond your ad hominem insult of “naysayers only oppose change”.


Not like your yapping and gatekeeping had any value to begin with, because gO pLaY bM hUntEr

And funny that the moment you decide to do is to take the stance for people not having what they used to have for 20 years, that would not affect you in any way shape or form

rly interesting isnt.


On the PTR testing, I feel it’s important to note that if someone was going to say that X or Y was unreasonably difficult or impossible to complete as MM, they should complete that task solo with beastmastery or another ranged spec to show that it’s possible as something that is not MM, if they can’t do that task with MM. Then blizzard, if they are inclinde to read the concern, can decide if they expect the typical rdps spec to solo the content in question.

Which can be a 2 edged sword, as we might not be the best or having to learn the other spec on the fly and wind up dying where as if we kept a pet in the basic form to call on, even if we did not run with it, we would still be able to handle it ourselves.

In modern WoW, people seem to think you don’t need a group unless it is a rare elite or boss type mob, so we often find it better to try and take care of it ourselves and HOPE some one else comes along and helps.

Oh, so providing ideas that would enable those that want to keep their pet but not make it required for those that don’t is not feed back with value? Offering up ideas that enable the planned changes to go through while not taking options away does nto have any value?

Most of you for losing the pets will never provide any counters to arguments because “any one that dies nto like these changes is just a whiner” whe, if you had a brain and reading comprehencion, you would see that, unlike you, we don’t want to be forced to use a spec we don’t like nor force you to use something you don’t like.


First off, proofread your writing my dude. Don’t insult people on not having a brain when you can’t spell or bother to proofread. Hard to sift through when it’s all jumbled. The devs have more than just gameplay changes in store, but also fantasy and thematic. Considering the entire scope of changes coming through, the players who want to keep pets have offered very little other than just keep pets the way they are. The devs are looking to do more than just gameplay changes here. The players who are for petless have been WAY more charitable to appease those who want to keep traditional pets. Players like you result to insults. Ignored.

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The data is overwhelming since the legion reworks of Outlaw and Survival that they are treated as specs looked down by the community.

Survival had a clear identity from marks as using specialized ammo and arrows with traps and some melee mixed in.

Now Survival is a lessern version of a Ret pally. Ret pally is 100% better than Survival in every way. Same with WW Monk, Rogue, Feral and Warrior.

Melee Survival is considered a complete joke since Legion and Legion was what ten years ago?

Outlaw aka yathzee spec?

The spec with RNG on top of RNG?

Congrats you all played yourselves for that is coming in patch 11.1 where everyone will have set bonuses revolving around the degenerate game play of Outlaw. Outlaw is literally a spec built to NEED addons to play properly as a spec.

Guess what you will need in patch 11.1 to use the tier set bonuses properly? Addons just like Outlaw.

Ladies and gentlemen say no to degenerate game play and lazy reworks.

The rework proposed for MM is straight up lazy. The eagle is just adding insult on top of the travesty of what they are doing to Marks.

Do not defend lazy devs and what they are doing to classes.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Stop playing Outlaw if it’s so egregiously bad. You complain for the sake of complaining.

Survival had it’s troubles…it’s great now. Go play it. It’s nothing like Ret.

MM rework is being praised by those who wanted the utility separated from the pet. The only real point of contention is losing traditional pets.

If you think a brand new talent tree, new fantasy and theme is them being lazy then I can’t help you. We get it. You are generally vitriolic to significant change to anything in the game, doesn’t mean it’s bad or lazy, especially when you haven’t played it.

Survival’s transition to melee was rough and it stayed that way because the devs at the time didn’t know how to fix it other than OP set bonuses. The current devs fixed it’s gameplay and strengthened it’s fantasy. It’s very fun now.

:hugs: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :japanese_goblin:
:rightwards_hand: :palm_down_hand: :pinching_hand:

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Oh, please, the more vocal about going petless have done little more then insult, come accorss as condesending and outright IGNORED what was being said in favor of their own views.

Hey, I have been one of those for the changes, for group content, I have stated this time and time again, I have also backed making the pet for MM nothing more then a void walker or earth elemental like thing for hunters. You and others have either bit back at me, callint me bad, or ignored such. If I am insulting it is because someone is letting their own bias color their posts.

Standard can dish it out but can’t take it response, if this is the standard of the pet less group, why should anyone listen to them?

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I keep going back to this phrase: exactly what are you implying here?

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I wrote this in a previous post, but I’m copying it here as well, because I think it’s a fair question:

So, if Blizzard were to, say, take away all the Eagle visuals so it just looks like a proc from abilities, remove the optics and keep the benefits, would that satisfy people as a petless spec because that would make it look like they are still in a Lone Wolf situation?

And if they also announced that there will be an option to summon from your stable keeping the 5% dps reduction and losing the proc based Eagle in favour of having a pet out without the utility pets currently provide, would that be acceptable?


He is claiming people who care about pet/dont like the spec to be changed have autism, its easy to masquerade bigotry when you can say with other words


Yes, but i dont think it would be necessary to lose the procs if your damage is going down 5% anyway


The thing is, I can make the claim that some that are indifferent, like some of the changes, or in favor of the changes are also on the spectrum. One thing about Autism is we think differently then others. In fact, it would not surprise me if most of the suggestions put forth are from those on the spectrum that are looking at the issues from all different kinds of angles, only to be told that it has to be the way it is going down or no way.

It was just a poorly veiled insult without actually using the terminology that can get you a forum suspension. Dont even engage with them. They arent here to argue in good faith. They just want to want to throw around insults at those who don’t agree with the changes. Anyway, lets stick to the topic at hand; Why MM hunters are upset about losing access to their stabled pets while having an “almost but not quite pet” thrust upon the spec… but the devs vision is to have it petless.


the people crave a hunter spec whose kit does not meaningfully interact in any way shape or form with their pet but also doesnt have more than 1 pet or summon pets from their stable to attack :thinking:

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MM with a pet is fine but having no pets and then the Eagle is just a slap in the face.

Lets be honest!


:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


The real insult is that we never got a proper revamp for pets when they made the new talent trees. They could have solved the problem then.

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just change it to racial flying creatures and i will be fine.