Why anti duel spec?

In TBC or Wrath? :wink:

So made up reasons.


Here’s my Blizzard citation:

Dual Talent Specialization (or dual spec) is a skill players at level 30 can learn in exchange for 10 from their class trainers. Introduced in patch 3.1. 0, dual talent specialization is the ability to switch between two talent specs, glyph sets, and action bars on each level 30 character.

I think I see the word “glyph” in that description so I’m guessing “dual-spec” is in some future expansion and not TBC.

All I did was use Google too.

You’ve chosen disinformation then.

If you really cared, you’d just look at all the other threads about this.

That sounds like a complete waste of time. If you plan a better raid comp you don’t have make everyone wait around.

It’s not disinformation when it’s coming from your own blue post. I’m using your own source dude. Did you bother to read it?

What in the world is this supposed to mean? That is such a neurotic mindset.

You or people thought hunters, rogues, mages and locks… all became irrelevant when dual spec came out? Those people should get a psych evaluation.

It doesn’t make it any easier or harder, the fight is exactly the same.

Except they didn’t do that, starting from wrath and on DPS specs for hybrids routinely performed on par with pure classes. TBC was the last expansion that hybrid DPS specs were intentionally kept slightly in check.

Yes, did you? I’m going to assume you’re misinterpreting what you’re reading with the power of confirmation bias.

Hey, just an update.

I think this is the patch that Dual-Spec was released:

Says “3.1” but I’m going to check with my sources (Google) to see if Dual-Spec was released in an expansion AFTER TBC.

I might be wrong but…

…I’m not.

You must have conveniently skipped

Q u o t e:

GC, you previously said that you would not be balancing around the existence of Dual-Spec. The situation you just described is exactly what those of us who play “pure” DPS classes feared the most with the announcement of this feature. Why bring a mage (or a rogue or a warlock) if you can bring a warrior or DK who does just as much DPS, but can flip to tanking at the drop of a hat?

We will not be balancing around the existence of dual-spec. The example I used was a case we already have – multiple tank fights, then single tank fights, then multiple tank fights. We didn’t design that around dual-spec. We assumed you’d probably have an OT who tried to do dps on Saph. Dual-spec gives them a way to do better dps.

This is one of the reasons though that we think it’s important to keep pure dps slightly elevated.

Mostly, though, dual-spec is a convenience factor. You can already run back to town and respec in the middle of a raid, and plenty of people did that already (and hated it).

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I don’t know what else to tell you. Maybe try reading it a bit slower?

It clearly says pure DPS classes were balanced around not being able to fulfill more than one role. Do I need to show you were it says that?

Hey can say whatever he wants but the logs tell a different story, from wrath on hybrid dps have been mixed in top DPS. Which also disproves the whole “well why bring a pure class when you can bring a hybrid with dual spec”

Which was honestly always a stupid argument as even in a 25 man you only need a handful of people at most switching roles.

Would you support it if you had to be in a city? or it had like a CD?

I am. I’d like to heal on my druid but imo questing, farming, and pvp in resto is the worst of all the classes and specs I’ve played. To have fun in the game I’ll either have to spec dps and play the whole game with less dungeon runs and no dungeon healing or spec resto and only do dungeons. I made a resto spec on my druid in wrath and healed many dungeons, both guild runs and pugs. I’d do the same when dual spec is added but until than I’m speccing dps

What was said is irrelevant as that’s not what actually ended up happening.

Ah yes, and somehow I’m the one trying to move goal post?