Why anti duel spec?

You seem to be replying to me a lot for someone who doesn’t really care either way.

Is the other 2 arguments I hear are it takes away class identity which quite frankly I don’t agree with either.

Is the other argument that I hear is It makes certain hybrid specs less viable which again is really stupid because well the only hybrid bill that is viable in any way shape or form.

Is the warlock hybrid Shadow and flame with dynamic packed.

Is honestly anything else and you’re probably not getting into groups unless state absolutely have no other alternative.

Those are the 2 arguments I hear the most of although for the record I do agree with you 150% #Duel speck.

I quite frankly think the arguments against it are weak at best and at worst are just stupid.

I think it would be a wonderful addition to the game and right now anything is anything possible to keep people from leaving is a good thing.

The other thing I would like to say is this For those that are going to make the argument that any change we make makes it closer to retail or it wouldn’t tbc.

I would like to say This There is a difference between a change that’s a convenience and a change that conveniently kills the core concept of the game.

the burning crusade is a wonderful expansion but it’s not perfect and if it is perfect why are people leaving in droves I might add.

So That would be my question to those people Is if something makes the game better I am all for it.

Is and dual speck would make the game better Is now LFD would kill the core concept of the game.

And no I’m not talking about the wonder putting in now I’m talking about the one they put put in wrath that’s automatic.

That would kill the game and it did kill the game

It’s the forums and I am bored.

Originally I just wanted an answer. your hostility now has me engaged.

If you’re engaged by hostility go watch The Punisher.

Sorry man, I gave up after the first two lines.

At the very least, you seem like you have a lot to say.


You are not getting dual spec so originally I had sympathy.

Now it’s fun to watch people throw tantrums when you know they are not going to get what they want and never will. Because they do not engender sympathy anymore when you see the entitlement in their language in a video game.

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Real agenda comes out at last. Took a while, but there it is.


It’s ok not everyone is cut out for this.

Not really. If you need a video game to make you feel special, then that’s pretty bad.

Yup, I guess they can. :wink:

Oh, did I do something you’ve already done multiple times in this thread…oops

Oh, was this your attempt to do a gotcha even though both Delimicus and I have mentioned 2x now how anyone can look at previous quotes that way?

Yeah, that’s some real 4-D chess right there. :rofl:

Nah, nothing advanced at all seeing as you took the bait and couldnt resist a reply. You’re not that special for 4-D.



We will not be balancing around the existence of dual-spec. The example I used was a case we already have – multiple tank fights, then single tank fights, then multiple tank fights. We didn’t design that around dual-spec. We assumed you’d probably have an OT who tried to do dps on Saph. Dual-spec gives them a way to do better dps.

This is one of the reasons though that we think it’s important to keep pure dps slightly elevated.

Mostly, though, dual-spec is a convenience factor. You can already run back to town and respec in the middle of a raid, and plenty of people did that already (and hated it).

We only recognize two types of classes for PvE purposes:

Can respec to fulfill a different role = hybrid.
Cannot respec to fulfill a different role = pure.

The roles are tank, healing and damage.

In our design, having two healing trees (priest) or half a tanking tree (druid) or three dps trees (DK) does not put these classes in different categories of hybridness. A hybrid is a hybrid.

It’s the roles that your class lets you do that is important, not how those roles are organized into talent trees. The paladin is one way to organize the trees (a tanking tree, healing tree and melee dps tree) but not the only way. However, there is a reason we don’t do this for every class – it would be boring.

In our design, the pure dps classes (hunter, mage, warlock and rogue) should do slightly higher dps than hybrid damage-dealers all things being equal. All things are rarely equal. Player skill, gear, raid comp, latency, random luck and most importantly the specifics of the encounter will often favor one class, spec or player over another.

The reason we want pures to so slightly higher damage is that pures can only fulfill one role. If your guild or raid has no more need for damage-dealers, there is no way for these classes to raid with you. By contrast, the six other classes always have the option to respec for another role either temporarily or for the long haul.

This one is four days before he made that post about Dual Spec:

Our logic is actually pretty simple. If hybrid classes can do the same dps as pure classes, then why have pure classes in the game? So we design the pure classes to do slightly higher dps.

They didn’t balance the game around Dual Spec.

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Same, dual spec is one of those things that isn’t right.

Okay, now explain why, I’m still waiting for someone to actually provide a real reason.

There are already ways in the game to have unlimited specs for players to use.

Which isn’t a reason why dual spec is bad, merely an observation of the current system.

So you’re saying duel spec is an unnecessary change because we already have tools at our disposal?