Why all the Void elf hate?

Except Dalaran, Theramore and Stormwind High Elves were not present at the fall of Quel’talas to the Scourge and so were not part of Kael’thas’s Blood Elf reorganization, which is more a political alignment than a biological designation.

I personally feel like Blizzard should have had the chops to kill these groups off, and I feel filthy for defending them. But they definitely exist and Blizzard brought this on themselves (and us all) by teasing them for the past 20 years.

This brings me to the fourth point (and many thanks for pointing this out):

The Original Void Elves are Blood Elves, which were almost corrupted. The second and third generation differs greately and joining NPCs suggest that they rise in numbers as well. If you aren’t aware of it: Blood Elves and High Elf-NPCs come into the Void Elf starting zone, which indicates that both of them are joining.

This would mean, that the Alliance has both High and Blood Elves as a playable race as well.

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Blood elves and rebel Blood elves.
The term High elf is only used by rebels.


Nobody truly cares for this kind of logic, and to be honest, as an user with almost 35k achievement points you should also be above this.


That’s a pitiful personnal attack on logic. :man_shrugging:
I’m all for silver covenants elves to be playable but high elves are dead.

This is my side. The theft. Causing blood elves to be unique and original (within the warcraft universe not the fantasy genre) and just making another blood elf race on the opposing faction of the evil alliance (rp perspective).

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A personal attack looks different. I’m only suggesting here, that an user, with so much knowledge and player experience should actually be above such petty discussions, because the shown behavior towards inGame fantasy tribalism reflects badly on you as a Veteran.

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Hey if you do not enjoy discussing with other people feel free to either:
-not use the forums
-not respond to them



If the King of the people choose to change how the people are named then it’s official for everyone, that you are living in the sewers or not.

If Stormwind decided to change the term human to beebboop, all humans in the world would be called beepboop. The greater office always decide for everyone, even if you dislike it. If you’d kept using the old term that would be a political statement, but most people would still think you are a beepboop. It’s what happened with India, the british named it and they were the greatest power of that time so the designation changed for the whole world, and you became an indian if you came from India.

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Can’t speak for anyone else but for me a large part of it is how they come up with this super sketchy premise for a race but then do nothing with it and have them all be bland generic Alliance good guys. Because I guess signing up for the Alliance includes sacrificing anything that could give you nuance.

Like seriously, these people betrayed their people and put themselves and the world at risk just so they could pursue the most corruptive magic in existence either for power or curiousity.
These guys should be so sketchy that they make the Forsaken look principled by comparison. Their loyalties are obviously flimsy, they are pursuing an objectively evil field of study and they all look emo.
These guys SHOULD have been the Forsaken’s Alliance counterparts i.e. a people rejected by their kin, developing a culture centered around cruel pragmatism and generally an embarrassment for their faction who only keep them around out of mutual convenience.


The Silver Covenant has never had a Blood Elven member.

The High Elves didn’t all turn to Fel or Naaru light.

A lot of High Elves lived in Dalaran, Theramore, and Stormwind during the Third War and weren’t home at the time of the invasion.

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Not all blood elves turned to the fel or naaru light.
It’s totally sensible that some didn’t.
Some even turned to the void, see void elves.

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Not all knowingly did.

They still ate the stuff.

The Blood Elven leadership made sure of it through deception, lies, or brainwashing. As they felt it was better this way than to let their Blood Elven kin turn into Withered.

Tons that got corrupted followed Kael’thas directly, not all did. As the Silver covenant shows.

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Didn’t the convocation of silvermoon rule the city, with the Sunstriders acting largely as a figure head? And didnt Kael’thas also refuse to accept the title of King?

Stop making me defend elves.

And the regent upheld the name anyway, so the greatest office upheld it. Even if it started with the prince the king was dead. He was still the greatest “power” at that time.

The Silver Covenant aren’t Blood Elves.

They were helping rebuild Dalaran when Quel’thalas was attacked by Arthas.

And yes, the Blood Elves that stayed in Silvermoon all ate Fel and Naaru light. Knowingly or not.

The Blood Elven leadership used lies, deception, and even mind control to get it to their people in Silvermoon to stop the Withering process for the rest of the population. They also banishes anyone who refused openly and couldn’t be tricked or forced.

General dislike for Elves.
Blizzard always giving elves shiny new customization and leaving everyone else in the wind with little to nothing.
2 expansions later seem to look void elf focused so, even more focus on them over other races.
Blizzards hypocrisy on lore stating ‘not enough helf’s left to be playable race’ and then pushing out a race with even less of a population.
Continued bad lore with the face since.

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It doesn’t matter if they aren’t there.
I think you still haven’t accepted that, there’s no reason for it not change.
I explained before what happened with India, the british named India and you became someone that came from India and an indian.

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You are confused is all.

Did you watch Blizzcon? They literally said the Elven Tribes are uniting and High Elves were mentioned separately from Blood Elves.

Vereesa is literally the High Elven faction leader.