Why all the Void elf hate?

They do need more void customizations.


I will ask my oldest brother if he made some screenshots of a few recent events. All I ever get to hear or see is how dead the Void Elf-concept is on RP-servers.

Perhaps Blizzard thought this is what Alliance-players understand under “monster races”? The Kul Tiran are actually fine and have very strong racials. They should have been another choice for regular humans and not their own race. Same goes for the Gilnean, which should never have the chance to return to their human form, it takes way too much away from the Worgen-fantasy.

The Nightborne suffered a lot from the lack of updates, like the HMT, but they did them somewhat justice. Both the Blood and Void Elves should have access to all their counterparts assets, regardless of the faction. They are nothing special and just your regular human character for the lazy fantasy players. I do hope they merge them in Midnight, it’s past time this elf-drama starts to disappear. Nobody cares about the Pandaren and their shared assets either, because why should anyone in this regard…

No, it doesn’t.

Void Elves existing means that you cannot use the population argument against High Elves.

I’m saying you are the lowest pop vs. us. Quit with your insecurities. They still gave your customizations so you could pretend.

Nope, you’re missing the lore again.

Not all High Elves are Blood Elves. High Elves didn’t go extinct just because you Blood Elf players wish it.

High Elves have consistently aided the Alliance in nearly every expansion and their faction leader, Vereesa, has shown up more than the faction leaders of the Alliance that aren’t human or night elven.

Technically they are more evolved/devolved blood elves. Similar to how us humans had multiple iterations as time progressed. They are not really the same, different society, values, traits, ect.

IF you want to be technical actusahlly all elves are just ducked up trolls iirc


I’m not insecure, as I’m right.

Your personal insults are pointless and don’t change the reality.

Sure, man.

Obviously. Glad to see that you’ve conceded defeat. It’s good when a Blood Elf is willing to be humble and admit that they were wrong. A rarity.

They really did because they got new eye colors purples and white, then some of our eye colors due to the blues, then all of our skintones, then almost all of our hair colors, like it’s unreal how much new customizations Void Elves have gotten and yet people still try to pretend like they haven’t gotten anything new.

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I’m on Proudmore. Can’t speak for RP.

The only race that makes sense to stand alone is Vulpera. All the others should have just been customization options. All these copy&paste races look completely ridiculous.

They seem to have more options now, then their core races… so it’s a little more than “somewhat justice”.
In general, however, all races in this game still have far too few customizations. Even the simplest things like sliders and color palettes are missing, so some here feel the need to artificially get upset when someone gets 4 new hair colors. It’s really just a phenomenon you find in the WoW community.

Helves and Belves are the same. There is not canonically evolution or devolution between them. That was Highborne to High Elf. Blood Elf was just a renaming to honor other High Elves killed during WC III.


ALL Blood Elves are High Elves.

Not all High Elves are Blood Elves.

This is factually true, not what you’re saying.

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Surely you recognize sarcasm.

Yup, pretty much. But I guess some are just too high on their horse to realize how they constantly contradict themselves. :sweat_smile:

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You are confused.

Who is the High Elf faction leader? Vereesa.

What is the High Elven faction? Silver Covenant.

Neither of these are true for Blood Elves or Void Elves. They have their own leadership, heritage, and faction.

A High Elven Heritage quest would be vastly different from the Blood Elven one and they would never wear the Blood Elf or Void Elf heritage armors.

Because they’re different.

Just gonna add that the focus of RPing on Alliance is why they have no real endgame vs Horde and complain about that as well.

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You sound jealous that Alliance are having fun while Horde promotes a toxic community due to their hyper focus on endgame.

The toxic community thing is so over-exaggerated. Even when it comes to pugging.

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