Why all the Void elf hate?

Lor’themar Theron; oh you mean the human lovers. Yes.

The Sin’Dorei who still come from Quel’Thalas. OH you mean those folks who betrayed their people’s ways to still stay with humans. Yes.

No, the High Elven (Blood Elf) heritage quest explains again why they are named Blood Elves.

No, they have a political difference.


Yeah so jealous that my faction actually plays the game to you know play the game to gear up, see content, do content, etc. while Alliance doesn’t then complains there’s no Alliance in top tiers of anything it’s like I don’t think so because there’s nothing to be jealous of.

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The most offensive part is, they already have a body height slider for the NPCs. I saw some male Pandaren NPCs in different sizes at the beginning of DF. I think it was during the time, when the player meets Wrathion for the first time. They still haven’t released this feature to their customers, for whatever reasons.

No, Lor’themar is a Blood Elf.

The Sin’dorei are not Quel’dorei. Not a hard concept to understand.

No, that’s Blood Elf Heritage. The High Elves don’t share that heritage as they weren’t there when Quel’thalas fell. They were in Theramore aiding Jaina or were rebuilding Dalaran. The Silver Covenant didn’t induldge in Fel Magic, Naaru Magic, nor did they face the Scourge when Quel’thalas was under attack AS THEY WEREN’T THERE.

It’s more than that. The fact that you cannot understand shows that you’re just here to argue a losing point. It’s a waste of both our times.

The fact that this game is so incredibly outdated in the simplest things and, on top of that, separates the players in every possible way, also leads to incredibly toxic behavior, as you can see in this thread again. I mean, the WoW community has its bad reputation for a reason, but ultimately, it’s the fault of the devs and how they handle the game. :dracthyr_shrug:

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How cute that you think that the only enjoyment from WoW in endgame.

The Horde needs to learn that there’s more to life than getting ilevel that won’t matter the next major patch or expansion.

It’s because they drink blood.


That can easily be flipped back on you and I’ll just say how cute that you think everyone wants to waste their time playing pretend like you and others do rather than actually doing progression.

Then again as I already stated a lot of Alliance people complain they don’t progress or can’t progress because so many people on Alliance do waste time doing that, that they gave them a means of cross faction dungeoning and raiding with Horde players so they can progress so clearly there’s more people wanting to actually play the game to play the game instead of waste time.


What was he before the renaming?

Heritage doesn’t wane depending on where you are at.

Neither did we. We indulged in arcane beings.

We all know they didn’t show up to help the other Helves.


That you repeatable cannot acknowledge that Blood Elves are High Elves, still Quel’Dorei and are the renamed Quel’Dorei shows some sort of delusion that I am just not willing to engage in further.

If you want to talk about the rebel High Elves who did not join their people in nationalism and patriotism, then that is A-Okay for me.

Racially nothing changed for the Blood Elves. They are the continued people of the Quel’Dorei.

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Make old content drop stuff that matters and people will be more apt to play it. As it stand old content is strictly tmogs and mounts. Yes, let me do a side quest that has 0 unlocks, takes 2 hours, all for 0 exp, a white piece of ilvl 20 gear, and 17 gold…

Coming from someone who plays on both sides (gimme my mechagnomes and zandalari trolls)

The absolute irony of this.

When you’re in a “Being Wrong Contest” and your opponent is Emet.




That’s very kind of you, actually. Thanks, pardner.

Those Alliance that complain are in a minority who are very loud. The Alliance that DO want to progress will do try outs in the known guilds that play sweaty as if they’re Horde. The fact that they don’t just tells me that those complaining Alliance just aren’t cut out for a real sweaty guild and just wanted to get carried. In that case, they can just spend gold to do that.

Heck, there’s that one all Druid guild on Stormrage that pushes AOTC and encourages learning. They’re well known and popular due to their laid back attitude while still beating high end content.

Obviously, they should just stop being wrong.

lmfao i don’t think you understood what i meant, pal

He’s like talking to a wall, you get nowhere and after a few replies you stop replying because you know it’s a waste of your time.

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Of course, I did. They’re wrong, while I’m right.

When it comes to Elven lore there are few who are my equal.


You at least got jokes.


Yeah, but the wall’s funny to poke, sometimes. His takes are notoriously bad.

Oooookay, buddy.

See, it’s stuff like this that makes me think you’re either the forum’s greatest troll or you’re genuinely disingenuous.