Why all the Void elf hate?

And LFD can be spriests. Pallies are coming to all, just a matter of when.
Blizz could make a void skin for all akin to the green felfire for locks.
Blizz could limit velves to not being able to use the void customizations if they want to be pallies.
Blizz could just add in pallies to velves and not really touch on it much or change lore.

I know, I’ve accepted that LOLORE died a long time ago, doesn’t mean I’m happy about it.

We’ll have Void Elf Paladins and Mechagnome Druids soon™.

You specifically mentioned that High Elves were already playable. Namely as Blood Elves in the Horde. To which I corrected you because Thalassian elves in the Horde are called Blood Elves.
Again, High Elves are the political group that remained loyal to the Alliance. So, no, High Elves are not playable in that sense, even though they belong to the same race. Because Blizzard took the effort to choose specific Blood Elves dealing with the Void, instead of simply using High Elves, Void Elves are technically not the High Elves that were requested.

And to emphasize, I find the split between Blood and Void Elves completely absurd. The race should simply be neutral and named accordingly in each faction, just like all races should be neutral.

To be fair, playing a gary stu/mary sue character (aka “me, the human in beautiful”) is pretty much a bad sign to begin with. If I look at AD and the Alliance-players, most of them try to copy either Game of Thrones (“houses”, especially in Duskwood Forest and the Mage Quarter in Stormwind City) or any Victorian-themed TV show they can find and live their romanticized real life.

I get it though. The appeal to play a low effort race is the path of least resistance and the more beautiful one can look, the better you feel also on the inside. WoW has also the problem in giving the human race good racials, which only makes it worse in hindsight.

Then create a Blood Elf. RP to your hearts content.

Again your statement is false. High Elves are playable, we’re Blood Elves.

What you want is Alliance Blood Elves.


It certainly does feel like talking to a brick wall sometimes with that type of player…

Blood Elves are still High Elves. A renaming doesn’t change race.

Some High Elves. The lowest population of them actually.

If there is one thing consistent about elves, it’s scisms and exiles. Nelves did it to us. We did it to Velves. It has to usually do with dangerous power. And Velves nearly blew themselves up. Their leader nearly corrupted the well. What doesn’t make sense is having them around in Midnight.


Believe me, I know the feeling.

I am not averse to people wanting to play the WC2 Elves, but it’s tiring dealing with individuals being purposefully obtuse and disingenuous. It’s almost malicious.


This right here . Main reason I don’t play mine any more. Give us some new cool void options instead of giving any more to the high elf crowd for a while and i might think about playing it again.

Blizz gave the high elf crowd an inch and they are demanding a mile . I honestly think if Blizz gave them all they wanted , they would still complain that it isn’t enough .


The race has been abandoned for very good reasons. It was a disastrous failure of a player race despite being how often they are played. And if you look around on the servers you play, most of them use them as High Elf-ersatz, which tells you absolutely everything what there is to say.

Blizzard hasn’t even released their heritage weapons, which lie dormant for +6 years now.

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It really starts to make sense why they want everything neutral when I find out they’re a Helfer. They’d damage the whole game to meet their demands. They’ll never stop. It’s so predatory and unoriginal.


As someone who plays on a high Alliance population server. I can anecdotally attest, it’s about 50/50. Oddly, the most common “high elf” Void Elves I see are monks.

It’s logical, after all. Walking around with creepy tentacles, possibly extra eyes and discolored skin is something that only appeals to a niche group of people. Just like things such as Mechagnomes or Kul Tirans can only excite a small group. It’s just not mainstream.
The fact that the few hairstyles Void Elves have are mostly quite ugly and, on top of that, contain holes… speaks for itself as well. It’s also the only Legion race that hasn’t received a proper update in terms of customization. Just compare them to the Nightborne. Void Elves seem to have been thrown together with little care in comparison. No improved model, no zone, no city, hardly any customizations, and almost no lore. What a great addition… not.

I just wish the voidy hairstyles didn’t clip through the heritage armor.

This supports you might be being disingenuous, do you even recall how the Nightborne customization started as?

No, they don’t.

It’s odd how you seem to enjoy ignoring your own race’s lore. Did you forget what your Prince said when he created the Blood Elves and introduced Fel magic to his followers in WC3?

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More High Elves exist than Void Elves.

Ergo, population argument holds no water.


Ummm. They might have received some of the most. They went from only blue skin to now pretty much having all blood elf customizations. Alliance gets two dark ranger race options with nelf and velf. Velfs aren’t even lore wise in the dark rangers. But they got them. Along with the “high elf” options.

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It holds water in the discussion of Belves and Helves. Velves are another low pop splinter and have been splintered further by Helfers. It’s a shame. They went from something potentially unique to boring Tolkien copycats. Do Helfers have any originality?

I’m not the one ignoring lore.

High Elves ARE Blood Elves. There were those who did not agree with the Magister’s direction and some who stayed absent.

All you’re doing is having absolute thoughts. I’m not going to go back and forth with you what someone already did.

It would be more important for you to acknowledge the lore.

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What they got were copy&paste skin tones and some of the hair colors. Have you compared what all the other Legion races received? Feel free to check and consider whether, in comparison to those other Legion races, they still have as much.

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