Why all the Void elf hate?

One of the reasons void elf customization options are simply inferior to blood elf customization options is that the tentacle toggle doesn’t replace the tentacle(s) with hair like it really should, it just removes the tentacle(s) which ends up just making it look like your barber made a massive mistake

Blood elf players are spoiled by Blizz due to being on Blizz’s favorite faction so they don’t have to deal with that type of thing

They sure have a funny way of showing that.

The Void Elf hair is bad, but was never meant to have the tentacles removed. They removed them due to complaints. When you mess with the void, you get tentacles.


You mean how they gave you our model with our customizations after you asked for it and them and you are all still here complaining and ungrateful about it?

I will never understand how you people figure Blizzard is so bad for giving you people what you want.


Hubris is a hell of thing, but that pretty much sums it up.

The only way to end the Void hate is 2 things.

Playable High Elves with their own Heritage Quest and Gear.

Void Elves getting void options and their heritage weapons. Oh, and a freaking home, lore, and faction.

Midnight can do both.

Blizzard didn’t give players what they wanted.

You blood elf players love saying that despite knowing it’s untrue.

Actually they did if they didn’t you wouldn’t have our model with blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes.

I know you think the endless victim complex is appealing but it’s not so try not to @ me anymore otherwise like other annoyances I’ll have to block you.


well it’s confirmed void stuff in midnight at the very least :slight_smile:

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Honestly a missed opportunity to call them Tentacle Elf


Unfortunately, they didn’t go full in on the void theme. The chickened out halfway through. And because they handed over a good chunk of Blood elves’ customization, the race is a shell of what it could have been.


Only the natural process, if you piss your paying player base off on purpose.

The high elf dream is still alive. Glory to the Quel’dorei, Sin’dorei AND Ren’dorei. :pray: :woman_elf:

I would like to play a proper Alliance high elf who is not part of Umbric’s void group, as would the rest of my community & beyond.

We use the Atomic Recalibrator to have the hairstyles Ren’dorei are not given, due to the prominence of the receding hairline for this Allied Race.



Oh I know that guild!

You all use that recalibrator?

I’ve been curious. Does your group allow Void Elves or do they absolutely have to be High Elves?

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Unless they’ve changed, it’s only high elves. I think I might have seen some half elves in their ranks, but no velves.


Bal’a dash! ICly, either a high elf or half-elf. Or if a void elf, on your way to purging that void from you. We have had some fun storylines dealing with that for peoples’ OCs. : )

Yes, the guy void elves tend to be the heaviest users of the recalibrator toy & orbs. I always laugh a bit when the appearance fades off and they boast the most questionable-looking, sketchy void elf appearance to get that dream combination from the recalibrator.

Hi, Anadisong! This is correct. :woman_elf: Love your Ren’dorei’s appearance via the profile picture.


Thank you! Would look better if we could toggle hair showing on helms, buuuuut still, thanks! The Eagletalon set is like the one good ranger set for thalassian hunters. My helf also uses it, but uses the purple version. I’m hoping in Midnight we get another good ranger set… Maybe more bows with quivers like the MM artifact appearance please?!

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It’ll blow people’s minds when Forsaken and Void Elves are, Void Paladins that skin would be awesome.

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I see. One of these days I’ll level up my High Elf on that server and see what you’re all doing for at least those events you put on all the time.

I wish you all well on your raid… which I think is tonight?

The couple times my friends and I were using recalibrators for RP we had some amusing times when they ran out. lol

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The hate comes from, wanting to be me. shrug

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