Why all the Void elf hate?

The old ways always had to do with living in our own city, not amongst others and practicing arcane magics.

Rp servers are someone’s made up lore for their own characters, not official game lore. They could make themselves out to be a koala for all I care. That’s their business.


Lol, the fact someone is claiming that other people are racist because we like the faction divide and not having to share everything with the other faction is a major stretch like all I can say about that is yikes and big yikes at that. :scream: :scream: :scream:

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They apparently aren’t aware that many cultures do not practice cultural sharing to protect against erasure. And that removal of factions is closest to erasure. Give more choices, sure. Don’t erase anything. They’ll still have to deal with chosen alignments based on game lore history. That have more to do with politics than race. Oh the horror!


That’s more on Lorthemar. He could’ve made a reasonable proposition to the Void Elves like “Hey we can’t allow you on the Isle or anywhere near the Sunwell but we can build a settlement in the Ghostlands or w/e” but nah he basically handed another super powered race to the Alliance.

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Why would he do that and take risk after all the history with the well and it being destroyed twice? Why can’t they build their own city with the Helves that don’t want to live back home?

I love playing my Void elf…soon they will allow us to be Paladins. lolz

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There are no Void Elves made outside of Umbric’s group. We have no lore to indicate that more Void Elves are being created, that they have the means of re-creating the ritual that transformed them, or that Alleria has even taught a single High/Blood Elf how to master the void.

This circles back to what an atrocious race this is in terms of lore, that one cannot even adequately define the race itself. Is any elf whom wields the void a, ‘Void Elf,’ like Alleria? Or is it just those transformed in the Telogrus Rift that one time, in circumstances that are not proven to be repeatable?

Going to wait and see. Wouldn’t be surprised if just the PC canonically avoided succumbing. We’ve already seen all the other Void Elves give in already (Visions of Stormwind), including Alleria.


Velves aren’t voidy enough. They need void tattoos and void-touched hands and feet. More and better hair with void tentacles.


Because it’s better than making enemies with someone who could just portal one elf over the Sunwell for a quick skinny dip, sending the Blood Elves back to the stone age.


What I don’t get is this push by players to want the Void Elves/High Elves to even want to go back to Quel’Thalas at all.

The Void Elves have the Telogrus Rift, a place absolutely saturated in void energy. That’d be as if Silvermoon City existed inside the Sunwell. I cannot stress enough over just how absolutely perfect the rift is and should be considered by the Void Elves. They’re not even on Azeroth, so they don’t even need to worry about their research and studies causing damage to the world or any neighbors, because they don’t have neighbors!

The High Elves largely live in Dalaran, a city of magic that is far more relaxed in it’s laws compared to Quel’Thalas right now. Dalaran itself has acted as a neutral hub so often that it’s probably one of the only places on Azeroth where you could reasonably get just about anything. Food from Pandaria? Goods from the Horde/Alliance? Even exports from beyond the planet itself is fairly likely. Limitless access to resources, more freedom to live as they choose… why give that up to go back to Quel’Thalas, where the slightest sentiment against the current rule results in a mind-wipe?

The High Elves not living in Dalaran have built lives, families, and networks of friends and allies within the Alliance. Why give that all up?

Even if you combined the Void Elves, and High Elves, and gave them a spot in the corner of Quel’Thalas, even if they had the freedom to rule that corner however they saw fit, why would they do that? All they’re doing is putting themselves within spitting distance of a much more powerful nation that could wipe them out the moment the next Warchief rises to power and decides to one-up the previous megalomaniacal ruler of the Horde.

Before we ask why Lor’themar doesn’t just give the High/Void Elves some space in Quel’Thalas, people need to actually answer why either group would want to return, to give up everything they have, to put themselves at eternal risk of genocide.


Void elves are like Kul Tirans
Take a race people like human/elf & add an ugly condition they must have fat / turn purple

Imagine if the fel infused Blood elves turned green while fighting every few seconds. Blood elf players wouldnt like that either - they like skinny white humans just like void elf / Kul tiran players want

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And we could portal and destroy all Alliance stuff. What of it?

I’d love for them to have a huge castle like city all void crystal looking. It could look really nice.

Yeah I don’t really think it’s happening. I think they’ll come to the Isle to help guard the well and go back to their lives. They’ve made it clear at least a couple times that they don’t want to be back in Silvermoon. It’s still home but it’s not where they live.

Yeah I can’t see them uprooting their families.

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So macro it off if it bothers you that much it’s not hard.

I am not a void elf player but others are

If there is a fix, share (until the devs break it like they did with worgen)

Dislike all elves equally if that helps op. Smelly tree hugging hippies all of them :crazy_face: :beer:

That’s Nelves.

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The Blizzaro Monkey Paw on void elves is one of the most arrogant moves by this dev team. How do you say you only play faction without saying you only play one faction?

The void elf customization options are extremely limited too. Take the nightborne as a contrast- they have many hairstyles that actually look nice, hair colors, and many other jewelry options too.


They found a confluence of leylines and made the Sunwell upon it using one of Illidan’s vials of Well of Eternity water.

The ‘arcanists’ were called the Highborne which would later change to high elf in the common tongue.

No one took off with Alleria. She and Turalyon ended up with the Army of the Light. The blood elves that became the first void elves (playable) were exiled on their own, Alleria just heard about them then went looking for them.

Just some minor corrections since you were trying to set someone else right.

Lor’themar took the kind option. His advisors wanted to execute them.

It’s on the void elves for doggedly refusing to stop and meddling with dangerous powers.

Even Umbric admits this. Though we do not regret our choices. It was our choice.

We have nothing but what we’re shown.

Countless more void elves than should exist?
Void elves common among void factions throughout bfa?
High elf and blood elf learners in the Rift?
New void elves being taught how to use their powers?

We have plenty enough, though I would love blizzard to tell not show in this case.

Alleria isn’t just an elf wielding the void. She took the void into herself. She’s a void elf.

It’s clear blizzard sees both options as acceptable.

A vision from N’zoth literally meant to be his win.

It’s a shadow of a truth not reality. He wanted to make it real but we stopped him.

100% this. ^^^

Nah, they thought it was cool and it fit not being a copy.

They haven’t done an actual pass on us yet. They’ve used that time to let folk play their high elves so it’s been fairly lack luster for void elves so far.

We’ll get there.


Next time if Void Elf people want actual new stuff don’t ask for stuff from another race, that will always be the difference between Nightborne and Void Elf players is Nightborne players don’t ask for stuff from Night Elves, Void Elf players do from Blood Elves and then complain about it after the fact.

If you wanted actual new stuff you should of asked for that instead of copy/paste stuff from us because while it might not be new like new it’s still new due to Void Elves not having it originally so you basically wasted your customization pass.

This has nothing to do with what players ask for… it has 100% to do with what Blizzaro does to the Alliance players.

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