11/08/2018 05:02 AMPosted by
Fighting lower-level players at a disadvantage in battlegrounds is such a challenge.
If you managed to use the collective power of your 5 or 6 brain cells you'd come to the conclusion that there are twinks who want to vs and face other twinks and don't find beating down the easy nubs as challenging or fun. Lul
That goes back to my point of giving you easy nubs your own bracket again.
Hop on your geared 120 and kill some noobs, hop on your geared Alts and kill some noobs.
Looks like there is forums posts crying about both, noobs dying.
If it isn't Azerite traits+Hard grind lol it is complaints about over tuned items or the mighty "Twink". God forbid you bring up faction win rate comparisons.
Players who are whiners will always be here complaining anyway.
Blizzard implements the most balanced gearing system this game has ever seen for lower levels and the tears still flow.
? Balanced lol...
Dude my 110 isn't even finished yet, it's miles off and I still can just walk up to fresh 110s and out heal their damage with my 15% leech.
Hop on your geared 120 and kill some noobs, hop on your geared Alts and kill some noobs.
Looks like there is forums posts crying about both, noobs dying.
If it isn't Azerite traits+Hard grind lol it is complaints about over tuned items or the mighty "Twink". God forbid you bring up faction win rate comparisons.
Players who are whiners will always be here complaining anyway.
Blizzard implements the most balanced gearing system this game has ever seen for lower levels and the tears still flow.
When a leveling player is in a bracket with 1800 health and several hits required being the norm versus a twink who has 3000hp+ who two shots people, there is a problem. You're criticizing people instead of the game because you know I am right. You've been stalking me several times throughout this forum category.
11/08/2018 01:54 PMPosted by
Hop on your geared 120 and kill some noobs, hop on your geared Alts and kill some noobs.
Looks like there is forums posts crying about both, noobs dying.
If it isn't Azerite traits+Hard grind lol it is complaints about over tuned items or the mighty "Twink". God forbid you bring up faction win rate comparisons.
Players who are whiners will always be here complaining anyway.
Blizzard implements the most balanced gearing system this game has ever seen for lower levels and the tears still flow.
When a leveling player is in a bracket with 1800 health and several hits required being the norm versus a twink who has 3000hp+ who two shots people, there is a problem. You're criticizing people instead of the game because you know I am right. You've been stalking me several times throughout this forum category.
Which bracket are you referring to with this 1800vs3000k two shot?
Stalking? Don't give yourself too much credit, these are my threads too.
11/08/2018 09:14 AMPosted by
Twinks simply don't belong in the game because of the harm they cause it.
How are they harming anything? They're just characters is bis gear that blizzard make available to their levels. Maybe blizzard should turn every sub 120 gear piece into no stats white gear. Would that make everything "fair" enough for you?
11/08/2018 09:14 AMPosted by
Selling gold is a a similar niche population's preferred playstyle, too.
Comparing twinking to gold selling. Gold sellers get a majority of their gold from hacked accounts, that's actually harmful to the game. Twinks are just using the gear that blizzard put in the game for their levels.
Which bracket are you referring to with this 1800vs3000k two shot?
My guess is 20-29, as 1800 HP seems too high for a leveler in 10-19, and the floor at 30-39 is around 2.5k glass cannon builds.
Protection is "2 shotting" ?
This, of course, is the other thing. I'm wondering where the "2 shotting" is coming from, because it certainly isn't tank specs lol.
11/08/2018 09:14 AMPosted by
Twinks simply don't belong in the game because of the harm they cause it.
How are they harming anything?
By driving people out of BGs to begin with. Learning how to play BGs takes a lot of time and patience, particularly for people new to it. The best way by far IMNSHO is to start at the lowest level possible.
By encouraging the "just give up, we can't win" mentality. The song-and-dance about "twinks help you win!" is just that -- twinks are after their own personal stats, not objectives.
Before the XP off was added, it wasn't uncommon to run into twinks who refused to play objectives (especially in CtF games) because they didn't want to level.
Twinks are just using the gear that blizzard put in the game for their levels.
If this were truly the case, they'd not have complained about the lack of queues in Legion.
Twinks are a niche population that adversely affects the instanced PvP aspect of the game. All the lies, excuses and the rest of the spin-doctoring doesn't change that. The only attention twinks need from Blizzard is to be put in their own separate queues to limit the damage they do.
If you can link more than 5 threads about twinks complaining that xp off ques (when we were in our own brackets) were taking too long or they weren't popping
The Search engine is your friend.
Try using "What twink brackets are good?" to start.
11/08/2018 04:58 PMPosted by
Twinks are a niche population that adversely affects the instanced PvP aspect of the game.
If this were really true, why were folks still complaining about twinks when the queues were separated?
11/08/2018 05:07 PMPosted by
If this were really true, why were folks still complaining about twinks when the queues were separated?
No they weren't.
Unlike you, I can actually back up my claims with previous forum posts:
https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/12189178856You may see a familiar poster in there ;)
Edit: was this around the time you no longer had a subscription? Just curious.
11/08/2018 05:11 PMPosted by
Unlike you, I can actually back up my claims with previous forum posts:
You may see a familiar poster in there ;)
Edit: was this around the time you no longer had a subscription? Just curious.
Oh lord, another one of those twink mains who were making threads pretending to be a normal person and making claims that BOA players were an issue so they could get them pulled out too. Nice try.
Edit: You forget people tried pulling that? Just curious.
Oh lord, another one of those twink mains who were making threads pretending to be a normal person and making claims that BOA players were an issue so they could get them pulled out too. Nice try.Edit: You forget people tried pulling that? Just curious.
https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/search?q=heirloom&forum=1011697I guess we made all these posts too?
11/09/2018 03:07 AMPosted by
Oh lord, another one of those twink mains who were making threads pretending to be a normal person and making claims that BOA players were an issue so they could get them pulled out too. Nice try.Edit: You forget people tried pulling that? Just curious.
I guess we made all these posts too?
Look at all those people that don't play anymore.
Look at all those people that don't play anymore.
Yes, apparently RL happened.
02/20/2012 10:08 AMPosted by
I think that twinks aka heirloom people need to be put in different bgs then the average person you need to put in like a gear scanner or something. Everytime i join a bg there is at least 6 horde with heirloom and its annoying to kill them when they can pretty much 1 hit quit u, honestley i dont see how any 1 can think that this is fair. Overall you should just put people with heirloom in a seperate bg so people like me at lower levels can actually have fun in pvp.
Date stamped for science.
08/19/2012 09:08 AMPosted by
In fact most any class with proper heirlooms is unstoppable. It's so bad now. Everybody knows about the GY camp problems and the fact that it is an occasion to celebrate if you get in an evenly matched, competitive battleground where it really could go either way. Every time I queue as an alt, it's either steamroll or be steamrolled with almost no in between.
08/19/2012 09:08 AMPosted by
Heirlooms are the main problem here in my opinion. Sure it's great to level ridiculously fast after already leveling to max on several toons, but the fact that you can just faceroll everyone if your group happens to have more of these characters than the other is just stupid.
Nothing like leveling fast while GY camping in the experience-on separated brackets.