Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

I was only responding to your commentary of ’

So the same could be applied directly to you. “This has no bearing on the discussion”.

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No? I’m referring to a specific in game object. You made some rambling aside about chronicles and dungeon groups.

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Personally I’d still love to hear about how the Alliance knew what specific day the fleet had left port despite this information not being in the Captain’s Log, if for no other reason than entertainment.


cause its wow

Another staggering display of intellectualism from dearest Katiera. I find myself with no other choice but to submit to your overwhelming evidence and persuasive arguments.

Fair’s fair, i asked for entertainment and you delivered in spades.


I was using that as an example. Given the specific in game object is mentioned in quest, heck even at Blizzcon - regardless of whether ‘The players know nothing about it’ it’s still cannon, whether you like it or not :man_shrugging:

I am just trying to make you post cause your head is always up your butt, your arguement is litterally one quest isnt canon, cause you want it not to be canon, even know we both, know everything in the game is canon till blizzard says otherwise or retcons it.

My argument is that the quest is canon but there’s no way of knowing when it was completed or who completed it, and that evidence suggests that the Alliance characters did not possess this information pre-Stormheim.

Try and keep up.


Okay, so assume the journal is canon (and not an artillery piece). Who has it?

Because there wasn’t a ‘reply to reply’ thread, I thought you were all talking about the Lantern Sylvanas gathered from Helya, not that mild pesky journal from the shipwreck in Azsuna. I’d go for the middleman & state simply that the Mr.Shackle Trading company got it. The readable contents are probably lore-accurate; but whether who vs who has the journal like you stated yeah, would be anyones guess given both factions ‘obtained’ it.

Regardless though, the Alliance never got to achieve their goal with that journal so if you were to align with ‘Outcomes’ one could state the Horde achieved the overall on that story.

That was my original point, yes. It’s impossible to give the journal to either side, so I think one cannot attribute any canon actions to its existence.

To be fair, supposedly the bait and switch was Sylvanas’ plan all along.

As other people have discussed, that was Lor’themar’s short story.

No specific statement, but Chronicle: Volume III did make the accusation on Page 150:

    The Banshee Queen urged the Horde’s leadership to ally with the blood elves, but her reasons remained a mystery. Rumors circulated that some lingering part of her still sympathized with Quel’Thalas and its hardships. Other stories hinted that Sylvanas had ulterior motives.

Any actions weren’t really applied, so it could overall be overlooked. Now back to the original application of this thread …

Hopefully, BFA was just a key to the door for the great expansion of ‘Shadowlands’. Somewhat like ‘Derplords of Draenor’ was for ‘Legion:slight_smile:

Putting aside for a moment my distaste for people trying to use the current story to justify it’s own retcons, I’m aware, but a mere acknowledgement that some people think a certain thing doesn’t mean much to me going up against Chris Metzen’s word of god.


World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume III, Written by Chris Metzen, Matt Burns, and Robert Brooks.


Don’t you mean the titans uwu.

No but seriously, It being a half-hearted suggestion that didn’t actually disprove what Metzen said was more important than the fact it was Metzen who’s saying it. I’m not attributing some unassailable quality to Chris in particular.

It doesn’t say “this is the case”. It says “this might be the case, some people think so, nobody knows for sure in-universe”.


Until we get some flashback in Shadowlands where Sylvanas openly admits she was using the Blood Elves all along or something.

Don’t really see what she needed to use them for. The Blood Elves weren’t anymore loyal to Sylvanas than the rest of the Horde when it was all said and done.

There was a surprising absence of Blood Elves doing anything of any real importance in Wrath, yeah.

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That’s just going to be opinion to be completely honest. As my case pointed out players may not even know about the other quest for the other side.

And at this point I can’t give a leaky sack of rat droppings which quest counts and which quest doesn’t to who.

Benedikt, I hope that answered your question (in the above post of course).

Merry Christmas Everyone in case I don’t get back on before then. Work is insane at this time of the year and I have an important interview right after New Years I have to prep for so maybe Happy New Years as well. Peace out! Now I have an important meeting with the Sandman to attend.