I’m just saying, your guys imaginations really come out when commenting about Baine and Anduin…
I don’t really have much of an opinion on Baine. I don’t remember if he was there in any capacity between Vanillia and Wrath. I don’t think he did much in Legion. And here he just comes off as kinda dim.
Like yeah obviously I’m down to stop an Undead from having their free will tortured out of them. But I figured perhaps we’d do a more clandestine approach like when you’re tracking Saurfang.
But nah he just kicks in the door and bull in a China shops his way through the place. Breaking any potential for plausible deniability. And it’s weird your rebel character doesn’t face any consequences for it. I know they can’t as A. What would you do lock up the PC and make them unplayable till 8.2.5? And B. The story has to continue as if my character could’ve also been an undercover agent for the Banshee Queen. Still weird though.
Me neither. But what did Cairne do though in that time? I mean I love Cairne, and he’s an OG from WC3, but it feels like he wasn’t very active until it’s time to kill him for the goofy Garrosh plot. Then he’s just dead and it’s Baine trying to figure out how to fill his fathers shoes in Cata.
Thus, why he’s a baller. Just busts in not giving a damn.
Yeah this is kinda weird but also she doesn’t arrest Baine until he confesses, and PC never does. You’re basically suppose to be undercover whether you are a loyalist or a rebel lmao.
I mean, I guess. But after you use stealth and disguises elsewhere it had the air of a D&D campaign when a Barbarian just berserker rages through a door. Neatly torpedoing the Sorcerer and Rogue’s careful infiltration plan.
You get locked up, and Saurfang and a couple other Horde members he’s rallied to his cause come to break you and other dissidents out?
As an alternative scenario for loyalists, you’re locked up so that any doubts Saurfang may have about your loyalties are erased. Sylvanas was going to have you released secretly and say that you escaped, but Saurfang does the break-in before that can take place (so the deaths of whatever guards Saurfang & co. kill on their way in isn’t part of the plan).
Yep. I find it incredibly telling that Blizzard was willing to gush about Night Elves, but not Forsaken.
We universally rejected Golden’s female-anduin replacement for Sylvanas, so Blizzard is punishing us with a lore time-out.
The alternative is simply too horrible to imagine.
Yeah that actually does kinda bug me, nelves get treated like crap, don’t get me wrong, but i think that has more to do with being the best target to worf in the faction war then anything else. Legion felt very nelf heavy, with 2 class halls and 3 whole zones dedicated to them, while other ideas such as inserting night elves into the troll wars seems like a way to force nelves into a story they were not needed. Blizzard seems to love nelven themes but not really care for the night elven nation if that makes sense.
It’s weird night Elves continue to be the race with the most thematic zones and have a history and culture constantly being fleshed out and expanded, yet also blizzards favorite punching bag when it becomes time for a new expansion travesty to occur.
Forsaken meanwhile are the opposite, they are used as the big explosive plot device meant to spur everyone into action and nothing else. We do stuff like Wrathgate and the terrible crap in Gilneas and Darkshore for no reason other then to show how evil the forsaken are, any unique themes they once had having been removed from them. Apothecary is now just a blight making gang, the Cult of Forgotten Shadows was said to have basically collapsed before they even appeared in game by legion, with natalie selene being raised from the dead… AS A LIVING BREATHING HUMAN. Even our most “important” characters are only nominally forsaken, Voss was a free agent for the majority of wows existence, Meryl was from long before the fall of Lordearon, Faol has had almost nothing to do with the forsaken, more with the church of the light, which the forsaken lack! They aren’t interested in using the forsaken as anything more then a “Cause Issues for the players now” button.
I’m pretty mad that they went and took the opposite of death and made it death themed for the sake of night elves, but I’m a little saltier that the scourge-like zone (I’m spacing its name) is headed by a relatively unknown orc (no one cheered for thrall’s mother at blizzcon. Not one single soul.) instead of a forsaken who died – or someone who died and became akin to forsaken.
Yeah that’s why with Calia I’m kinda giving a big hmmmm right now.
As the only returning character of any relevance to the Forsaken is Uther. Nobody else has any connection to Lordaeron and the Scourge.
Okay so that’s who that is. I just knew it was a self evidently important Orc. Gee if only there was a character who was as charismatic as they were tied to necromancy. Maybe someone who was described as lost in the Shadowlands and happened to operate something that sounds awfully similar to Maldraxxus.
Kelan’t Thuink who Zad’t be though.
RIGHT??? What a colossal muck up!
I wouldn’t mind seeing Teron Gorefiend too.
I was the first you know. For me the wheel of death has spun many times. So much time has passed… I have a lot of catching up to do.
Death really isn’t so bad.
The wheel… spins… again.
I’d prefer Kelthuzad to be the uhh… kadgar? of the zone? but I want to see Teron Gorefiend there. Preferably on our side for once? Since Shadowlands seems to be about redeeming the redeemable?
Right?? Like leave us the hell alone!! Go punch some humans or a gnome for a change lmao!! If us getting zones and attention means more bfa-esque things then i want NONE XD
Only if Michael McConnohie voices him though. Or if they can’t just always remember what makes KT so memorable is his attitude. They changed the VActor in Wrath and he came off as just another doom and gloom Lich which isnt fun at all. They did KT perfectly again in Heroes of the Storm though so - just more of that and you’re golden Blizz.
I’m not sure about redeemed. I’d like him to be a runner villain. Have him be a reoccurring baddie we sometimes work with against a bigger threat but who we also fight a lot. He hid his phylactery extremely well this time so we can’t seem to keep him down.
As for Drakka - I guess it’s to try to sell the not necessarily evil angle. But c’mon Blizz after ‘morally gray’ Slyvanas, which was like describing ISIS as ‘troublemakers’, I am expecting the Necrolords to be extraordinarily evil.
I’m down for Bolvar level evil entities. I’m fine with screwing people over if it’s a bigger picture power move. Like no one cares about the paladins, so their orderhall and liadrin are whatever.
That’s what I’m expecting out of the necrolords. Also the vampires.
The Venthyr from what I gather seem like a corrupt and stagnant oligarchy you’ve to sort out. Because even in death the idle rich is apparently just a thing you must always contend with.
Visually I’m very interested in Revendreth and Maldraxxus has a lot of questions I at least hope are answered - seeing as the Scourge seemed to hijack their aesthetic. If there’s any Venthyr lawyers, and where else would they be, I’d say they’d have a pretty solid infringement case against the Scourge. Maybe that’s why KT hasn’t been mentioned. He’s living under an assumed name to avoid the Arbiter’s court summons.
Ok, I’m not done reading through all of this yet (and boy do I have my own thoughts to eventually get into this thread), but oh, MAN I love and am so stealing this quote. I’ve been waiting to play the Forsaken I’ve had sitting around for the last year until I could get a non-bony version, and this quote is going into her TRP somewhere.
Truest comment, to how I feel about the latest patch with so much wasted potential. Again.
Given this patch was supposed to be the ‘cherry on top’ I feel this whole cake of an expansion was a joke to throw into a clowns face. Rather sad & disappointing how it all came to end …
I’m personally hoping N’Zoth ‘dying’ was merely a ploy / feign death, as he still subtly plays his hand corrupting others - letting most of the world believe he’s dead, but in fact still very alive, kicking - and having us shoot forge of re-origination power, Engine of Nalak’Sha divinity and heart of Azeroth power into the Xal’Atath dagger - which he made look like his own form, for a much larger goal (Such as freeing ALL the Old Gods, knowing it is needed to defeat the meddlesome mortals who would bare down on them alone).
Firstly, Shut Up, you can’t necro a post about the undead.
Secondly, honestly everything I said up top still applies. Only now my disappointment is considerably worse.
When this was written in December (Christ how long ago does that feel these days?) we didn’t know 8.3 would be the end of it - so chatting with Sparkles the Good Christian Flesheater about the fate of emo elves was actually the last bit of Forsaken content in the expansion.
Shadow’s Rising came and went and I enjoyed it enough that I’m reading Aslyum, a horror book by Madeleine Roux thats thus far making me think she’d be really good at writing the Forsaken. But I was let down by the lack of Forsaken doing much for the plot. Tyrande was a cameo but Voss was basically an extra.
And now we got the prepatch event, and Calia is there but…
Not Voss?
You know, the character that actually worked with Blightcaller and would have an opinion about him?
And, seriously, why is Calia. Best I can tell she’s liked by only Golden and players who feel Forsaken fans should be made to suffer for the imaginary war crimes of cartoon zombie men.
If you dig around here, you’ll find older topics where I was pleasantly disposed to Calia. But Blizz has seemed to have deliberately gone out of their way to make me loathe the character. She does and says nothing interesting, has thus mostly interacted with Alliance characters, and it seems like the story is telling me as explicitly as possible she’s the antithesis of what’s interesting about the Forsaken,
“A slight, blue-eyed undead woman ran breathlessly into the hold, her gaze flicking in every direction, her posture suggesting she was not at all sorry for their tardiness. Behind her, a ghostly pale woman, also undead, stood with far more poise. They could not have been any more different, the two ladies, one ravaged by her affliction to the bones, the other smooth and unblemished, glowing from within with an arresting light”
I am more than okay with good aligned Forsaken. I think they definitely need more and liked how in SR the Apothecary sacrifices his freedom to save an Orcish refugee from being tortured by Alliance heroes. That was some much needed quiet heroism.
I’m more than okay with the Forsaken being presented as handsome or attractive in their own ghoulish way. Pretty sure the Forsaken female model and Jill Valentine are why I’m very attracted to pale women with bright eyes.
But I am not okay with the Forsaken being described as “smooth and unblemished, glowing from within with an arresting light”.
The Forsaken are always going to be a niche interest but that’s how the Horde works. After Blood Elves the player population is pretty evenly split amongst the 4 OG races. They do not need to be fixed or given a new thematic direction.
They can be noble, patient, friendly - whatever. But even the most compassionate undead pacifist should still have heavy Addam’s Family vibes.