Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

This is literally what blizzard says most undead remember soo yeah

Shortly after Before the Storm I came to these forums with nearly identical complaints. I suppose that I am only here to say “Yeah man, I agree with you whole heartedly.”

Or rather, maybe I find solace in knowing that I am not the only Forsaken player who also has voiced your sentiments.

I don’t know, but whatever the Forsaken is now it wasn’t it prior and truthfully I hate it. I hate it to such a degree that it feels entirely too easy to walk away from a game and universe that I have invested so much time into.


The trouble with the Forsaken is they’re so unique to WoW. It’s very hard to find another RPG that let’s you play as a sapient undead in general much less as a standard, core race with their own themes and culture.

I guess that’s why I’m so protective of them. I didn’t play WoW for a long while but I dabbled in a bunch of other MMOs. None I stuck with for as long as a year. I eventually came back and kept on because the Forsaken are fulfilling a fantasy niche no other game in town is really selling.

In pretty much every other setting the Undead are typically mindlessly evil. At best you get a chaotic neutral Necromancer or Vampire Lord or whatever running the show in strategy games. The rank and file undead are always skeletons or zombies bereft of any personality or agency. The Forsaken having each individual undead be a thinking, feeling creature as capable as good or evil as anyone else is inherently fascinating to me.

That’s what makes this expansion so exhausting story wise. I don’t need WoW to see undead as pointlessly evil bad guys that’s what every other setting offers. And the Calia path seems to go so far into the other direction as to completely miss the point - ie making them humans with emo hair cuts and throat cancer accents.

Blizz really conjured a wholly unique version of the living dead you just don’t see anywhere else. If it gets wrecked thems the breaks- I can’t go somewhere else to play something like them.


Pretty Much, the Forsaken I feel are one of WoW’s most unique take, alongside Trolls being a full blown civilization and major power, sapient free willed undead that aren’t these massively rare uber-power houses sorceror lords is something you just can’t get anywhere else.

Blizzard didn’t want that though to my knowledge, they wanted to play as the scourge but were unable to do to Metzan making an actually interesting, grey setting, Metzan turned the monstrous races into actual societies and not just “Metal” monsters to play as.

The Forsaken had ideas in play, blizzard refused to develop said ideas. In Burning Crusade the Royal Apothecary Society actually gave medical aid to the horde. Now they’re just Blighters. WHich is pretty much all the forsaken became after Wrath, Blight Spamming, Sylvanas Worshipping, madmen. It sucks because the first time i really felt they’d go into the nuances of an undead nation with Zelling was squandered because Blizzard wanted a “sYlVaNaS eViL” moment which we didn’t even need!


Yeah I’ve seen some people hate Zelling and that is just so confusing to me. That feels like hating the clerk at a sandwich shop you had banal interactions with at lunch twice- I didn’t know enough about him to like or hate him.

The first consensual non Scourge undead (outside Felstorm but he’s a big ole How on that note) opened the door to a lot of new ideas. Especially with SL in mind, where we will learn at least parts of the afterlife are so broken as to require armies of murder hobos to sort them out, you’d think undeath would be an option people might think about. Like if you’ve a lot of unfinished business- why not? Yeah you’ll crave the flesh of the living but this is WoW. Turn a Gnoll or Murloc encampment into a buffet nobody will care.

It was a really interesting idea I was looking forward to being expanded but op nevermind. And ‘op nevermind’ might as well be the Forsaken’s story motto.

“Hmm these Apothecaries seem capable of both great medicine and terrible weapons, I wonder how they’ll- op nevermind they’re all a bunch of Josef Mengeles now”

“Well it looks like despite Windrunner’s entirely selfish goals she respects the free will of other undead to an almost irrational degree I wonder how - op nevermind she kills people for being in the rough proximity of defectors now”

“Well it seems like the Forsaken and even Blightcaller are starting to see Windrunner has gone off the deep end I wonder how they could explore the philosophically rich concept of having a national hero be revealed as a selfish monst - op nevermind they’re all loyal until they’re not”


Zelling hate i get, since he seemed like a ghe was going to be important and was then killed for no good reason. As for the rest, yeah, i’m making a post on why I hate “Metal” writing.


Zellings was killed to narrativelly show that sylvanas doesnt care about the forsaken


Big Baller Baine called her out on it.


The ‘Big Baller’ was sidelined straight up. Little Red Riding Hood it seems will be giving us our instructions.


Horde players hate the alliance so much they’d probably kill themselves, if blizzard adding the option rather than work together to fight the legion or whatever we need to team up together for.

“Big ballin’, smashin’, makin’ my ends
Smokin’ big killa gettin’ high in the Benz
Big ballin’, smashin’, makin’ my ends
Smokin’ big killa gettin’ high in the Benz”

  • Baine Bloodhoof

Off-topic, but you might want to check out Divinity: Original Sin 2.

You can play as undead there. They don’t have a unified culture but are a state of being that doesn’t alter who you were before you died. Most undead you meet are fairly amicable. Society still dislikes the undead though, so there is gameplay where you have to cover up your bones with cloaks and hoods and wear skin masks to blend in with society.

The coolest part? There is an undead variant of every playable race. Undead elves, dwarves, and lizardfolk in addition to your standard undead human.

The gameplay is even unique because restorative healing magic will harm an undead but poison actually heals them and they can survive a lot of things living characters can’t. It makes playing one a very different experience.


Horde’s not allowed to keep characters who the other faction is meant to hate as well. Alliance characters who are mean to Horde have usually given up their hate at some point and went back to being okay with trying peace out.

What’s Blizzard trying to tell us? That war sucks? Maybe.

That all being said, I can agree that it would have been better if Sylvanas was maintained as someone who generally cared about the Horde as a whole rather than this Darth Stalin approach vs everyone.



I am ashamed in you!


Yeah, I don’t really want to think about Baine’s balls.

They’ve probably been served to Anduin by now as a delicacy anyway.


So is anduin banies puppet or is baine anduins puppet make up your minds hordies

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Who ever said Anduin was Baine’s puppet? Baine’s clearly no puppetmaster.

(Baine’s uke, now … that’s been said. Not by me. But it’s been said.)


For as much as you guys hate Baine, you sure do come up with some very vivid strange fan fictions involving him and Anduin. :thinking:


The more people talk about baine the more it shows up in the metrics baine xpac soon

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I don’t hate Baine. I just think he’s annoying. And I don’t write fanfiction either, so don’t try to pin that on me.