Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

I recently finished leveling a long neglected Forsaken toon, and I have to say that I agree with the OP.

Blizzard has really screwed up the Forsaken story and as a consequence screwed over at least some, if not all, of the Forsaken fan base.

And what’s worse they don’t seem to have a plan to fix that story. Calia, a character nobody really wants, is obviously not a solution. There are many other characters who could have been and still could be developed. But we have no sign of that happening.

It’s disappointing to say the least.


And that’s why I’m still really disappointed. Calia is just a gigantic “WHO IS THIS FOR?!” in the story.

And I really like Voss. I think she’s a perfect characterization of what a good aligned Forsaken should be. She uses black magic and dirty tactics. She has no problem using threats, that she can back up, of horrific violence to get her way. She seems to actually delight in murder and mayhem.

But she’s honors promises, never targets civilians, is quietly compassionate, is honest and actually bad at lying and seems to earnestly want to help people.

She’s not really styled as a leader yet. But I think SL would be the perfect spot for her to grow as a character.

We could have a reunion with her father in Revendreth and perhaps a new mom character in Bastion where we could go into her backstory more.

And seriously what’s her deal? It’s clear she was trained to be some weapon against the Forsaken but then somehow died and became the Crusade’s undoing. But how’d she die?

We see in the Priest Hall quests how the Scarlets deal with heretics. So my theory is she was growing too powerful for the Scarlet Crusade to control, and when she started questioning her beliefs either her father or someone else she trusted posioned her. And presumably the Cataclysm struck as they were going to burn the body, so it fell into the hands of the Forsaken and was moved into the Shadow Grave.

Many of the others you interact with in Deathknell know how they died. Ones still screaming because in his mind an Orc sunk an axe into his chest and now he’s here, with hands that aren’t his stiched on.

But Voss just seems extremely confused at why these undead aren’t attacking her, until you show her a mirror and she runs screaming into the woods.

So - there’s a lot of fertile ground for a backstory there and some reconciliation with her past. That could give her closure and sense of purpose to make her someone more comfortable with command.

Fertile ground that I worry will go unworked.


for the playerbase that is tired of the forsaken ruining everything they touch

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It seemed I made a right move deleting my Forsaken Warrior back in MoP.

Which is ashame because I liked their background before all…this.

Eh. They where a nightmare to mog anyway.

That’s a common complaint but the new customization options are fixing a lot of that. I’m genuinely stoked.

For cloth in particular there’s like maybe 4 boot options. So, any non robbed mog has to go with those or you’re stuck with slippers that make your character look like a stiff breeze could carry them away.

Plates actually much better on the female undead model imho. It can work on males but if done poorly the helms make you look like you’re about to keel over.

Personally I RP my undead warrior as a vyrkul. The weird oversized helmet looks good with a giant barbarian character.

Oh look one of those sad weirdos who want to break other people’s toys because they were forced to look at a different aesthetic for 10 seconds. Was just talking about you.


the forsaken have broken the horde for long enough

Sweetie the Forsaken have been in the Horde now for most of it’s existence. Honestly I’d make fun of you more but I’m worried you’re differently abled. I’m genuinely quite frustrated with my favorite faction’s neglect and really don’t have the patience to pretend to respect posters I don’t anymore.

You have a nice evening.


yep and throught most of that existence, they have been counter to what the horde is about

once forsaken fans realize that forsaken being in the horde is a square trying to fit into a round hole, then you can fix your race.

Yeah how’d making the Nelves fit in with their mayonnaise human overlords work out for their lore and presentation?

And by the by, Calia wouldn’t make the Forsaken fit in better with Orcs. It’d make them fit in better with humans. And don’t think they need to play with their food to be good Horders.


Ergo the MHP posters on the forums? Why should Blizz catter to that meme base that´s not even Horde based, again?

Don´t waste too much time with Katiera, she´s basically a MHP poster with a FemNelf skin.


Welp. This aged, like it did.


It working fine, I dunno how this is a gotcha moment nelves have always been in a good place and still are, I mean we are getting all this stuff on the ptr, questlines next xpac more storylines, I dont get your point.

I’mma be so mad if their toes are still pointy and poking out of shoes.

That’s the best part. Forsaken claws can punch through actual artifacts.

I just want pants.

I mean if you say so, But here I see tyrande killing nathanos and hunting down sylvanas, and we have a promise of a new city

Nordrassil will become a new Nelf city in the same way they lost Ashenvale and Azshara.

And I’m not going to be happy if they suggest the Forsaken get like Gilneas with the same in game enthusiasm.


i mean sure, but blizzard already said it was gonna be in game, so whatever

you can be salty all you want, but its funny you are trying to bring me down to your level of salt

I’m quite tired and really I think you’ve already been thoroughly addressed in this very thread;


report trolls and move on, darlings…

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You could also put them on ignore.