Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

What I didn’t understand is, why didn’t Sylvannas pursue Mogu Technology when she had the chance.

Think about it. Transfering Forsaken Souls into new, powerful, Stone-Made-Flesh Bodies.

Because as a Forsaken player I can tell you that’d have not gone over well.

This is why I champion Voss. A Forsaken character who accepts themself and finds purpose in Undeath is purpose.

They shouldn’t want to be human again. They’re beyond that. Some may want to be on friendly terms with their human relatives in which case great. But on the whole they should embrace their superior form and want to remake their homeland in that image.

The rightful Queen of Lordaeron following a similar motiff would’ve been grand. Perhaps initially resistant but the moment she sinks her claws into someone she hates and takes a bite she’s into it. And couldve totally taken the Forsaken in that direction

Instead we got what we got. No death metal queen for us. God forbid the story suggest undeath and the utter freedom it brings might be ya know, fun.

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Well, being stone isn’t quite being Human though. Walking Statues in vaguely human shape. Still practically undead, just in bodies that’ll never decay.

It’s like how the Draenei put their souls in Mechanical constructs.

I guess. Forsaken have always had a death metal vibe to them though and I’d like to see the bits of their culture that’s very ‘Graveyard Rammstein concert while candy flipping’ expanded upon.

Afterall they’re hounded by the Scarlet Crusade and for a bit at least the Church of the Holy Light. With Zelling in mind you could have them be this bastion of utter personal freedom for better and worse. Make it seem appealing to your average human.

‘Make them stone men mechs’ is just not a theme I’ve picked up on.

Yeah but that’s sort of metagaming though.

In game-wise, Sylvannas supposedly is searching for Survival/a Future for the Forsaken and that’s certainly would answer that deliema.

Worse case, a sort of Fusion of the two technologies and create Frankenstein type automatons, instead of the abominations they currently use.

Void elves don’t worship the void lol they just use it

The Void tends to use you as much as you use it.

still not worship, and everything uses you, even the light just uses you, life is just pawns in some war in the heavens

I hate that 1 dimensional flanderization over the forsakens traits as well, being a lite scourge and failing to be a threat at all just mock the forsaken more when they could be productive members in this faction and just push futher the idea that they should be kicked out (which honestly might bring more joy to both parts)

Honestly I wouldn’t have mind if Blizzard pulled some concept from the undeads of Dark Souls since you can clearly see they don’t any idea in what direction should move the forsakens.

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Honestly there’s a lot of cool stuff they could do that they just sort of don’t. For example in some of the Forsaken buildings there is Forsaken artwork.

Now I know I’m supposed to take it as a joke. There’s a Forsaken version of the famous Grant Wood painting American Gothic and I get the joke there. Get it, Forsaken Gothic?

Okay funny but we’ve now implied the existence of Forsaken modernist artists. Is there a Frank Loyd Wight running around making these? Can we get any look into the culture of the Forsaken that’s producing unique architecture and art?


Coming back to Lordaeron isn’t going to be a chief concern. The Alliance were routed from Tirisfal Glades, the forward camp gets evacuated and nothing is left but the wandering bones of the restless dead. No-one holds Tirisfal, save for maybe the Horde who occupy the WPL.

The chief concern is ‘trying’ to live in Lordaeron. With it being so thoroughly scoured, I’m not entirely sure this is something even the RAS could fix. Jaina temporarily fixed the problem, by freezing the gas but gas resumes being gas, once it thaws.

I don’t think Calia’ll have any hand in helping them take something that isn’t currently being held by anyone. If we’re lucky, they’ll never use Calia in the story again and she’ll perish to something abrupt and pointless, just like Zelling. If we’re not, we’ll probably see her enter a scene to wax morals while wearing a T shirt that says ‘enemy patsy’.

If diplomacy- based on the premise of good intentions and not at the edge of a sword- has proven that it is no longer an option, Calia would be wasting her time and while she may be naive to this fact, the people she intends to represent would certainly be a bit wiser.

After everything that just happened, if there was any bridge being built there, it’s well and truly burned to nothing now. She can’t fix anything now.

Story reasons aside, my feelings on the matter are pretty straight forward and shared by a grand majority; Calia can go back to her suite in room 404, shared by the other inhabitant; Med’an.

Maybe, but what about derek? he was literally raised to become a weapon and even with that he seems to be accepted by his family (maybe not the common people but i would say that leaders are more important)
And of course then we have the undead nelfs with even tyrande in all her rage was willing to take them back with open arms.

it is true that it cost the alliance a lot of troops but the horde abandoned the place and then it was defeated in arathi, with stromgrade being rebuilded and probably soon gilneas i can see alliance precense increasing in the surrounding areas.

if gilneas can, eventually lordaeron will too. yes, jaina just frozed it temporaly, is not a permanent solution, but it seems like druids will learn a thing or two about cleansing it.

well to be fair this is the second time that the horde does an atrocity and the alliance is willing to just take out the warchief and stop the war right there.

before they not making sure that they can’t do it again while forgiving them for no reason so if we are talking about blizz is not like we have the best past record in regards to learning about recent history.

i do understand why people don’t want her i was just trying to discuss what is going to happen with what blizzard has done so far with her.
because, as opposed to me’dan, She is canon and she is here so we have to deal with that.

It’s abandoned because it’s scoured and uninhabitable, but the Forsaken and Blood Elves still exist in WPL and are right next door to it. Tirisfal is not falling into Alliance hands any time soon.

If the Worgen retake Gilneas, their focus’ll be two pronged in holding both the passage into Hillsbrad from Silverpine and and securing Silverpine proper. With the war that just happened, I cannot feasibly see the Alliance making any expenditures on going into Tirisfal Glades.

The people who want Lordaeron back have been in a particularly bloody battle for it and have 0 interest in talking, judging by the ‘shoot first’ policy of the Scarlet Crusade and by extension, the Alliance.

Derek is a fish out of water, who’s been dead for so long that he doesn’t know what’s going on. Derek also doesn’t bear the baggage of the Forsaken, because he’s not Forsaken in the political sense. He’s ‘an undead guy’. It’s a lot easier for the immediate family to take Derek back, if he expresses himself the way they knew his demeanor.

The same cannot be said for the countrymen that were there for Arthas’ onslaught and then had their friends and family rise up as undead and begin feasting on them. It wasn’t an immediate thing, for the undead to have their free will and by the time they were conscious, the damage was done.

Sufficed to say, too many people have died over the affair and the line between Forsaken and Scourge is blurred to them.

Maybe in the soil. The Fortress itself will take a large amount of time to be rebuilt and it’s unlikely The Undercity will ever return, given that it was an underground establishment that was buried beneath the debris of the top level.

I could see an interest in expanding out of Deathknell, given its walls, its cliff faces that bar passage through traditional travel make for a good place to defend, but Lordaeron proper is donezo.

I don’t think they’re willing to stop the war there, way too much happened. I think they’re forced to stop the war, given how intense the cost of the war is and how unsustainable it’d be to wage it. Unless people decide ‘that war was hellish and I don’t want to relive it’ when it nears party time, there’ll be another go once the losses have been made up for, both economically and in manpower.

Which leads it to the crux of her attempting diplomacy: these people do not want to negotiate and if they do, it’s likely because treachery is planned. These’re the same enemies that bushwacked their diplomats for being undead, the Forsaken War Machine wasn’t made just for the sake of killing things- it’s an answer to a very real threat, in which they have enemies and do not have the luxuries of polite society to enjoy (such as parlaying).

I don’t fault her personally, giving peace a chance is admirable, but the Forsaken situation does not permit second chances on the hope that the opposition is willing to hear them out. It is fight or die for them, doubly so now that they have the added baggage of Sylvanas waging the ‘kill everyone and everything’ war.


Calia hasn’t done enough for me to feel strongly one way or the other about her. I’m not against her conceptually and think if she’d been introduced as someone helping the Forsaken she’d be thought of better.

Seriously could’ve had her turn up helping Forsaken refugees - who are numerous, loudly depressed and miserable even by Forsaken standards and completely ignored by the story. Save for some pass by dialogue that boils down to “Well, this sucks”.

But instead until next patch only the Alliance see or hear of her. Maybe the quest where you speak with her will be better than it’s preview looked but I’m still confused why I’m expected to care. We’re in the shadow of the Forsaken’s ruin decidedly NOT talking about their precarious present or worrisome future. It’s like they’re trying to get me to hate her. And I’m in the Forsaken minority who was at least curious, for the ones already hostile this probably feels like a middle finger.


Technically not true. Playing as Horde, you do get to see and report to Voss about Derek and Calia’s meeting, to which Voss seams VERY interested in. Really want to see how this plays out.

In the current content? Admitably between Classic and the EXP giveaway that is Korrak’s Revenge I haven’t played my main much but I haven’t been prompted to go talk to anyone yet. Or maybe I just didn’t notice.

I like how some alliance players are ignoring that anduin already gave back lordearon to the forsaken

Oh how generous. He gave back a bombed out ruin uninhabitable even by the incredibly low standards of the living dead. Well, at least there’s the countryside he tore a scar right down the middle of.

This is like saying “Your dog’s dead but you can still keep it if you want”.


It was the very last task she gives you before leaving the Boat for good.

Well, that dog was killed by their own leader.
Had Sylvannas not bombed it to oblivion herself in a desperate attempt to win a lost war, Auduin would probably of given it back anyway (much to Genn’s dismay.)


We didn’t blow it up your former leader did lol