Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

I mean, we kinda already did that with the Undercity. That was to be Arthas’s seat of power in Lordaeron the Forsaken just took over. Hence why Naxxaramas resembles it a lot.

Which was fine and all but if we get a new Capitol I’d like it to be in the new Forsaken aesthetic which is nice and distinct from both human and Scourge architecture.


Anything they get will have the same thing happen to it what they did to Tarren Mill.
They’ll rebuild it in their own image (which is actually totally ugly but that’s one reason I don’t play Forsaken.) Which is probably more suitable then Undercity, which was still distinctly Lordaerani, despite the years of remodelling done to it.

Well my hope would be an actual Forsaken city would necessitate more than the 4 styles of buildings that exist.

I like the lab structures and the ‘manor’ would work well as houses. But the inns are super barebones, no pun intended. Now these structures when they first appeared in Northrend made total sense as most Forsaken settlements there were about function. Same with the buildings in Silverpine, Andorhal and Hillsbrad as those were recently conquered.

I was always really bummed the only unique thing Brill had was a stable though. I missed Gallow’s End. I’d have preferred reworked human buildings with gothic spires and more than decorative gargoyles on them. Imagine inns where instead of pine boxes (or manners with just a bed) you had luxurious purple satin coffins and the like.

You could just go nuts with Gothic architecture. The Great Value Tim Burton mad science stuff was fun but there aren’t even chairs for Shadow’s sake. There’s no spot to really hang out.


Another reason I didn’t care for the design. Hated that movie

I really like the spooky fog and the weird Frankenstein esque Lightning Rods. I love the spires and flocks of bats that’s :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: for me.

I’m actually currently given Revendreth the side eye for much the same reason I’ll always thank the Alliance for exterminating the San’Layn in BFA.

Give. The. Forsaken. The. Dracula. Stuff.

I am so in love with that giant palace while simultaneously jealous that’s not what the Forsaken made Capitol City look like. Why cant we have something that looks like it wandered in from Castlevania?

Like the Plaguebat design is just, drool, for me. Not only is it a monstrous winged beast dripplng ichor from it’s fangs but it’s got a coffin inspired pimp saddle and a damn candelabra on the back it’s perfect.


Guess that’s why it never appealed to me. Never liked that hokey, pretentious “monster movie” genre.

Are ya really going to accuse the Forsaken of being pretentious with a Velf avatar?

I’d like to see their stuff. Like a non-euclidean twisting bend to the traditional belf tower but instead of the faberge egg like scarlet dome it’s just a writhing tumor esque horror. Throbbing like a heart with blood orange eyes that manifest and drip off it like egg yolks that dissipate before hitting the ground.

That’s not even me being pithy. The Alliance has Cthulu elves and nothing of interest has come of it yet.


Actually, Draenei are more “Cthulu” then Void elves are. We don’t have tentacle-faces. But I’m not fond of Cthulu-esque horror either.

And I don’t much care for our origin either. But I like to think of it as less “cthulu horror” and more “wonders (and terrors) of the infinite expanse.”

The Void has thus far been described without failing as cosmic horror.

The Draenei may look like Cthulu but they’re all Light worshippers with super vague Islamic and Eastern Christian Orthodox vibes spliced in. That was the twist they look like Tentacle Beard Monsters but really they’re sweethearts ready to give you some space falafel.

The Void elves are however bathed in well, Void. It is the antithesis of Light. It is the antithesis of creation - a ravenous hunger that is the darkness incarnate. It can grant legitimate prophecy but only if you’re able to filter through the constant voiceless whispers that demand you claw out the eye of everyone you love.

There is no wonder in the Void. There aren’t even screams. There isnt air to let the screams happen. Velves are objectively more horrifying than the Forsaken on their worst day but like the Worgen I doubt much will come off it. Tragically.


There’s only horror in the Abyss if you allow it to frighten you.
Only way to win against the Darkness is to not allow it to scare you.

That said, I dont see how the VElves are going to be able to continue in their current state. Much like the Forsaken, it’s a doomed existence if we stay like we are now.

Literally the only encounters you’ve with Velves Red Side is them turning Raptors into horrifying space tentacle raptors. And other such Cthulu nonsense.

But no - you really don’t need to change. Quite the opposite. The Velves are not Helves because the traditional High Elf fantasy is on the Horde. This is also why the Nightborne are distinct from Nelves.

What the Velves need is complex characters capable of good despite their habit of exploding into purple Resident Evil bosses. You can in fact have both.


I like when they summoned a void monster into Vol’dun, which I’m sure the Sethrak and Vulpera really appreciated.


Well, “change” as in we’re potentially unstable.
We’re where Blood Elves were when we first turn to the Fel to feed our addiction.

We need something to “stablize” us, like when the Sunwell was infused with Holy Magic. We need something like that. We need our own Sunwell or Arcan’dor.

Just going to throw it out there that a well of Void magic would have more horrifying consequences than any Blight.

You’re Cthulu worshipping elves who’s saving grace is a WINDRUNNER who claims she’s totally on the level right now and has no ulterior motives.

Just saying, from my own experience as a Forsaken fan, yall are probably in for a rough ride.


Well, not saying a well of VOID so much as, just like how the Sunwell is composed of Fel and Holy, and the Arcan’dor is composed of Arcane and Nature, We need a balancing force; a power that is compatible with Void but can still delude it while stabilizing it. We just need to find the complimenting balancing force to Void.

Strangely enough, it might be Death…

I’m fairly certain the Sunwell after being purified is composed entirely of Arcane and Holy Magics. It never had Fel to my knowledge that was just Belves feeding off demon souls and the like to deal with their addiction as Arcane Anonymous doesn’t exist

And frankly Death magic scares the Void which I like. The undead sort of exist outside of creation so them freaking out the antithesis of it makes sense.

Weirdly I think Fel or Chaos magic might temper Void. It’s the antithesis of order not light. It’s fire, rage, passion, hatred- all that good and terrible stuff. It’s essentially ceaseless noise which counters the silence of the Void.

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Right, right… It was Arcane originally but tainted by Death by Arthas. Holy cleansed the Death and made it Holy/Arcane.

remember this quest

Gives a pretty good layout of complimenting and conflicting magics.
Sadly, I don’t remember the order

Well it’s not a popular opinion but I think the Death Magic could be tempered with Light - which is not it’s antithesis. Life or Nature magic is.

This is why after BtS I was cautiously optimistic for Calia. But it’s been, an expansion and she’s turning up to chastise Voss on how not nice Windy was.

I think she’d be very well received if she started as a hooded WQ giver for the Honorbound in Zuldazar asking you to get stuff for Forsaken refugees. And in Orgrimmar you see this same hooded woman getting them sustenance and shelter in passing scenarios.

But instead we got ya know, well she’s in a field.


That would of been interesting. But I can see a major issue with that.
Would of been way too polarizing if she only gave Quests for the Horde, when Blizzard never intended for her to BE Horde. Horde players probably would of warmly received her but then complain when she WASN’T given to the Horde.

Might of introduced her better but not in anyway that would make both sides happy.

But one thing is for sure. If she is embranced and welcomed within the Alliance, it would completely remove the entire basis on which the Forsaken is… well, “forsaken.”

Who knows what the plan for her was. I figured like a lot of people making a new Dark Lady was logical since it’s so ingrained into the Forsaken culture.

But apparently they didnt even want her to be Calia this was to be a new character so, who knows.

I believe however she couldve been a fun new Forsaken character. And just have her cannibalize someone if people were worried about her not being dark enough. Preferably Gallywix.

Why even have the porcelain skin and white dress if it’s not to make the blood that much more evident?

Seriously imagine a Calia slowly introduced as a savior to the Forsaken working anonymously from the ground level. Who gets to eat the other worthless Horde leader so Gazlowe can step in.