Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

Yes, i understand that.
But wasn’t that one of the reason why some forsakens are still angry at the alliance? because they weren’t accepted by it?
From a storttelling perspective, i don’t see why declining someone who clearly wants to understand them more from another perspective is a bad idea.

Now, from a meta perspective i understand if that basically destroy their fantasy as a race because they would not longer have much of a reason to “hate” the alliance or everyone else because “they don’t accept them as undeads”.

well she explained that it was faol who convinced her after saving her being him undead himself.

yes she abandoned them for years because she was scared or whatever, did she had other choice but to flee from the zombie apocalpsis?.
She is trying to reconnet now. and yes i understand that this is bad for the forsaken fantasy, i am simply discussing story, nothing more.

This. she doesn’t necesarilly needs to lead them to help them.


The darkspear dont even want those isles back, they had a chance to get them back and they refused.

What about the Darkspear Isles being sunken underwater don’t you understand?


Yeah when has that stopped things before?

You’re not wrong, which is why its totally viable for Blizz to just grow another Teldrassil overnight. Its not as if populations actually in WoW. Until Biizz outright comes out at claims a race is essentially extinct, like the Drakaari and Helves … numbers just do not matter.


And even then they’ll probably keep sticking Drakkari and High Elf NPCs around.


Its weird right? Its like they dont want to fully commit? I honestly cannot think of any other “races” Blizz has outright come out and called “effectively extinct” beyond the Drakkari and the Helves … yet they still pop up all over when the plot suits them.

EDIT: Also, gosh darnit I still want to see what Zul’drak would be like in its prime. Like, in terms of outlay it is one of the largest and coolest cities in the game. Even if the place has to get repopulated by non Drakkari trolls, I would love to see it rebuilt.


The Drakkari are kind of bizarre as they technically had one of the most important roles in BFA.

Zul’s minion’s torture the info on how to sacrifice Loa from a Lore Master who chronicled their downfall.

I loved that little throw back. It’s not the most remembered region but I love it since it’s crawling with Undead Argents in positions of authority so it’s a great place to put your Undead with Argent connections in story wise. I’d really thought I might as well be writing about Terrokar Forest for how relevant it’s been until that moment. Delightful throwback.

Though their population seems to be a guy who I think the Alliance kill.


It would be great if Zul’Gurub got converted into a proper capital for the Darkspear. Story wise the Darkspear are working with the Zandalari. Theoretically Talanji has the same power to make such an offer if she wishes and force the dwindling Gurubashi tribe to submit to the now much stronger Darkspear.

It is a pipe dream but it is a pleasant one. I’d honestly say Worgen have a way higher chance of getting Gilneas back than that ever happening.

Well, the Drakkari may be extinct but there are still frost trolls in Dun Morogh. I think it would be a fair compromise to move the dwindling Frostmane and Winteraxe tribes to settle Zul’Drak and begin its reconstruction.

Doesn’t have to be reflected in-game but it’d be nice to at least get a lore tidbit of trolls rebuilding in uncontested lands for once.


If the additional character customization for the Darkspear trolls include Gurubashi type customization, that could already be implied to be the case.

Gurubashi and Darkspear are the same breed of troll. We already have Jungle Troll options.

It’d be nice to get a lore confirmation to that effect though.

The new options we’re getting are sand troll and dark troll. Dark troll being… An odd choice considering they’re supposed to be extinct with only one remaining member.


If the Shatterspear can come back, so can the Dark Trolls.

Honestly it is kind of weird there is a dark troll left in general. We already got dark trolls as a playable race. They’re called night elves.


Hahaha, true, but we also saw Dark Trolls in Warcraft III along with the Night Elves.

True. I guess it isn’t too hard to believe that there are still some out there somewhere. Azeroth is a much bigger place than we see in-game.

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In my experience every Troll guild I’ve encountered uses the uninstanced ZG for RP stuff anyways they might as well just make it canon.

Honest to God this post probably wouldnt exist if they made uninstanced Strathome accessible. Seriously with UC gone everything Forsaksb in the EKs is phased to hell and back with quest content stuff. My options are the Sepulcher or the uninstanced Shadowfang Courtyard if I’m feeling fancy.


It is annoying we can’t fly over Stratholme on the overworld.


There’s also Scholomance and Andorhal (as new starter town).

Or the Scarlett Enclave. I know it’s suppose to be be for Death Knights but still…

Well Scholomance is the Caer Darrow manor turned into the school of the damned. Fun fact it’s name is lifted wholesale from Romanian folklore.

And yeah there’s the whole Enclave and Tyr’s Hand ripe for settlement though there may be some real estate ownership disputes with the Argents there.

Something sort of poetic about the Forsaken claiming the city of their once most hated enemy.

And I don’t seen to much issue is that’s what they use Calia for: A liaison between the Forsaken and Light’s Hope.