Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

He did? What did he say?

Have you done the fight they know what’s going on we are trying to stop her

My bad it was Talanji. Those quests kinda bleed together in my mind.

" And if any shadowy weapons ask you to do favors for dem in de future… I suggest you decline"

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So have the Worgen.


The Worgen have lost their replacement home once, and it was never intended to be a long term solution. The Goal was always to reclaim their original Home, which unlike the Darkspear … they have an option to get back; and honestly would have back already if Blizz weren’t so insufferably lazy. The Darkspear lost their ancestral home permanently, and lost their replacement home twice.

and how do you know that?
are you infiltrated in blizzard? :male_detective:

Because the Darkspear Isles are gone, they aren’t coming back. They sunk beneath the waves after the survivors were forced to evacuate. Hell, the Darkspear actually lose their spiritual leader Sen’jin with the loss of their ancestral home. Losing leaders tends to be something Alliance races are extremely resistant to; regardless of what tragedy befalls them.

As for Gilneas, I am still scratching my friggen head how they are going to justify giving the Forsaken ANY of their lands back; beyond “cuz they have to get them back”. Gilneas is ripe for the reclaiming if Blizz would just invest in that story; just as Gnomergon is.


The Worgen probably got the deepest dicking tbh.

From the start they had a “Welp, we didn’t know what to give the Alliance” feel. Seriously Worgen are conceptually cool but they were a throw away monster mob for level 20 somethings. Felt out of left field from the world go.

Then the Battle of Gilneas was going to be the next EBG. A metropolitan AV esque thing only with street and building to building fighting. This went terrible in play testing and all we got was the AB alike. So the most interesting plans for Gilneas were scrapped out the gate. Hence why the place is an anomaly now. It’s either held by the Alliance, held by the Horde, contested or too ruined to be inhabited. It’s Schrodinger’s Zone.

And their lore has remained just - lame. I guess that’s a subjective opinion but believe it or not when I first came back I rolled a Worgen first. Hey hadn’t played in ages let’s try a (to me) utterly new race on the Blue side. Lost me when the Nelves turn up and magic away the most interesting part of the race.

And from there they just morphed into Oy Govnuh Stormwindians with Fursonas and top hats. Bleh. Starts out dripping in dark Victorian atmosphere and is so set to be the Alliance’s horror answer to the Forsaken but they’re never allowed to do that. Even their leader loathes his Worgen form.

However all of that seems to stem from Blizzard having zero idea what to do with them from minute one. The Darkspear and Trolls in general on the otherhand have been a big part of Warcraft lore for a very long time. Nothing outside dungeons and raids came of them. And now we’ve the Zandalari who, to be clear I love, but they just totally steal the Darkspear’s thunder. I suspect Darkspear fans will just have to make due with their stuff for the foreseeable future.

And that’s what worries me moving forward. Blizz seems to have zero idea what to do with the Forsaken with Windy gone and that is an extremely precarious place to be in.


To be fair, so did the Broken Isles.

at least you are lucky and those weren’t lost at the other faction.
and they can always find a new home.
and we know that some people have the power to raise them back. it is possible.

well now that we are predicting the future, i predict that the forsakens will retake lordaeron thanks to calia. the alliance would most likely leave her alone.

i think that one of the issues with worgen lore is that we are too dependent on one character, thats genn. (probably like the forsakens with sylvanas).
He represents the “angry worgen” but is not like he had a big character arc.
in fact, he barely shows up in BfA.

Then we have blizzard using tess wanting to take the course to understand her people… only to say that nah she doesn’t want it because our heritage is not being worgen!

And of course the horrible heritage set.
How can you do something victorian so bad? who the hell knows.

this is something consistent from blizzard they often don’t even know what to do with some characters.

I remember hearing in an interview that they literally didn’t know what to do with tyrande, so they decided to give her the night warrior ritual that was supposed to be maiev. but it was changed last minute :upside_down_face:


So you’re saying that in order to get their lands back everything about the Forsaken Racial Fantasy needs to be destroyed for “Gone Out For Smokes” Mom? Sounds about right. They lost everything else, so might as well have the woman that abandoned them 15 years ago come in and “Human Potential” them up. :smiley:


Vol’jin went to a meeting where the Zandalari were offering to get Zul’Gurub and all the lands back. Vol’jin said the “Da Horde is my people. If it be war ya bring, den I stand against you.”


Conceptually the idea of someone who’s still, at their core, human but has to live with a remorseless and predatory urge is so ripe for storytelling.

But instead the Nelves turn up and nah you’re good. You’re no longer a creature of the night who longs to stalk unwary travelers on lonely moonlit roads. In fact you can just poof back to human whenever.

Oh, gee, thanks Nelves things were in danger of becoming intriguing for a second there.


i am just saying that the possibility is there.
hell i can see calia vouching for them with the alliance while not necessarily being their leader, does that sounds impossible?.

i guess that all characters have made mistakes or have things that they regret.

because well, if they do retain their “racial fantasy” thats fair, i don’t see a scenario where they return to lordaeron and not being attacked by alliance. because it would not make any sense that they simply let them.
but of course we are talking about ghandi incarnated anduin, they probably can.

i believe that they tried to portray this struggle only that they did a poor job at it while at the same time, more important matters needed attention.
such as, anduin anduinizing genn about forsakens and “#notallforsakens”.

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I’m more worried either Calia and some LForged Undead or some other undead allied race to be seen in SL will do the Zandalari thing of,

“Hey we put a lot more work into a race similar to yours. We also made their stuff objectively cooler, their racials hilariously superior and generally speaking most mogs work better on them too. You’re welcome for us expanding on your race’s cousin’s lore”.


I think the Allied Races are done for now, given the work they’re putting into character customization for now instead.

My problem with Calia is very simple.

I hate the idea of simply replacing one cult of personality with another. Even if Calia is more genuinely caring for them than Sylvie was, its still a very creepy concept to follow through with. On top of this, Calia has the barest understanding of what it even means to be an undead; and she sure as hell doesn’t understand what it means to be Forsaken. She, by her very nature, invalidates 15 years of lore and history of the Forsaken; purely out of Divine Right to Rule.

It also sort of bothers me to no end that she decided she needed to jump into the deep end and reconnect with her dead people she abandoned; when she hasn’t even tried to reconnect with the far easier “still living” ones yet.


They already said Calia isn’t joining the Horde.

Etheldald’s idea is simply that she vouches for them to Anduin to leave them their lands back, not that she gets involved with them further.

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I mean the Forsaken and Nelves don’t have one yet. And there’s Ardenweald for ya’ll so, who knows. I would not put it past Blizz to just try to replace either with more interesting stuff found there.

Aren’t the NE AR the NBs? They just ended up on the opposing faction? Its the same thing with the VEs and the BEs right? I know the Forsaken are certainly still lacking in an equivalent AR … and its either the Worgen or SW Humans that are missing theirs on the Alliance. I am still uncertain what of the two “Human” groups the Kul Tirans are meant to be the AR for.