Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

I meant Mists of Pandaria, since people like to say it was Garrosh that ordered the invasion of Gilneas.

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Revenge for his son, but not for their country.

To be fair, the the story arc in WC3 ends with the Horde marching into Theramore and executing Daelin Proudmoore.


Why though?

And plenty of people have made that prediction… But for some reason, you make the same connection with Bwonsamdi, and everyone loses it.

Music sounded heroic. And Steve Danuser and Terran Gregory during the Story and Lore Developer Live Stream painted it all as pretty heroic at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhpGvgXyi-U&t=38m43s :

    Steve Danuser: We have this transformation of Tyrande, that energy that she's calling upon, this dark side of Elune, how that infuses the other Night Elves in the warfront, hey, why not give that, as an option, to players. Allow them to tap into that power as well.
    Terran Gregory: Character customization, yes.
    Steve Danuser: Character customization.
    Terran Gregory: And a lot of people were interested online in how exactly the players came to have the black eyes.
    Steve Danuser: It is.
    Terran Gregory: The darkened eyes.
    Steve Danuser: Yes, the darkened eyes. And I think that speaks to the power of that ritual. This ancient ritual that Tyrande taps into - again, sorry, spoilers, but - Tyrande taps into that ritual, that calling upon- it's not even calling upon, she's demanding, she's like, "Give me this power. You turned your back on us, as those 'so-and-so's' took our home from us. Now you owe us. Give me this power." And that so infused her that it could change those Elves. So we wanted to give players that opportunity, to say, "You know what, I'm part of that, too. I stand with Tyrande," and show that off in their characters.

This feels like “Who will burn Teldrassil?” all over again.

It’s Sylvanas. It’s always Sylvanas.

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That seems like an arbitrary distinction. His son died in defense of their country. So what does he want now? Second revenge?

Also you can’t deny that it was a great cinematic, at the very least. I don’t even like Genn but it dang did I enjoy watching him ruin Sylvanas’ day.

Yah, that’s fair. At least we can say the perpetrator of the ordeal is dead.


Oh I definitely thought it was a great ciematic. I definitely started off Stormheim watching the Skyfire be destroyed as going “Genn, you stupid old man!” but then was cheering for him at the end.


What is Sylvanas’s true face though? What was revealed about her? That she’s even morer evilerer?

Same. I might not approve of his initial attacks in Stormheim but I was on board with it once we got to the actual Eyir enslavement.

Plus as a general werewolf fan his introduction there was exciting. The first time worgen came across as the “horror monster” of the Alliance.


oh, i don’t know, maybe kill her?.

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Will probably happen next expansion. Dunno if it will be him specifically but I doubt Sylvanas is going to stick around after this Jailer stuff is over.

At least I hope not.


These were other whispers that accompanied that one in the Uu’nat fight back in 8.1.5:

    N’Zoth whispers: The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.

    N’Zoth whispers: When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away.

    N’Zoth whispers: The veil wanes. His crown will open the way.

So, yes, revealing that she was even more evilerer, and going to break the boundary to the Shadowlands.

yes he needs to get in line. probably it will be tyrande.

Maybe we’ll pull a Jon Snow situation. Form a literal line of revenge and let Genn, Tyrande, and Vol’jin take turns stabbing her.


It doesn’t seem like much a reveal though. Especially if the fall of night (which would be the fall of the night elves?) already occurred. He said a bunch of other stuff too.

N’Zoth whispers: She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.
N’Zoth whispers: Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.
N’Zoth whispers: The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.
N’Zoth whispers: He gave himself to the deep places. He gave himself to me.
N’Zoth whispers: I alone can save you from what is to come.
N’Zoth whispers: It grows hungrier… bolder. Alas, your eyes are closed.

The last two I bet were about Sylvanas and her spooky friend but the others might be something else. Il’gynoth’s whispers jump around between different subjects.

As long as it’s not just Vol’jin, Justice for Thrall style.


N’Zoth was perhaps more consistent:

    N’Zoth whispers: She is not the last, but the first. Drown her and you will see.
    N’Zoth whispers: The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.

These two were probably talking about Azshara (and the second one talking about Sylvanas as well).

    N’Zoth whispers: Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.

This one probably was talking about the Horde and Sylvanas’s rule over it.

    N’Zoth whispers: He gave himself to the deep places. He gave himself to me.

But this one randomly was about Deathwing, yeah. Though, that does show up in 8.3 with N’Zoth’s minions trying to corrupt Wrathion while taunting him about having done so to his father.

I’m not sure who other than Windrunner Ogmot could be referring to as well,

"Today smoke rises up from da campfire. Smoke tells Ogmot good story.

Ogmot sees lady wrapped in dark swirlies. She leads herd of blind sheep.

Da sheepies follow her everplace she go. Do everthin she say. Never doubt lady.

She guide dem over tall cliff! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Stupid sheepies!

Da crows get fat eatin da sheepflesh. Da lady laugh as crows eat!

Ogmot laugh too!"

I mean I figured it was Windy when I first read it but I thought maybe that’s what they wanted me to think. Was keeping an eye on Talanji and Jania in the hopes maybe Blizz would do something unexpected but no the scary dark prophecies refer to the scary dark lady. What a mystery for the ages.

Guess we’re still waiting on the Hour of her Third Death bit though. Windrunner has died three times already. Unless they abruptly decide Silverpine doesnt count which wouldn’t exactly surprise me.


I don’t think we’re going to see any payoff on this, since no one needed to die a third time for N’Zoth to be freed. Reaching for a stretch, it was Azeroth herself, in his kind of logic:

    In my lifetime, I have twice witness a sundering of the world. Mother moon, I pray I do not see a third.

Since it was ultimately Azerite that freed N’Zoth.


N’Zoth’s whole release was strange. Azshara’s boss room is dripping with Titan construct stuff and we see the same astral chains from Ulduar in the background.

"So, uh, guys nobody else finding it weird Azshara decided to fight in a room that’s at least decorated like an Old God containment site. Anyone want to retreat and think about this approach harder? "

I wouldn’t harp but ghost Vol’Jin just chastised me for listening to Xal’Atath without question. Which, frankly, does make some sense if you’re a Priest and have grounds to trust her somewhat.

She’s just misunderstood I can change her, you don’t know her like I do!