Why A Forsaken Player Is Frustrated

There is a lot more after that… It’s all outlined on Vol’jin’s Wowpedia page.

Lying doesn’t add up. He directly sends us on a series of quests that leads us to the revelation that something killed Vol’jin and put Sylvanas on the warchief throne. This is actively working against the Jailer’s interests. If Bwonsamdi had not said anything nobody would’ve gone through with the investigation and Vol’jin’s soul wouldn’t have been found.

Him being the Jailer’s puppet also still doesn’t line up with his views on balance and the fact the other death entities, while not exactly liking him, do not treat him as a hostile, dangerous force working with the being trying to destroy the afterlife cycle.

Bwonsamdi was absolutely playing Rastakhan dirty. Bwonsamdi is no angel and has very selfish ambitions. But that doesn’t mean he’s working for the ultimate evil that is trying to bring an end to the cycle of life and death. A cycle Bwonsamdi himself benefits from as the troll spirit guide.

It is a big leap to assume Bwonsamdi is working with the Jailor. This theory requires that we ignore a lot of what Bwonsamdi has said and assume they are all lies, as well as assumes the Jailor would be fine with Bwonsamdi sitting on a huge cache of souls that he could be using to fuel himself.


Yeah. Just realized I need to be exalted. I’m not yet.

I don’t think it’s a leap at all… I think it makes total sense, but people who desperately want Bwonsamdi to be a good guy are going to make whatever excuses they want.

If that were the case, Bwonsamdi wouldn’t have been surprised and panicked at finding he had “lost” Vol’jin’s soul, or worried about what his “boss” would say about it. The transaction would already have happened, and/or Bwon would just say “Oh well, I guess the boss took him.”

This doesn’t mean they won’t retcon it if they feel like it, though.


Let me answer you that with blue lens.
The forsakens consistently are portrayed as evil monsters who destroy things that you like, and even goes a little more further and steals characters and turn them into theirs.
have you seen how they are portrayed in the alliance side? we have belmont being an evil bastard who enjoys destroying the land in darkshore, after teldrassil with the wound open.
we have another one torturing an innocent woman just for the sake of it.

Don’t be surprised if people don’t have sympathy towards the forsakens race, that isn’t your fault, is blizzard’s.
except for those who likes to be edgy and posting inflamatory things to the other side. in my experience, that kind of people makes me lose sympathy towards that race and i just return the favor. accepting our place as antagonists.

don’t get me wrong i do simpathize with your post,i understand that blizzard destroys your stuff, lose characters and not being “allowed” to get upset because their race are the villains and “deserve it” must be a tough spot. i am just at the other side of the fence.


Not if someone OTHER then Bwonsamdi or his boss took him. If Bwonsamdi was suppose to take Vol’jin, then of course he’s be surprised. Because that was Bwonsamdi’s job, to deliver Vol’jin’s soul to his boss. He’s be just as surprised if his “boss” took him because that wasn’t the plan (assuming his boss had that power.)

Okay, but I thought your idea was that the Jailer was the one who was getting the extra souls? Or did I misread that?

Yeah, I meant that Bwonsamdi has a deal in which he gets all the souls he wants but his Boss gets first dibs on the more powerful ones.

When I’ve done the quest I got the impression that Bwonsamdhi was worried that he would be in trouble from his boss because he had misplaced a soul - that he had failed to perform his assigned duties.

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He also clearly had some history with Rastakhan. We didn’t know the guy long but he did not strike me as terribly intelligent. I kinda got the vibe he’d skirted by certain death countless times because that’s the sorta thing you can just do when you’ve Godzilla on speed dial to scare off the Grim Reaper.

He tries to encourage Talanji to bring him Windrunner’s head but honestly so many people want that already he needs to get in a line.


More so we don’t want more Troll lore to get spit on. And no … no one is suggesting Bwon is a “Good Guy”, he’s just not a “Bad Guy”. Bwon has an especially rich backstory with Troll-kind. He is one of the oldest entities known on Azeroth, and he claims to even predate Troll’s as a species. His relationship with the Darkspear also does effectively does make him their Elune; which means the villain batting of him would be the equivalent of villain batting Elune for the NEs.

But, who am I talking to? The NEs are the “most hated PC race right” … but only because Trolls don’t actually matter NE players that make this argument. There is no more brutalized PC race in this game than the Darkspear, so the idea of hitting a Troll lore staple like Bwon with a needless villain bat … would simply continue and enforce that reality. Though, the Forsaken aren’t looking so hot these days either; losing their lands, most developed characters, and racial fantasy all in one go.


All of the Loa but Bwonsamdi in particular has just been the highlight of this expansion. Even if his “You again? So soon?” comments grate when you’re being camped. Villain bating him would just be trashing a fun character.

I do think he’d make for a fun fight though. The guy who’s got all the Troll souls on tap sounds like a hell of a raid boss. But that doesn’t mean he has to be evil nor do we’ve to vanquish him. Hell so far in BFA we’ve killed maybe one of the final bosses but I’m not even sure if G’hunn can die.

He was like a Kirkland brand Old God though so maybe he doesn’t come back I’ve no idea.


Bwon is the closest thing to a true neutral character we’ve seen in WoW in ages. He will toy with the living, but that’s because he can. His duty is not to the living after all. However, he’s never been shown as anything more than diligent in his work as caretaker of the dead; even if its because of his own personal motivations and due to his extremely possessive nature. Its part of the reason I find it absurd that he’d just allow such a devoted follower of his get taken away from him willingly; regardless of who his boss is. Its also why I find it needlessly complex if Vol’jin was abducted to de Otherside by the person that orchastrated his death; when de Otherside was Vol’jin’s promised afterlife. It was not a negative to him … it was his reward at the end of a life of service.


I don’t think they’re going to kill Bwonsamdi. That seems about as paranoid as thinking they’re going to kill Tyrande.

Given that Bwonsamdi sends the Horde player to help Vol’jin figure out who took him, it seems unlikely that he is working for either the Jailer or the Arbiter.

Worst case scenario, if Bwonsamdi was trying to root out if any of the other death related characters were working with the Arbiter to undermine the Jailer’s plots. But, honestly, most likely The Other Side dungeon probably won’t have anything to do with the main story, and just be a fun dungeon for the sake of a fun dungeon.


It is one of the locals I’ve most wanted to visit. Long story short, I don’t think Bwon’s boss is the Jailor. He genuinely seems to hold nothing but contempt for Sylvie, and her actions. He’s also far older than any of this apparent crazyness occuring within the Shadowlands.

The real questions are … who is his boss? And who was the soul he allowed to escape ages ago?

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Well, the Night Elves have some bad news. Take it from experience.


Aside from the Kaldorei. And Gnomes. And Worgen.

It only makes sense if you completely disregard all of Bwonsamdi’s dialogue wholesale, which is what makes it a reach.

It could still happen of course. Blizzard can and will villain bat anyone or anything they want. But right now, with the information we have, Bwonsamdi working for the Jailer just doesn’t make any sense.

Yah, Bwonsamdi was pretty explicit in that he wanted Rastakhan dead so he could finally claim his soul. The souls of kings and queens seem to be a special prize he is after and Rezan had been denying Rastakhan’s death for centuries.

It is also why he was so keen on getting Vol’jin’s soul and part of why he asked Talanji to kill Sylvanas. Bwonsamdi really, really wants the soul of a warchief but Vol’jin’s spirit was whisked away from him and Sylvanas bailed on her seat before anyone could kill her.


They gutted and destroyed Night Elves so it’s only fair that the Forsaken feel the same. Even though I don’t feel like it was the same treatment but that’s another discussion to be had. At least there is Classic WoW where the Forsaken are actually cool. I think they’ve been ruined ever since Cataclysm.

The Friggen Darkspear have lost their REPLACEMENT Home twice! They will never get the Darkspear Isles back. They will never be allowed vengeance against the Kul Tirans. Their only developed character was killed by trash mob, after having the Warchief title he earned completely squandered. Which rendered the Darkspear without leadership, and completely irrelevant, for 3 1/2 years. Despite all the hyperbole about how bad the NEs have it … the Darkspear have been everywhere they’ve been long before them … and worse.