Why’s they add a race no one asked for?

A dragon-type race has been requested for years. New to the forums, I guess?

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Well, they do tend to live in caves so maybe we all just missed the magically hidden one way portals at the back of those caves that lead from the hidden Ogreland where the woman and children live in peace and prosperity because, after using the not-too-bright and overly-aggressive males for stud, the females keep sending them to our lands to work out their issues and, hopefully, develop a few braincells :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:.

Hey, I now have headcanon for why we never see female ogres!

I always find it odd when people act like things haven’t been asked for or talked about, or only their opinion matters.
I have zero interest in ogres, naga, tuskarr, sethrak, but I would never say NO to them, because others do want then.
I personally want Saberon more than any other race to become playable, and was really hoping they would be another “lost” race on the Islands, along with the Gnolls and Tuskarr, but sadly that seems unlikely. I’ve talked about wanting some form of playable dragon race for many years as well. Are the Dracthyr exactly what I asked for? Nah, but I’ll still make one or two, and if I like the way they play, I’ll be happy, enough. Maybe. No way to say this early, I need to see more customizations and play them a bit.

So yeah, people have asked for some form of playable dragon for many many years, but it’s kind of like if you aren’t interested in something you maybe don’t pay much attention to it, so you scroll past the posts or comments because you didn’t care about the idea. Who knows. I’m interested, that’s all I can say this early on. /shrug


Or could be the normal game trope where the scale of the world isnt what we see. Distance is warped (something that would take us weeks to get to takes mins) and we only see what’s relevant to us.

Would explain why the towns are so small and why we dont “see” stuff that should be there, like female ogres. That or we are to blind to tell the differences, lol. Or they just add females with the males when they become playable

I’ll point you to this thread:

I’ll also say the Sethrak aren’t as unaligned as you say. They are part of Zandalar and are even present at Talanji’s coronation to leader of the Zandalari. The trolls of all backgrounds also pray to Sethrallis the Serpent Loa. Also they are quite plentiful as we see many at the temple, around the temple, all over Vol’dun, and we know they have cities beneath the dunes.

So… Add sethrak! :snake::snake::snake:

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Same. Dracthyr look so dumb.

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Not my personal counter-argument with this; but so are the Vulpera. Yet we got them over Sethrak. Ultimately this all could be moreso avoided with more of what’s being done in Dragonflight; a race allowed to pick its allegiance; like how a faction should work.

My key annoyance with factions and races is take Void Elves for a small, yet prime example; due to player complaining, they can now be skinned as High Elves; however, as mentioned through Blood Elven history as of recent, they too are now back to their heritage; without the dependency on Mana; but are still restricted to the Horde due to their relevance to their leader.

Genn Greymane is holding the Alliance back from there being a unified faction (As well as Horde leaders doing the same, but more on that, “News at 11!”).

I think it would be healthy for WoW’s future lifespan to remove factional segregation; aside from Reputations. PvP/BG’s can be just as Red vs Blue, but just remove their…“Inlaid lore references” as to “Why Warsong Gulch”. I feel the timeskip WoW is now, there’s no WAY we are still fighting over Warsong. Resources sure (because that’s a tie to realistic ideals outside the game), but…I’ve gone a bit off track.

I still side with “Enjoy with what you’ve been given, not remorse over what you’ve not”.

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I think the Dracthyr are cool. I’m excited to play one (cause it has a ranged spec and I only pewpew from far away). I never asked for a Dracthyr cause I never thought of draggo races being an option. I’d have asked for them if I’d known it was a thing.

I also like their models as they are. The animations and design look great to me. I however hope they still add more options, because options are always good and I recognize there are people who aren’t happy.

From a voidelf looking like a budget bloodelf.


What’s ironic? People have asked for High Elves for eons. Since before Blood Elves. Void Elves are Blizzard adding High Elves without causing BE players to go into a meltdown.

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When I first glanced at the OP, I thought it was a belf. Wasn’t until Rash pointed out it was a velf that I seen.


Voidelves were added in legion. Options for “highelves” came in shadowlands. So they were not added for that.

Only if you believe Blizzard never plan anything.

I like what you did there haha.

I’m honestly happy with any/all. I have characters of each Alliance race/sub race that I cycle through.

More options please Blizz, I can never have enough! :smiley:

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Everyone is in here talking about how people have wanted playable dragons. Fine. Sure. I guess.

But Are Dracthyr what they wanted…? At all? I’d bet not. I still don’t even know what they are, why they’d even want to join either faction, etc. they feel made up on the spot just so they could use existing player rigs for least effort.

Yeah, I don’t play non Goblins so it doesn’t matter to me. They just look stupid and half baked and only people desperate will play one.

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Of course people didn’t ask for playable Dracthyr. Up until a few days ago no one knew playable Dracthyr were even a thing. Can’t exactly know whether you’d want something or not before the thing even exists.

On the other hand, all of the other races you’ve named have already been released, which is what made it possible for players to ask for playable versions of those races.

Created by Neltharion before he went mad and became Deathwing .

THere is a difference . This was done when he was the Earth Warder and not the destroyer of worlds .

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Void Elves are high elves as are Blood Elves in the Horde .

You got what you wanted but like the rest of the helfer crowd won’t be happy until Blizz gives you everything from the Blood elves and completely destroying their identity .